Boro Park: Democrat NYS Senator Parker Tells GOP Legislative Aide to “Kill Yourself!”, Has Violent History

A New York state senator with a long history of violence (see below) has apologized for what he called a “poor choice of words” after sending a tweet to a legislative staffer urging her to kill herself.

Democrat Kevin Parker’s Tuesday morning tweet to Republican Senate aide Candice Giove consisted of only two words: “Kill yourself!” It came after Giove took to Twitter to accuse Parker of misusing a Senate parking placard in Manhattan.

Parker deleted the tweet, but not before screenshots of the abusive message were circulated on Twitter. Parker later tweeted an apology to Giove:

“I used a poor choice of words,” he wrote. “Suicide is a serious thing and and (sic) should not be made light of.”

First elected in 2002, Senator Parker represents most of Flatbush & Boro Park. He was endorsed by NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind over Simcha Felder. Parker won re-election last month and was recently named the incoming chairman of the Senate Energy Committee.

Commenters on Twitter quickly condemned the remarks, with some urging Parker to resign.

The Senate’s incoming leader, Democrat Andrea Stewart-Cousins, released a statement welcoming Parker’s apology.

“I was disappointed in Senator Parker’s tweet,” Stewart-Cousins wrote. “Suicide is a serious issue and should not be joked about in this manner. I am glad that he has apologized.”

Giove is a spokeswoman for the Senate’s Republican conference. The Senate’s Republican leader, Long Island Sen. John Flanagan, called on Parker’s Democratic colleagues to “reprimand” him for the comments.

“There is simply no place for discourse like this in politics, in government, or anywhere,” Flanagan said.


2005: Parker was arrested on charges of punching a traffic agent who was writing him a ticket. The charges were dropped after Parker agreed to take an anger management class.

2008: Aide accused Parker of shouting at her, shoving her and intentionally stomping on her eyeglasses.

May 2009: Parker was indicted on assault and other charges after being accused of attacking a New York Post photographer who took his picture. Parker allegedly broke the camera and damaged the photographer’s car.

June 2009: Attorney John Conway, 59, said he was on the Senate floor when Parker sought to disrupt a GOP-controlled proceeding that Democrats considered illegal.

“He said to me, ‘What are you looking at, punk? Do you know who I am and don’t you read the newspaper, punk?’” said Conway.

2010: Parker cursed at fellow Sen. Diane Savino (D-Staten Island) during a closed door Democratic conference meeting.

April 2010: Parker went on a nearly two minute tirade against a Republican colleague, accusing him of being a racist.  Parker also accused Albany politicians – Republicans and some fellow Democrats – of being white supremacists.

May 2010: NY Post claims Parker created a do-nothing Brooklyn charity, and used most of the $18,750 in taxpayer funds he steered to it to hire the brother of his chief-of-staff as a “planning consultant.”

(AP / YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Pity Senator Parker never had the opportunity to be educated in Mrs. Santo’s classroom… clearly the man has no respect for himself… that dangling participle on the end of his sentence doesn’t look too good on a grown man and law maker either..

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