Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Calls For Increased Tefillah This Asara B’Teves in Light of Attack on Yeshivas

The State of New York has published new guidelines to ensure that nonpublic schools, including Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs, provide an education that is “substantially equivalent” to that of the public schools.

What this means is that every single Cheder, Yeshiva Ketanah, Yeshiva Gedolah and Bais Yaakov, from elementary through high school, has to meet specific government standards about what they teach and how long they teach it for.

The guidelines represent an unacceptable government intrusion into the autonomy of our mosdos. It should be up to the Vaad HaChinuch of each yeshiva, or the Moreh Hora’ah for the Kehillah with which that yeshiva is affiliated, to decide what our children learn.

In recognition of the seriousness of this challenge, the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah are asking all shuls to be marbeh b’tfillah and amiras Tehillim at Minchah, this Tuesday, Asarah B’Teves.

May the zechus of the tefillas rabim help in averting this gezeirah.


SHOCK: New NYS Guidelines Require Yeshiva Elementary Schools to Teach AT LEAST 6 HOURS A DAY of Secular Studies

TROUBLE FOR NY YESHIVAS: Schools Could Face Pressure Under New Rules

Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Joel DECLARES WAR Against NYS Education Department [FULL AUDIO CLIP]

READ THIS: HaRav Yaakov Bender Slams NY Times Over Anti-Yeshiva Article Following New NYS Education Policy

YWN Speaks Up, The New York Times Backs Down – But Look What They Did Instead

HOW NYS BLATANTLY LIED: New York State Promised Yeshivas STEM Funding, Instead They Gave Them Regulations

WATCH: Member Of Moetzes, HaRav Elya Brudny Describes Threat To Chinuch With NYS Education Policy

WATCH: HaRav Yisroel Reisman Describes Threat To NYS Chinuch As DRACONIAN, OUTRAGEOUS, & IMMEDIATE

NOW THIS: Yeshiva of Flatbush BLASTS NY Times Over Photo; Demands Retraction & Apology

UNPRECEDENTED: HaRav Elya Brudny & HaRav Yisroel Reisman Write Joint Op-Ed In WSJ About New Yeshiva Curriculum Guidelines

DISRESPECTFUL: Roshei Yeshiva Met With NYS Education Commissioner; Were Given Assurances, AND THEN IGNORED

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. Obviously, HKB”H does not want the education and up-bringing of our children to be under the current Yeshiva system. The current system is comprised of many private business enterprises, we call Yeshivas. Each Yeshiva accepts only those boys or girls, who they feel will enhance the image of their Yeshiva in relation to their competitors, the other Yeshivas.
    To reach that selfish goal, the Yeshivas will split up a close friendship of a group of boys or girls at the age of 13 or 14, by accepting 15 of them, and casting away 3 others. The Yeshiva can not be bothered with the well-being of those thrown-away 3 kids, because the Yeshiva is busy running a lucrative business.
    We were all desperate for change, and HKB”H works in miraculous ways.

  2. That there are complaints about the yeshivos’ administration is a totally separate issue.

    The issue here is whether Jews in New York City are allowed by the government to raise their children as Jews, or will be required, as a condition for living in New York, to raise them as seculars. If the anti-Torah camps wins in New York, one can assume they will try in all the other “blue” (uber-secular) states, and perhaps even nationally (if the Democrats manage to get control of the Federal government).

  3. Thank you and now please please lets fight Abuse let stop Cover ups and no more turning a blind eye on Abuse
    lets REALLY protect our children!!

  4. DavidtheKanoi: In the UK there are no constitutional rights. If you don’t like an action by the government, your only remedy is to ask the government to change it. If the UK government decided (for a second time) to expel all Jews, it would be lawful. In the USA a variety of constitutional provisions protect Jews, and New York is challenging them head on.

  5. Its not an “either/or” choice. The NYS educational bureaucrats have clearly over-reached in response to statistics showing a growing percentage of graduates of yiddeshe mosdos dysfunctional in secular subjects. Their response is to mandate a clearly impossible number of weekly hours of instruction in those subjects. I suspect that lowering the level of hyperbole and lower key communications with the Governor’s office will yield more successful results than “declaring war” on the bureaucracy.

  6. Bh we have seen the satmar rebbe start the “war” rolling. But it seems rav reisman and rav brodny and aguda acting Alone. Perhaps not giving a minimal secular bjt kosher education in some specific schools not representative of the rest caused tsaros for the rest of us. For Torah education we must act loud and clear. But we may insist for also fighting on their behalf we should insist satmar include in their curriculum ahavas kal yisroel, the gravity of rodef 6 million yisroel, and the concept of hakaras hatov to soldiers being mishtadail to protect millions of yidden, and the gravity of machlokes and sinas chinum

  7. To Benk So you have an agenda against Satmar. Your comments have no place in this discussion. You may not agree with the Satmar rebbes Shita, but there is one thing any one who who remembers him says “his ahvas yisroel was beyond imaginable.” Now getting back to our topic. Mr. Moster and his ilk opened a can of worms. In his lawsuit he singled out 30 plus yeshivos. He had a vendetta and an agenda against chasidisher yeshivos. Having been a product of the chasidisher system he knew good and well that he wasn’t going to change anything for the simple reason the problem isn’t really the yeshiva its the home. A child who speaks Yiddish for 22 hours a day four days a week, the other days its 24 hours will not be able to communicate properly in English even if the yeshiva adds hours of secular studies. Now that the DOE is involved we seee their true colors. To them a jew is a jew is a jew. There is no difference to them between Ramaz and Satmar. This was proven with the pictures the NYT placed in the article about our eduction. The DOE agenda is to teach the new three Rs. R-evolution (against Hshem) Religion and culture (e.g. black history month) and Rights – especially gay and animal.This affects all jewish schools including the one your children go to.

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