Fire in Yeshiva Lev Shlomo in Baltimore; Extensive Damage; Intentionally Set By Unstable Person [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

A fire caused extensive damage at Yeshiva Lev Shlomo in Baltimore on Wednesday night. The fire appears to have intentionally been started.

Bichasdei Hashem, there were no injuries and the Sifrei Torah are all safe.

The following is a statement from Lev Shlomo regarding tonight’s fire:

As you may have heard, a fire was started in the Lev Shlomo building, on the corner of 7 Mile Lane and Park Heights Avenue, this evening. We believe that the fire was started by a mentally unstable member of our community who has been attempting to enter the building. He is not a participant in the Lev Shlomo program, and Lev Shlomo has been working in recent days with law enforcement and others to address this situation.

We are grateful for the outpouring of support and offers to help. We will indeed need help, but we want to make certain that we address this situation in an effective and efficient manner. We hope to develop near and medium-term plans in the coming days.

We will have additional information posted on BJL as it develops.

Thank you,

Aryeh Zigdon
Chananya Backer Memorial Institute

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. “Unstable Person” is right! Rachmana L’Tzlan, this looks like a terrorist missile attack. Baruch Hashem no injuries or Sifrei Torah destroyed., as this attack looks like it could have been a lot uglier, based on the pictures of damage.

  2. This is devastating to our community!!! I was watching the fire engines zip by and head to the yeShivah tears streaming.. For the first 7 years that it opened we hosted many shabbos meals.. we watched as Liebes boys grew
    Lev Shlomo is a yeShiva and hub that offers love care and concern they build the boys who attend to be self confident young men. Just as the yeshivas name sake Lev Shlomo .. the heart of Reb Shlomo dreidels ztzal this yeShiva is all heart!!! When they start a campaign to rebuild I beg you all to help because Everyone has someone in their life that struggling and this yeShiva Is there for those struggling and adults….

  3. A very similar incident, a fire started by a member of our community occurred years ago at the Agudah shul on Avenue L in Flatbush. The shul rebuilt and is thriving.

  4. We are so beyond moved by the outpouring love and support we have been receiving from the Baltimore community and beyond!

    After going over everything that is needed, we decided that it would be best if an Amazon wish list were created to try and help the boys replace their personal items. This way, as we become aware of additional needs we can update the wish list. Our goal is to be able to provide the boys with these items as soon as possible.
    We are currently working on temporary living and programming arrangements. As these plans are finalized, there will be additional needs. Please use the link below to access the wish list:
    All items should be mailed to 6116 Rusk Ave. Baltimore, MD 21209

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