WATCH: Prof. Dershowitz: Trump Firing Mueller ‘Would Not Be An Impeachable Offense’

Legal scholar Alan Dershowitz told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Wednesday that if President Donald Trump fired Special Counsel Robert Mueller, it would not be an impeachable offense.

Dershowitz also continued speculation of what the Mueller report will contain, saying it won’t be a ‘balanced report’.

Earlier this week, Dershowitz said he believes the report is ‘going to be devastating’ to Trump.

2 Responses

  1. An impeachable offense is whatever the House says it is. A “high crime or misdemeanor” needn’t be against the law, it might simply be a policy decision the House disagrees with. The only possible meaning of “not an impeachable offense” is “in my opinion the House shouldn’t impeach for this”, not that it can’t.

  2. Sad to watch Dershowitz in his declining years become a lapdog and mouthpiece for the Trumpkopf on Fox News almost every other evening. At least Rudy G. is entertaining…..not so for Alan. Milhouse is totally correct. No one thought that Bill C’s escapades in the WH rose to the level of “high crimes and misD’s ” but the House felt the need at the time to “lock ujp” a Clinton. Ken Starr spent over $80 million prosecuting a Presdiential action we cannot even mention here on YWN (or more accurately lying about that event).

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