WATCH THIS: Jewish Man Takes Young Victim of Anti-Semitic Attack on a Shopping Spree

A kind Jewish man has gone out of his way to cheer up a young boy who has the victim of a shocking Anti Semitic attack.

As reported on YWN Sunday night, the 9-year-old boy was walking on Throop Ave. & Walton Street in Williamsburg when the suspect came running up behind him and shoved him to the ground.

The suspect ran off in a gang of 10 thugs, and remains on the loose.

On Tuesday, a man was seen in a local toy store trying to cheer up the boy who wounded and understandably traumatized by the incident.

The man, identified as Manny Krausz from Boro Park, explains to the camera that he does not wants the boy to remain with frightening memory of the attack, and was hoping that by taking him on an all-expenses paid toy shopping spree he would become “happier and stronger”.

Aside for the 2 full baskets of toys, the man also gave the boy, identified only as Shlomo Zalman, a $100 gift card to spend whenever he would like.

Mi K’amcha Yisrael!

11 Responses

  1. The Good and good man is
    like a kind angel on the earth.
    The article made me crying both for the sadness of the harsh anti Semitic
    attack on the innocent kid and then
    crying of joy that goodness and
    kindness is so strong between us which wash away the effects of hatred and animosity of the nations. The wicked
    will fall at the end, while the
    righteous will be a like strong tree.

  2. Such a kind & generous gesture. But where were the local goyim? Why aren’t THEY doing something about these attacks & showing some kindness to this child? Rhetorical question.

  3. The boy is chassidish the man is not perhaps even slightly modern – we are all brothers! Ashreichem Yisroel – May Hashem bring the Geuloh in the merrits of such brotherly chessed.

  4. hml
    November 28, 2018 5:16 am at 5:16 am
    Such a kind & generous gesture. But where were the local goyim? Why aren’t THEY doing something about these attacks & showing some kindness to this child? Rhetorical question.
    Would u want a goy taking out your son or daughter to a toy store?
    Stop hocking a chynik.
    It was a nice gesture up untill the point where the giver decided to make this thing go public with video and all.

  5. I agree with takes2. It’s a very nice gesture, but keep it private. A video was made of it to show everyone.
    When we do a mitzvah we get a bigger schar if it’s kept quiet.

  6. Its people like you that drive ppl not to do chesed in public.
    what benefit does this man have by going viral, other then the fact that people might learn and pay this forward to other people and making a Kiddush hashem. Is he collecting money for this, did you see a go fund me page? did he borrow money from you to pay for this and then going viral and taking the credit for this amazing deed?
    get off your high horse, do your thing when know one knows or sees, and let the good deeds be done through other people.

  7. I feel bad for this boy but Its amazing what people would do for 2 min. of fame. Its one thing if it was captured by the stores video, but Getting it videoed and audioed purposely for all to see and talked about is not b’sayder

  8. I’m not certain the man did the video. Today anyone with a phone is a reporter. Someone probably got the jistbof what was going on and recorded and posted it. If the Baal chesed was trying to show it off, we would all now know who he is

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