WATCH: Obama Says Trump’s America Hindered By “Anger, Racism & Mommy Issues”

Former President Obama took more thinly veiled shots at his successor Monday night, suggesting that the reason the U.S. is not taking more direct action against climate change is because of “hate, anger, racism — mommy issues.”

Obama appeared at the Obama Foundation Summit in Chicago, where author Dave Eggers interviewed him about ways to mobilize Americans toward creating social change.

When the topic of global warming came up, Obama’s criticism was particularly pointed.

“The reason we don’t” invest in climate change policies, Obama said, “is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism — mommy issues.”

The comments drew laughter from the audience.

Obama did not explain what he meant by “mommy issues,” or how these related to countering climate change.


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One Response

  1. So they are both into childish name-calling. It appears they focus more on “ratings” than serious discussion. Eventually there will be a blacklash leading to president who gets elected by being dull, boring and mentchlik.

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