Volunteers Needed – Help Brighten Someone’s Day

Opportunities for chesed are endless, but it starts with you!

Hundreds of vulnerable individuals live near you that need your help – and Bikur Cholim can help you make a difference in their lives.  Whether it be the elderly, Holocaust survivors, or people suffering disease or disability, Bikur Cholim is there for them.

One poignant example involves an eleven year old boy living with his younger sister and mother who is battling cancer.  Unbelievably, he is burdened with caring for both of them.

Bikur Cholim’s dedicated volunteers stepped in and arranged for food to be delivered daily to their home. They assigned a social work intern for the mother, and a big brother and big sister for the children. The mother now has a strong support system and the children have someone who takes them out and does fun activities with them.  Bikur Cholim also made sure the children received Chanukkah gifts during the holiday. Imagine the impact this had on the family!

Bikur Cholim isn’t just about visiting the sick. It’s about being there for anyone who needs help. When Bikur Cholim heard of a child who was becoming Bar Mitzvah and whose parents didn’t have the funds, they stepped in to organize the entire event and bought clothing for him and his siblings.


For over six decades, the organization has been providing support in the form of transportation, food, medical supplies, etc. Its network of hundreds of volunteers give their time and energy to help those in need.

Bikur Cholim is one of the biggest mitzvos a person can do, and volunteers have a myriad of stories that have made a difference in peoples’ lives. It is not just the recipients whose lives have changed – countless volunteers speak of the difference it has made in their own lives and in the strong bonds they formed with the recipients of their chesed.

No matter what your skills are, time availability, or interest, Bikur Cholim can help connect you to people for whom you can make a difference.

We are looking for men and women to partner with us in brightening someone’s day. Will you please be that person?


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