SHOCKING: Teen Sent Swastika To Phones At Chicago-Area School

A 14-year-old boy has been charged with sending a swastika image to the smartphones of other students during a suburban Chicago high school assembly.

Oak Park police say the student at Oak Park and River Forest High School faces a misdemeanor charge of disseminating harmful material and faces a juvenile court hearing on Wednesday.

The school said last week that someone in the auditorium sent the image using the AirDrop function of an Apple device during the Friday assembly. The incident happened after racist graffiti that included swastikas was found at the school over the past two weeks.

Meanwhile, the Baraboo, Wisconsin, school district is investigating a photo posted to social media of more than 60 male high school students, many of them giving what appears to be a Nazi salute.


One Response

  1. When our President says that there are “good people on both sides” after a march in Charlottesville where neo-Nazis marched with swastika flags chanting, “Jews will not replace us,” it isn’t surprising that some young people should think swastikas are “cool.” The alt-right and anti-Semitism are going mainstream. Can we see some leadership on this?

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