FIGHTING THE ANTI-VAXXERS: Dozens Of Teachers Threaten To Not Come To School; Health Dept Says Schools May Exclude Children

Dozens of teachers in Lakewood have joined the pushback against the anti-vaxxers who are responsible for a measles outbreak in many Chareidi communities. According to a report by TLS, the teachers write that if unvaccinated children are allowed into school, they will not show up for work.

Meanwhile, on Friday, the Ocean County Health Department released a statement which says that schools may exclude children – even if they have a religious exemption.

Additionally, a letter signed by more than 30 doctors in the Lakewood area, instructs parents not to send their children to school if they have not been vaccinated.

Many Shuls in Lakewood have hung signs refusing to allow unvaccinated children into their buildings as well.

The anti-vaxxers still claim to have leading Gedolim backing them, yet none have placed their signatures onto any document. The only letter signed, is from 4 years ago, well before the current epidemic spread from Yerushalayim to Monsey, Williamsburg, Boro Park, Lakewood and other areas.

[MEASLES OUTBREAK: Israeli Poskim: Not Vaccinating is ‘MURDER’; HaRav Fuerst Forbids Schools From Taking Children]

Despite not having any current letters of any Gedolim or respectable Rabbonim, the anti-vaxxers have hired attorneys and are planning on filing lawsuits against any Yeshivas refusing to accept children into school. They claim the same unnamed Rabbonim have given them permission to file the lawsuits. Should any Gedolim sign any letters backing the anti-vaxxers during the epidemic, and saying that Yeshivas must take all children into school, YWN will publish them immediately.

It should be noted that lawyers YWN has spoken to are bewildered at the claims of lawsuits, as the health departments in Ocean County, NJ, as well as NYC, and Rockland County all clearly state that during an epidemic, schools have a right to refuse children – despite having a “legal exemption”.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

45 Responses

  1. If you are vaccinated for measles, why are you afraid of the unvaccinated?
    Aren’t you admitting that the measles vaccine doesn’t work???

  2. I think both the frum and secular mosdos have done all they can to responsibly inform the tzibur about the dangers of not being vaccinated and the risks imposed to others. At this point, those who don’t listen apparently will not be convinced and they MUST be excluded from any public contact. If they attempt to bring their unvaccinated kids to school or shul, they should be dragged out by the authorities and told NOT to return until vaccinated at risk of being arrested for trespassing. The time for patience is over.

  3. For those that are pro vaccinations, and listen to the Gedolai Hador and vaccinate, it is not demonstrating a high level of Emunas Chachamim. However, for those who are against vaccinations, this is a chance to prove your Emunah. If you vaccinate because the Gedolai Hador say to even though it goes against your personal beliefs, that would be a sign of a high level of Emunah and a huge Kiddush Hashem!

  4. @doomsday. The vaccines are not effective in 100% of recipients, from memory it’s only around 96% (happy to be corrected). It’s not an “admission” it’s rather the well known REASON why every single child should have the vaccines so that there is what is called a “herd immunity” – the disease cannot take hold of that particular community. The only exceptions to vaccinations are rare, MEDICALLY mandated reasons such as a severely compromised immune system. And those rare exceptions should be staying the hell away from schools and play groups during these pandamics.

    Everyone else not vaccinating is guilty of potential murder as has been stated by Gedolim.

  5. @doomsday What stupidity!!! There are cases where you cannot be vaccinated even if you want to, for example pregnant women or newborn babies and some other situations, and these people are the ones who are scared of the unvaccinated!! When you don’t vaccinate your child YOU are carrying the responsibility of Chas V’shalom any of the people in these situations getting sick with measles !!

  6. ” Should any Gedolim sign any letters backing the anti-vaxxers during the epidemic, and saying that Yeshivas must take all children into school, YWN will publish them immediately.”

    #1- Thank to YWN for being open and willing to publisah the other side.

    #2- Don’t hold your breath. There are no gedolim who will put their name to this cult. The only two people who will put their names to this are two wives of two Roshei Yeshiva. This entire cult is under their hashgacha.

    This is Shfichas damim mamimish.

  7. My shaila is, why doesn’t the heiliger Roshe Yeshiva of Lakewood agree with Rav Moshe Sternbuch who holds its murder not to vaccinate children?
    I thought Rav Sternbuch is the “Posek Acharon” of the Rosh of the “Ir Hatorah” when it comes to fighting the fake-news giyus and the medina?

    So do we now pick and choose who we follow for what?
    What a phony fake perverted way of being Jewish.

  8. Akeres HaBayis ‘ Yachi Moshkowitz two children are in the hospital with measles, if anyone can find out their names, we can daven for them.

  9. maybe instead of getting a lawyer they should go to the Lakewood Library go on the internet and find out that the whole vaccine danger thing is garbage (ps r elyashiv holds one is obligated to get vaccines)

  10. Sadly the Lakewood Rosh Yeshivas are controlled by their wives (only 2 of them) who are the leaders of this dangerous cult!! So even if some letter will come out I highly doubt it will have the signatures of any of the BMG Roshei Yeshivos…
    But Seriously who cares?!
    Do we need a letter from the BMG Roshei Yeshivos to tell us that we shouldn’t run across a busy highway?!

  11. How can there ever be herd immunity if there are 10 of millions if illegals here that were never vaccinated and prepare our food in restaurants?

  12. Listen, as long as your child is vaccinated, there is nothing to worry about. Your kids wont get it.

    If your concern is beacsue you are so concerned othe well being of the non-vaxxers children, than there should be a much bigger outcry againts the smokers. There are much more smokers killing themselves than non-vaxxers. Smoking is much more dangerous, and at least as many Gedolim hold it it prohobited to smoke as there are that push vaccination.

    Why is there no outcry againts smoking?!? Why don’t we get some Gedolim to put out recordings and letters not to smoke?!?

    And btw, one of the oldest, most respected Gadol in America still holds not to Vax, even in the current situation. Whenever anybody needs a backing or photo-op, they run to this Gadol. But for some reason, now his opinion doesn’t count.

  13. To Doomsday: It’s because some vaccines stop protecting sometimes, and you know it already. But do you want to try YOUR pregnant daughter catching measles during pregnancy cholila and baby is born deaf and blind lo aleinu? Or you are taking a free gambling ride that all your neighbors gave shots? Please everyone send your choson and kallahs to a simple blood test called titers to make sure vaccine is still strong inside them. That avoids a lot of agravation. Been there done that.

  14. Measles is NOT scary. someone who’s whole family has it now during this “epidemic” says it is not worse than strept. and that one child just looked terrible but didn’t feel any worse than having strept. So stop blowing this up out of proportion.

  15. Last night david lichtenstien had an anti vaxxer rabbi from BMG on his show. He asked this guy easy questions about being an anti vaxer. Not only didn’t this rabbi do a good job defending his position he sounded like a complete idiot. These people are selfish reshoim

  16. why do you need to speak to a rosh yeshiva to get vaccinated any rosh yeshiva who says not to get vaccinated is not a rosh yeshiva but a rotzeach

  17. EliezerZ1
    November 11, 2018 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm
    For those that are pro vaccinations, and listen to the Gedolai Hador and vaccinate, it is not demonstrating a high level of Emunas Chachamim. However, for those who are against vaccinations, this is a chance to prove your Emunah. If you vaccinate because the Gedolai Hador say to even though it goes against your personal beliefs, that would be a sign of a high level of Emunah and a huge Kiddush Hashem!
    You are the epitome of hypocricy and here is why.
    Im sure u heard of “dor yesharim.”

    If anti vaxxers are so full of the highest madreyga of emunah, please explain why they will not make a shidduch with out a “dor yesharim” test?
    What are they worried about ?
    Isnt everything beyad hashem?

  18. rkyk, that family may miss one of them catching, or they have a neighbor with yene maase, that neighbor is doomed because of that family, a pregnant woman may catch and have lo aleinu: adeaf and blind child, a miscarriage, or later stillbirth…wanna try lo aleinu?

  19. Ah yid
    The show where Lichtenstein asks easy questions to rabbi anti vax, Lichtenstein didnt let him speak his opinion. He kept interrupting with his own opinions and agenda to make him look ignorant. He had alot of important points to share but wasnt given the time of day to express it. Shame on the interviewer

  20. Bh the family tgat all has measles handled it well-same as strep- they claim.But some children were hospitalized so how do they know how the nect kids that caught from thrm will handle it? What about the children who have weaker immune system or chemo patients? Why do these ppl feel comf with a very contagious almost erradicated disease surfacing in our community when the world wants it immunized against? How do they know the next thing being brought into country wont be rubella which has even higher danger levels?

  21. @Anonymous.
    1. Even those who’s kids have been vaccinated SHOULD be worried about unvaccinated children at the school. For THREE out of 100 kids vaccinated, the vaccination it is not affective. We need what’s called “herd immunity and if you don’t know what that is, look it up.

    2. Stop obfucating this serious life and death issue. If my kids chools had smokers smoking on our children at school I would be up in arms about that too. It doesnt make these anti vax potential murderers any less fangerous.

    3. If there is a Gadol who doesn’t hold by vaxing let him come out publically. Referencing some un-named Gadol in the face of all the Gedolim who have come out and decried anti-vaxing as MURDER is laughable or would be if our children were not at risk.

    4. If anyone doesn’t want to vaccinate their kids, that is their misguided prerogative. But keep them the hell away from my precious children!

  22. I am provax but Bulldozer comment is terrible chutzpah and hateful. Shocked that it was allowed through on an ostensibly frum site.

  23. How dare you crass, obnoxious simpletones speak out against roshei yeshivos.
    What has become of orthordox jewry, where doctors that sit for years in the cesspool of college and receive money for EVERY vaccine administered are put on a higher pedestal than out roshei yeshivos that are learning and teaching torah for many many years. I am horrified that human animals are suggesting that our holy gedolim are biased yet doctors that their minds are full of garbage and constantly are getting paid for vaccines are acting with pure motives. What a shame that it has come to this,. No wonder we are still in this dark and bitter golus.

  24. savlanut… your child is vaccinated..
    y are you so worried..??
    what’s about all of us that had the measels
    small pox..mumps..chicken pox…

  25. just curious how come the people that happen to be anti vaxxers are also pro eitz ?the same thing looking for a ruchniusdike fill by acting all kanausdik

  26. Rav Moshe also paskened that nobody can force anyone to take any medication if the sick person is scared of the side effects of the medication. This is talking about any medication including life saving medication. On the webpage of the FDA i read “vaccination is medication”.

  27. @Mum12. As I have now said twice in the comments to this article and will say it yet again. Vaccines are not 100% effective. The measles vaccine is only about 97% effective. We need everyone (barring a rare true medical exception) to be immunized so that we have what is called “herd immunity”. Please look up the term. If everyone is vaccinated then we are all safe, even the few that the vaccines didn’t actually immunise.

    We also have in our communities children under vaccination age, pregnant mothers and individuals with severely compromised immune systems. Non vaccinated children e tring our schools could be carrying the disease and putting the lives of anyone not effectively immunized at risk.

    There was a time when our cementaries were R”L filled with children. 40% infant mortality was the norm. Hashem has blessed us in these generation with the means to immunize against these diseases. Let’s listen to our Gedolim and medical people who are both telling us to immunize. Not doing so is being a potential negligent murderer.

  28. I asked some good questions in my post of yesterday. Are you sure you don’t want to have them addressed? Truth is, it may not be useful, because most likely they will be met with a lot of emotions and never be seriously addressed.

  29. THANK YOU YWN! Keep up the good fight!

    We don’t want C”V a repeat of the measles outbreak in the US that killed 123 children from 1989-1991.

    Perhaps even scarier, 16 people (in California alone!) died 10-20 years later from panencephalitis (SSPE) caused by “reawakening” of the measles virus in the brain. The average age of those who died from encephalitis was 12 years old! They ALL had been exposed to the measles before getting vaccinated. In fact, one young adult remains today in hospice care in California from this complication. Many more cases may have gone unreported.

    While it is not pleasant to cause hardship for families who are uninformed and demand they keep their children home, the alternative is much, much worse.

  30. AppleJuice says:
    November 12, 2018 12:48

    To takes2-2tango Rav Moshe Feinstein was not pro genetic testing b4 marriage. Many of his talmidim dont use dor yesharim.
    I can tell you with 1000% certainty that most of his immediate family do not follow his psak. And btw he retracted for the most part on his original psak.
    Of course you will find a few exceptions but thats exactly what it is, EXCEPTIONS. Nothing more nothibg less!

  31. We are living in difficult times. We keep hearing about fires in different places. One day there is a fire here and one day there is a fire somewhere else. Many people had to leave their homes recently. We had a very terrible shooting in Pittsburgh and also in California recently. The Almighty wants that we should finally stop fighting with each other. If you disagree with someone, you do not have to punch him.

  32. P.S. with regard to Rav Moishe, Z’TL, his son-in-law, R’ Tendler, shlita, is among the most knowledgeable and supportive advocates for vaccination

  33. Takes2-2tango
    November 11, 2018 12:42 pm at 12:42 pm
    For those that are pro vaccinations, and listen to the Gedolai Hador and vaccinate, it is not demonstrating a high level of Emunas Chachamim. However, for those who are against vaccinations, this is a chance to prove your Emunah. If you vaccinate because the Gedolai Hador say to even though it goes against your personal beliefs, that would be a sign of a high level of Emunah and a huge Kiddush Hashem!
    You are the epitome of hypocricy and here is why.
    Im sure u heard of “dor yesharim.”

    If anti vaxxers are so full of the highest madreyga of emunah, please explain why they will not make a shidduch with out a “dor yesharim” test?
    What are they worried about ?
    Isnt everything beyad hashem?
    There is no hypocrisy in what I said. Read it again.
    It should not have been understood that anti vaxxers have the highest madreyga of emunah.
    What should be understood is this: Anti vaxxers who don’t vaccinate are lacking Emunas Chachamim. If they overcome their personal beliefs and yes vaccinate that would be showing a very high madreyga of Emunah.

  34. Gadol Hadorah; AFAIK, Rav Moshe Feinstein was considered the gadol hador; not Rabb Tendler. I wonder if Rav Feinstein would bow to Tendler in the metzitzah b’peh issue?????

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