NEW FOOTAGE: Gang of Teens Attacked Hasidic Boy Moments Before Vandalizing Williamsburg Shul – Not Deemed ‘HATE CRIME’

As reported on YWN, the NYPD is searching for a gang of six black teens who threw a metal pipe through the window of a Shul in Williamsburg on Shabbos afternoon.

New footage obtained by YWN on Tuesday shows the same group of teens attacking a Hasidic boy moments before the attack on Franklin Ave, knocking his hat off his head as he innocently walked down the street.

Shockingly, the NYPD had not deemed the vandalism attack on the Volkan Shul a “hate crime”. This new footage clearly shows the gang’s intention.

The NYPD has announced a $2500 award for information regarding the suspects.

NY State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) has expressed shock that the incident is not being considered a Hate Crime by police:

“The video is clear: This gang came to this specific location—a synagogue; they looked around to see if anyone was watching, then threw a metal bar through glass at the congregation. What if that bar hit someone—say an elderly man or a child? What if the shards of broken glass had gone into people’s faces? Calling this an act of ‘criminal mischief’ is a disgusting joke! Is there a policy to purposely minimize bias crimes?”

“This was a targeted attack on Jews who were quietly praying,” said Hikind. “If that’s not hate, what is? If law enforcement continues minimizing these events, the message to would-be attackers is clear: It’s open season on Jews. Are we waiting for another Pittsburgh type of attack, G-d forbid, before we take these matters seriously?”

The attacks come amid multiple hate crimes in and around the city, and in wake of the horrific shooting at a synagogue in Pittsburgh that left 11 Jews dead.

Earlier this afternoon, a Jewish man was assaulted in an unprovoked attack on Ave J in Flatbush.

Last month, a Hasidic man was viciously beaten by a Muslim cab driver in Boro Park.

On Monday, the NYPD announced it had arrested two suspects in connection to multiple swastikas found sprayed on the steps and garage doors of residential homes in Brooklyn Heights on October 30. (Garden Place, between Joralemon Street and State Street.)

18-year-old Jarrick Wiltshire and 17-year-old Daul Moultrie were charged with three counts of aggravated harassment.

Image result for abc anti semitic brooklyn

On Friday night, police arrested 26-year-old James Polite for scrawling anti-Semitic messages inside a Reform Jewish temple in Prospect Heights, and setting multiple fires outside Jewish Yeshivas and establishments in Williamsburg.

Messages written found at the Union Temple in Prospect Heights included “Kill all Jews”, “die Jew rats we are here,” “Hitler,” and “Jews better be ready”.

Polite was a volunteer on Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, worked for former New York City Council speaker Christine Quinn and other Democrats.

On Sunday, police on Long Island removed a swastika-defaced campaign sign in Stony Brook. That sign was for Perry Gershon, a Jew, who is running on the Democratic ticket in the 1st congressional district race against Republican Lee Zeldin.

gershon Community Leaders Outraged After Slur Written In Black Marker On African Burial Ground In Lower Manhattan

A message of hate was found scrawled across a historic site for the black community. Police say the African Burial Ground National Monument in lower Manhattan was defaced late last week with a racist slur.

[HATE IN LONG BEACH, NY: Three Yeshiva Bochrim Shot With BB Gun]

[HATE IN SPRING VALLEY: Jewish Man Assaulted in Unprovoked Attack on Shabbos]

[HATE: Beth Jacob Shul In Irvine, Los Angeles Defaced With Anti-Semitic Graffiti; Swastikas Found in Brooklyn]

(Nat Golden – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. CALM DOWN ! you remember willy in the 60’s & 70’s ” sheal avichu veyagedchu” . chayos yes but dont make a progrom out of it yiddin know how to handle this weve been doing it for 3000 years

  2. Time to restart the “Chaptzem” or to create another organization like JDL to patrol our streets. The victims will be those who try these bias crimes. The nice thing is that we can expect many of the perps to be found and transported to morgues.

  3. Hate crime only applies if the alleged victim is black or Muslim. It was never intended for white Christians or those pesky Jews. But not to worry. Our know-it-all a$kanim have Eric Gonzalez on their sp$$d dial.

  4. In some cases of course it may not be good to pick a fight. Such as when the chassidish boys hat was tipped over by 5 teens. But if there are OTHERS there they can together at least shout and if in a group APPROACH to scare away or if possible stop them. Then it should not mske them think Jewsd are easy targets. Also All Taamod Al Dam Rayacha. And there can be community meetings or rallies for tougher law enforcement.

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