YWN Launches Israel Bureau!

yw_israel.jpgIn an effort to improve the timely news coverage that you, our loyal reader, have become accustomed to receiving, YWN is proud to announce the opening of its new Israel Bureau.

As you have been seeing in recent weeks, articles concerning events in Eretz Yisrael have become increasingly frequent and timely, in addition to AM and PM news roundups, all towards maintaining a pulse of events in the Eretz HaKodesh, the heart of the Jewish People.

The bureau is located in the heart of Yerushalayim, and is being directed by veteran journalist Yechiel Spira, who has been a leader in the electronic news industry in Israel since 1994. He remains well in tune to the goings-on in Eretz Yisroel, having made aliyah from NYC in 1984.

This is only the first step we hope, as we have major plans for the future, both regarding news here in North America, Eretz Yisrael and elsewhere, to continue serving as your primary news source for all your news needs.

Please keep in mind, that due to the high volume of Israel news being published on YWN, there are many stories which are not seen on the YWN homepage. Please make sure to visit the “Israel News” section – located on the left column of the YWN homepage. Also keep in mind, that less than 5% of YWN stories are sent out via email – so make sure to check the website multiple times throughout your day!

YWN will continue efforts to remain a ‘step ahead,’ remaining a pioneer in the industry rather than emulating others, keeping in mind our objective; timely, accurate and informative news reports on the global Jewish community in a Torahdik  forum, permitting frum yidden to remain in the loop without compromising Torah values. This said, we are also aware that the readership base is expanding well beyond our inner community, with a growing number of readers worldwide realizing YWN is indeed the site for global Jewish events, irregardless of one’s hashkafa (religious flavor).

We value your opinion so please, let us know what you think. Have the Israel articles been providing you an expanded knowledge base regarding events in Eretz Yisroel? Are you pleased with the addition? What else would you like to see? Your opinion counts so please, share it with us by emailing [email protected]


YW Editor.

15 Responses

  1. I want to be the first one to tell you that you are doing an amazing job! It is wonderful to see and hear how your readership base has expanded so much. Having said that, I think that those posting comments also have more of an obligation to post with responsibility. Being fully aware that they are being read by people of all communities and denominations. Thank you too for your efforts in making this the only site that I know of that keeps out lashon harah and rechilus. Chazak V’ematz!!

  2. Wow! Yeshiva world is now the authority for up to the minute reporting, for anything that is fit to print, al pi halacha.
    May you continue to have hatzlacha rabba and go michayil el chuyil!

  3. Its good you wrote about the israel news page. I live here and I didnt know you have one. I will be sure to keep up to date with it.

    Perhaps instead of a list, you might want to consider some sort of highlight on the top of the YWN page, so that the israel page sticks out.

    Also, now that I have the mic, do you have any dealings with any not for profit organizations in terms of fund raising or running “bios” about them?

  4. Thanks.

    We are really hoping to see more pictures from Rabbi Yehuda Boltshauser! He really makes makes you feel like you are there, at the scene of the photo shooting.



  6. YW Editor LOY”T:

    Yasher Kochacha.

    When Mashiach arrives BB”A, the Ribono Shel Olam shall grant you the opportunity to announce it to us here!

  7. Great news!
    Does this mean Yehuda Boltshauser will be the Director of Photojournalism? I would love to see even more pictures from him!

  8. Your site is great and one-of-a-kind.
    I just say two things:
    1. I wish you would let your pictures be enlarged. It’s very nerve racking.
    2. You should provide up to date pictures of the actual news story, instead of putting some general picture clip that relates to it. Like pictures of the carjacking instead of a shomrim emblem, (or flashing lights…) and a picture of the kitchen where treif meat was used, instead of any ambulance. I know it will be much harder this way- but much more interesting and on target…and the news will feel more real.
    Thank You.

  9. That is great news. I hope that we will get to see more of Yehuda Boltshauser’s amazing pictures and his great news reporting. Keep up the good work!

  10. I’d like to add my enthusiastic response to YW’s coverage of Israel related topics. For my job I am constantly reading articles related to Israel and I find your coverage extremely timely and significant. As an example, Yeshiva World informed us of President Bush’s intended visit to Israel before CNN even mentioned it! Keep up the wonderful work.

  11. Keep up the good work, Rabbi Boltshauser Shlit”a!!
    Here we hope to see your articles also, to complement your pictures (and I hope the new bureau will not encroach on your full time learning sedorim)

    Like number 7 mentioned, keep out the Lashon Hara! In Israel there is a dearth of clean media source for charedim. There are sites for charedim which are run and funded by the sitra achra. BEWARE! They desire to see the Haredis stumble and through upon them all the filth in the guise of content uploaded by restless religious folk. They attempt to convey to frum visitors that this is what we want, everyone is into it… and they write up Lashon Hara, Motzi Shem Ra to add to the damage and stir up Machlokes! Hashem Yerachem Aleinu!!

  12. I want to be the 15th one to complement your wonderful up to the minute coverage.
    I also want to complement you as strongly as I can, for NOT REPORTING all the news that’s NOT fit to be printed !!

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