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Rabbi to Russian Army Awarded by West Siberian Governor

chab.jpgThe regional governor in Kemerovo, Russia, awarded a medal to the Russian army’s first rabbi for his work benefiting soldiers from all across the country.

Gov. Aman Tuleyev made the presentation to Rabbi Aron Gurevitch, a local Lubavitch Shliach, during a meeting sponsored by Russia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the meeting, which was held between communities across Russia, participants linked by teleconference discussed several items dealing with crime prevention, including upcoming legislation that will strengthen administrative supervision of prison parolees. For his part, Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev called for increased vigilance on the part of civil organizations in reporting criminal activity.

After the meeting, which was held at a local police academy, Gurevitch toured the Jewish community in Kemerovo, a west Siberian city known for its mining operations. He also placed flowers at a memorial to the 42 miners from Kuzbass who died in a 2004 explosion.

(Source: Chabad)

3 Responses

  1. With all the ethnic hate going strong (especially in Siberia and other [geographically] remote areas), we [can only] hope, that the Russian Government is as eager to protect the Rabbi [and others] from harm as they are eager to award [and praise] them!

  2. Rabbi Aharon Gurevich Shlita is also a hero locally in Moscow. He is a real nice friendly person, and he is a shining example to all the Yidden here how to behave interacting with people from other Kehillos etc.
    Kol Tuv, shetizku lekadesh Shem Shamayim!

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