Swastikas Spray-Painted on Shul in Wilkes-Barre, PA

as63.jpgThe Ohev Zedek Shul, in Wilkes Barre, PA, at 242 South Franklin Street between Ross and South Streets was defaced with Swastikas on Shabbos. People arriving to Davening on Shabbos morning reportedly found the front wooden doors spray-painted with swastikas. A report was filed with police, and an investigation is underway.

2 Responses

  1. we must do tshuva! The world is becoming more and more actively anti-jewish, even in in remote or small towns. This just shows that it’s not because we’re “taking over” new york, or lakewood etc. like some believe. It’s (rising anti-jew crimes) a problem anywhere, no matter how big or small the community. We’re CLEARLY in the times of mashiach’s close arrival- we must strengthen our davening to the One Above that the “birthpangs” should be pain-free.

  2. I grew up in Wilkes-Barre and this is not the first time something like this has happened unfortunately. There have been numerous anti-Semitic occurrences in the past.

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