Op-Ed: TWO YEARS of Democrats Calling For Assassinations And Hate – Here Are The Facts

Democrats didn’t care when Madonna said she had thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.

Democrats didn’t care when Kathy Griffin posed with a mock severed head of President Trump.

Democrats didn’t care when a Broadway Play depicted the assassination of President Trump.

Democrats didn’t care when Johnny Depp said, “how long has been since an actor assassinated a President”.

Democrats didn’t care when Snoop Dog and Eminem made music videos about assassinating President Trump.

Democrats didn’t care when dozens of people were shot to death at a Jason Aldean concert.

Democrats didn’t care when Congressman Steve Scalise was shot at a baseball game.

Democrats didn’t care when Robert De Niro said “somebody needs to take out Trump”.

Democrats didn’t care when Carole Cook said “Where’s John Wilkes Booth when you need him?”

Democrats didn’t care when Republican candidate Rudy Peters was attacked by a man with a switchblade.

Democrats didn’t care when a Republican Party Office was set on fire.

Democrats didn’t care when Eric Holder said “When they go low, we kick ‘em”.

Democrats didn’t care when Trump family members received suspicious packages in the mail.

Democrats didn’t care when Secretary of Defense James Mattis received death threats.

Democrats didn’t care when Maxine Waters said “you get up in their face at the mall, in restaurants, at gas stations and you tell them Republicans they’re not welcomed anywhere”.

Democrats didn’t care when Sarah Sanders and her family were harassed at a restaurant, instructed to leave and chased down the street. Democrats didn’t care when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was harassed and chased out of a Mexican restaurant.

Democrats didn’t care when Trump adviser Stephen Miller’s life was threatened and he was chased out of a restaurant.

Democrats didn’t care when Attorney General Pam Bondi was harassed and chased out of a theatre.

Democrats didn’t care when Rand Paul was attacked and beaten up in his own yard.

Democrats didn’t care when two Republican senators: Rob Portman of Ohio and John Boozman of Arkansas were harassed in their own yards and on their own doorsteps.

Democrats didn’t care when a 71-year-old female staffer for California Rep. Dana Rohrbacher was knocked unconscious by an angry group of liberal protesters.
Democrats didn’t care when a North Carolina GOP office was firebombed by an angry mob of liberals.

Democrats didn’t care when Hillary Clinton said “we can’t be civil to Republicans until Democrats return to power”.

For over two years Democrats have encouraged hate, harassment, vandalism, acts of violence and even threats of assassination.

Submitted to YWN

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

49 Responses

  1. A very accurate portrayal of the modern day extreme Democratic left. Although many of my Democratic friends do not express such hate, they should realize that This list doesn’t even include the sadly growing amount of antisemetic, anti Israel, and anti Torah values the party has turned into. Whether judicially they are in favor of expanding LGBT, abortions, or decrease state and local funding to private schools and school choice, because it “takes away” from public schools. Maybe it the majority of the party walking out when Netanyahu talked to Congress a few years ago. Maybe it’s the majority of the party in favor of the Iran Deal, against the Jerusalem Embassy, maybe it’s the growing number of sociliasts identifying with the D party who call Israel an Apartheid (in talking to you Keith Ellison, Bernie Saunders, Cortez). Let’s not forget Democratic President Jimmy Carter calling Israel an apartheid (read his 2006 book “Palestine: Peace or Apartheid”) Ending, most Democrats are not wild or dangerous people, but it’s important to be fair, unbiased, and open your eyes. Calling President Trump “Trumpkof” does nothing for me, and only makes you look ignorant and insensitive to Holocaust Survivers.

  2. Add to list those who actively campaigned through a series of boycotts to cause Ivanka his daughter to lose her fashion design clothing business. Because they hated her father.

  3. This list is not reflective of the values of everyday American Democrats, but the everyday American Democrat should take heed and #walkaway from their once sane party’s ever radical political leadership and popular icons. Maybe form a new centrist, sane Democrat party?

  4. Democrats didn’t care….
    Your article is childish and juvenile it doesnt deserve to be dignified with a response.

    However at a minimum you can try to stick to facts and recognize that many Democrats called out and condemned Maxine Waters statements and that Democrats did care when Scalisce was shot. These are simple facts available to anyone who does basic research. The same applies to much of your other baseless accusations.

    A president should conduct himself in a more dignified manner than Madonna and Robert Deniro. You should be capable of understanding that. The fact is that Trump has used hate, race and name calling as a way to advance his agenda. That is wrong plain and simple.

    In any case the nation is in mourning. Please stop the political hate for at least one day.

  5. Where’s the outrage – when the Left hid the photo?!?
    “Hidden photo of Obama and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan surfaces after 13 years”

  6. I’m not a liberal so I’m not defending them. But you can find hateful Conservatives too. Many Conservatives are rightwing, neo-Nazis. The righ-wingers are just as scary as the leftist liberals.

  7. We don’t have to look for a scapegoat. Pointing fingers and blaming is not what Hashem requires us to do. We’re in Golus, and until Moshiach comes Eisav and Yishmael are our enemies. Teshuva and Tefillah are our only tools. If you want to blame a political party, you can blame the republicans just as much as you blame the democrats. Trump’s rallies are full of hatred against those he perceives as his enemies, the media included. Chanting “lock her up” does not create a peaceful environment.
    However, we need to look inward and see what we can improve on a personal level and on a collective level. Your list has nothing to do with the massacre that happened. Things happen to Jews when Hashem decides they need to happen. Let’s beseech the heavens for Rachmei Shamayim instead of composing lists of other people’s sins!!

  8. crazykanoiy, you prove once again that you are an embarrassment and put politics before frumkeit.
    1. You said this doesn’t deserve a response, yet you responded- and you respond every time you say that it doesn’t deserve a response, or it’s beneath you.
    2. Each and every time you take one piece of the article or someone’s comment and you bend it upwards and downwards and to all sides in order to defend it. Yes, many democrats called out Maxine Waters but she has and continues to spew hate towards people who aren’t like her politically, promoting violence and hatred.
    3. You say “there are simple facts”, guess what? These ARE the facts and recorded statements by Democrats. Do you think it was a clone of the individual making the statements? Perhaps they were coerced? Maybe in Feb 2018 Representative Keith Ellison, a Democrat from Minnesota, was forced by gunpoint to have dinner with Louis Farrakhan, by proof of photographs? Maybe NY Democratic candidate Ocasio-Cortez on VIDEO of Accusing Israeli Military of a ‘Massacre’ of Palestinians was forced to show such hatred towards Israel? Is Democratic President Carter’s book about apartheid in Israel written by another “Jimmy Carter” in Utah perhaps?
    4. “A president should conduct himself in a more dignified manner than Madonna and Robert Deniro”. Don’t you think that when the Federal Communications Commission (the FCC) has to blur, block out, or edit a live show on network TV because of vulgarity, threats of violence, and obscenity by your favorite liberal stars that there is something wrong there. Do your homework and look back at their Twitter pages and what they thought when Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem. I’m not going to provide any links towards nivel peh or hatred against Israel, you can go look. Hate is hate, BDS is BDS.
    5. You say “In any case the nation is in mourning. Please stop the political hate for at least one day.” Your other postings from today in other YWN articles related to this tragedy are political. Do you get a special pass to politically insult others during times of tragedy, while others can’t respond to you?

  9. People have to realize the Democratic party is not the same party that our parents used to vote for. They have lost all traditional values. There is no more any form of morality when it comes for them to try to regain power. They have become the party of division. Instead of trying to work with the Republican party to improve all of our lives they have decided to be the party of resistance to their great shame. Instead of voting for what their constituents want (who elected them in the first place) they just vote for what their party wants. That 74% of all Jews still vote for the Democrats is a national disgrace. Chuck Schumer has become a disgrace to his fellow Jews and to all Americans. How anyone could now support him is beyond belief. The Democrats have become the party of mob rule. All Jews must put a stop to their automatic allegiance to the Democratic party and get up and vote Republican to make sure we put an
    end to the Democratic party`s chaos and uncivilized behavior.

  10. Add to this CNN, MSLSD, who intentionally air “guests” who foment hate against our president , calling him Nazi, Hitler, maniac, and worse, knowing full well in advance what they’ll blabber…. Defend violence against GOP as freedom of speech and assembly…
    Wolf Blitzer, you renegade Jew with a dark soul, you’ll fry in the depths of h… together with Soros.

  11. Those in the 10th district…. West Side, BP, Kensington…. Please vote Naomi Levin and throw out Jerry Nadler , ocher yisroel, Trump impeacher wannabbe, who never criticized Maxine, Hillary & Booker’s calls for violence… once and for all.

  12. Reminder to origin of all this hatred.
    How many were violently rampaging in the streets “not my president” on Inauguration Day. Before day one!!
    Are they upset with democracy?

  13. That non jews argue and accuse their political foes of blasphemy is not a surprise to me.
    But since when has shecker for the sake of fomenting strife and political points become an admirable trait among “Torah” Jews???
    No dems were happy when 58 country music lovers were murdered at an aldean concert.
    No dems were happy when scalise was almost killed.
    What evidence is there that the lying rasha that conjured up this hate filled vitriol is any better than any of the actions of the radical left he describes?
    Even if it was ALL true, and it isnt;
    Torah jews need to re assess whether they still fit into that classification.
    And YWN, why would you publish shecker that only serves to cause more hate?

  14. When someone says something, it has an effect –
    either positive or negative. News outlets are usually negative and report about the negative things that people say or do. Instead of printing negative things that people say, focus on the positive things that people are saying. What the United States and the world needs is prayer and unity. Be positive. Hashem runs the world. Ain od milvado.

  15. I cant stand the hypocrosy of the left either.
    But this rubbish only highlights how depraved the radical right has become, all in the name of conservative values. They have both lost their way. Reagan would be ashamed. Bush 43 is ashamed. And i just feel sad that a society who gave the human race so much is coming apart at the seems before our eyes.
    That doesnt seem to bother any of you shtark farfrumt litvacks.
    I feel humbled to be in your frock tails…

  16. Fact: Trump took days to distance himself from a David Duke endorsement.

    Fact: Trump refused to the condemn anti-Semitic vitriol of his supporters againts Julia Ioffe.

    Fact: Trump’s last ad prior to the election portrayed Jews such as Janet Yellin, Lyod Blakenfeld and George Soros as part of an evil globalist cabal.

    Fact: Trump said that many neo-nazi demonstrators chanting Jews will not displace us were fine people.

    Fact: Trump has stoked hatered and paranoia regarding the immigrant caravan.

    Fact: The Pittsburgh murder claimed Jews and HIAS were behind the immigrant caravan and he needed to stop it.

    America deserves a moral leader. One who can push his agenda without spreading hate and demonizing others. America deserves better.

  17. CK -“America deserves a moral leader. One who can push his agenda without spreading hate and demonizing others. America deserves better.”

    STOP with your hypocrisy! Where were you during the Obama’s years? We don’t even know whether Obama is an Antisemite because it was hidden. From previous: “Hidden photo of Obama and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan surfaces after 13 years.”

  18. Chareidi amiti,
    You’re vamping about Sheker without evidence…. And even if true, you make it out as if Trump invented it…

    ” shtark farfrump litvaks….frock tails..”

    Unless you know who everybody here is, you just wrote a gem of a sheker..
    And even if true, what’s the matter with Shtark, or Farfumt or Litvaks or Frocks?

    A gratuitous smear inside an anti-sheker post.

  19. Crazykanoiy… Your ” facts” are childishly out of context, but let’s focus on HIAS..
    First if all, what’s this got to do with Pres. Trump??

    2…. HIAS, the once great Jewish benefactor has dropped HEBREW from its name, though it keeps the acronym.
    HIAS is now involved with helping migrants all over the world whether the host citizens want them or not.
    HIAS has attacked the prez a year ago over immigration especially from the Muslim countries calling it racist.
    HIAS has abandoned Jews… but look… In this shooter’s mind , they’re still Jews.
    HIAS, J Street, AJC, Ron Lauder , even AIPAC are good for nothing $$$$$ grubbing orgs. Only the great ZOA with Mort Klein as head , is a rational and pro- Trump, pro-American,, pro Israel org…. and ZOA supprts the prez on immigration.

  20. >>>HIAS, J Street, AJC, Ron Lauder , even AIPAC are good for nothing $$$$$ grubbing orgs. Only the great ZOA with Mort Klein as head , is a rational and pro- Trump, pro-American,, pro Israel org…. and ZOA supprts the prez on immigration.

    Madonna is not the President (last time I checked. No one will go out and attempt to assassinate two former Presidents or butcher 11 elderly yidden in shul because of what Madonna or Kathy Griffin might say ….same for any of the others on the list of Dems and Media types making stupid and hateful remarks. I won’t make any effort to rebut an of these pathetic efforts to rationalize and legitimize the Trumpkopf’s mindless, vulgar and hateful tweets which have lowered the bar to levels where no one could imagine. Having said that, elevating the ZOA and Foxman because of their adulation of the Trumpkopf provides some comic relief on an otherwise incredibly sad day.

  21. Gadolhad….
    Au contraire,
    You’re unfortunately pathetic.
    An otherwise intelligent poster who’s infected with TDS and it’s showing.
    Are you by any chance a BDS supporter?
    So how’s Lauder sleeping nights when he so viciously attacked Israel calling it an apartheid state because he hates Netanyahu?
    Wanna get me started?

  22. Gadolhadorah, your slimy leftist Democrat tactics will not work here by blaming Trump for the shooting that was done by a crazed neo-Nazi who accidentally hated Trump because he was pro-Jewish. Most people on this forum see how dumb you are.

  23. “…….No one will go out and attempt to assassinate two former Presidents or butcher 11 elderly yidden in shul because of what Madonna or Kathy Griffin might say ….same for any of the others on the list of Dems and Media types making stupid and hateful remarks. …..”

    Aw, stupid and hateful remarks…. Like harass the GOP legislators, kick ’em when they’re down, stay uncivil, throw them out of restaurants, get in their faces… and the hordes are doing it…… assassinate…!! Lie about the prez, mock the 1st Lady… But, hey, that’s just stupid.
    No damage there…
    But are you insinuating that Trump’s tweets made this shooter??/ Why don’t you come out and say it openly..

    “……..Having said that, elevating the ZOA and Foxman because of their adulation of the Trumpkopf provides some comic relief on an otherwise incredibly sad day…..”

    Not adulating… agreeing…
    Glad I made you laugh, but I can’t laugh at the anti-American, anti Israeli J Street gang composed of various & sundry self-hating Jew haters and non-Jewish anti-Semites, nor at the now radical AJC and Bnai Brith lefties, the ADL with the Obama groupie president Jonathan Greenblatt ,who knows less than nothing about Judaism, who despise mainstream American & Jewish values……. Feeding into the stereotype of Jews being lefties, socialists and commies.
    Thank G-D for the ZOA..

    If you hate Trump, remember this:
    He’s a creation of the Kenyan, Hussain Obama and the RINOS…
    They were in the midst of destroying our culture, institutions and values..
    American people stopped that..
    Oh, and can we finally get some answers of how Obama cultists tried and still try to take down our duly elected prez?

  24. …. And one more thing…
    What you people hate about Trump is that fights back..
    No person in public life, politician or otherwise, in my lifetime, has been so eviscerated, pummeled, attacked, lied about
    and cursed as Donald Trump, our president.
    29/7 non-stop vitriol and rat-venom by hundreds of commentators on media, pols, entertainment types , over the last 2 years..
    So he responds and you can’t take it.
    You want a Romney, Jeb Bush, McCain type who’s polite, and smiles…you know, prezz-i-d-d-e-n-tch–il.
    No…. No more…
    You guys dragged him and his” deplorable” supporters into your stinking,slimy gutter…
    So he fights you mud for mud, poison for poison..
    And you know what?
    We love it..
    It’s time these evil people got a taste of their own cockroach poison..
    No Mr. Nice Guy/Gal can win against this tsunami of rage….
    Trump won…
    Image Hillary as prez…

  25. I didn’t vote for Trump and while there are policies of his that I agree with, overall I’m not a particular fan of his.

    But I cannot understand this Trump bashing. Besides for his rhetoric that the Israelis will have to make big concessions because of the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem, there is no indication at all of any anti-Semitism on the part of Trump. Just the opposite, he goes out of his way to show that he’s not an anti-Semite.

    Just because he’s pro-right does not mean he’s a Nazi. That is ridiculously childish and naive to lump together all Conservative and right wingers and Neo-Nazis. Pro-right means anti illegal immigragration, anti- the government aided surgery and “mental health” support for abbhorant behavior, and other Conservative policies. That doesn’t make anyone, including Trump amti-Semitic just as it doesn’t make Conservative leaning Jews ( in policies,not in Judaism c”v), myself included), anti-Semitic.

  26. I didn’t vote for Trump and while there are policies of his that I agree with, overall I’m not a particular fan of his.

    But I cannot understand this Trump bashing. Besides for his rhetoric that the Israelis will have to make big concessions because of the moving of the embassy to Jerusalem, there is no indication at all of any anti-Semitism on the part of Trump. Just the opposite, he goes out of his way to show that he’s not an anti-Semite.

    Just because he’s pro-right does not mean he’s a Nazi. That is ridiculously childish and naive to lump together all Conservative and right wingers and Neo-Nazis. Pro-right means anti illegal immigragration, anti- the government aided surgery and “mental health” support for abbhorant behavior, and other Conservative policies. That doesn’t make anyone, including Trump amti-Semitic just as it doesn’t make Conservative leaning Jews ( in policies,not in Judaism c”v), myself included), anti-Semitic.

    However, we cannot trust anybody but Hashem, so I dont understand how some people place such the blind trust in him, either.

  27. crazykanoiy You sound pretty intelligent yet you lose a following when you resort to calling your opponents names. You say you want a leader that does not do what you are doing yourself.

    By the way, the only reason the oped came up now, is that your group ie Democrat’s are blaming trump.

    Your List is pretty measly and insignificant. It repeats the same thing over and over that Trump has not distanced himself in words. True: however In action he had done more for the black, Jews and any people of color.

    Those organizations you mention – I have no idea who they are – they may it may not be as bad as Trump makes them out to be. I would trust him more than you.

  28. Beyond Our Means – If you wish to argue on the merit of my arguments by all means please do, but do not slander with baseless accusations. I have not resorted to calling my opponents names and anyone can easily scroll up the comment list and see that despite being called all types of names I have not responded in kind, and have limited my criticism to their ideas but have not engaged in name calling of my opponents.

    My point is quite simple. Stop the hate. Democrats have said bad things but so has Trump and Trump has said a whole lot of them. Stop defending the indefensible. The fact that some liberals have used violent rhethoric does not mean that Trump’s vile rhethoric is OK both are wrong and a president has a special responsibility to avoid stoking the flames of hatred. It is actually shocking that this is such a controversial idea and that criticising Trump sets off such vitriol.

  29. Beyond Our Means – You write “By the way, the only reason the oped came up now, is that your group ie Democrat’s are blaming trump.” You have no idea what my group is. I am opposed to Trump because of his vile rhetoric. That doesn’t make me a Democrat or Liberal anymore than George Will, David Brooks, Bret Stephens, Monica Charen or Bill Kristol, and many others who are principled conservatives and who have had the guts to call out Trump for his abhorrent comments and rhetoric.

  30. Nope no hate, no divisiveness, no angry pointing of fingers, nothing but love peace and brotherhood in these comments. May I suggest the author(s) of the letter reveal their names, it’s only fair.

  31. Where were the rabanim and roshey yeshivos when peleg showed thier hatred towards kllal yisroel who didnt agree with them.
    Where were the rabbanim and roshey yeshivos when peleg caused major chillul hashem and untold tzarr and gneivas zman towards large parts of kllal yisroel who didnt agree with them?
    Where were the rabbanim and roshey yeshivos when the neturei karta showed and still shows thier hatred towards eretz yisroel and klal yisroel and thier outright chillul shabbos just to carry out their mission.

  32. The lack of civility goes back to the 1960s, and if you need a “start” it would be the Democrat’s ad campaign arguing that Sen. Barry Goldwater was mentally ill (a total lie, but the Democrats didn’t apologize when it came it was deliberate “fake news”, and that’s where the problem began). Politicians, being like small children (in schools where they don’t learn about the Hafetz Chaim) keep “getting even” with more and more insults until we got to the point today where both camps see nothing wrong with dreaming up absurd slanders on each other.

    Only good parenta and teachers can get kids in line when they start acting badly. To get the politicians in line, the voters have to elect candidatgs who act in a civil “mentchlich”. If people who take to “demonizing” their opponents notice they they aren’t get elected, they’ll stop.

  33. Takes2-2tango,

    Shah…!! Shtill…!! Mach nisht kein vgevald..

    We’re not supposed these questions.
    How many times have I proposed a Trump-like revolution and get us leaders who care about us…
    REALLY care about us.
    I know they’re out there, there are many caring rabbanim among us, but alas, they’re under the radar…
    Don’t have minions,
    don’t have the PR,
    are known relatively locally .
    We need these types, desperately.

  34. Apparently for you ideologues the facts are hard to swallow . Facts are not “childish and juvenile”; the people who deny them are. The Democratic Party is a bastion of hate, anti-semitism, anti-America, mob-rule fascists. Does anyone have a theory as to why frum Jews would champion their cause?

  35. dbrim ,
    Just because someone writes an opinion piece and calls them facts without a single piece of evidence does not make it a fact. It is all lies starting from the words “Democrats didn’t care”. Also, whatever you said about the Democratic is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But it is wrong.

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