U.S. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer gave an enthusiastic endorsement to NY State Assembly candidate Simcha Eichenstein for the 48th Assembly District.
“Simcha Eichenstein will make an excellent Assembly Member,” said Schumer. “He has the experience, the temperament and the dedication that it takes to get things done. I’m delighted to give him my warm endorsement and look forward to seeing what he accomplishes in his first elected position.”
Eichenstein said he was very proud to receive an endorsement from one of the most prominent and influential elected officials in Washington. “Senator Schumer has close ties to our community,” said Eichenstein. “He was born and raised in Brooklyn, was first elected to the New York State Assembly at the age of 24, and has spent his entire life as a dedicated public servant, achieving enormous influence in our government. The Senator has remained accessible to our community—knows who we are and what we care about. I am proud to receive his endorsement and look forward to working with him to accomplish great things for our district.”

CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter

CREDIT: Benjamin Kanter
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
12 Responses
You scratch my back I scratch yours
then you could be sure that he does not have my vote and i hope no heimisher yid should scumer ia rushe yemahch shmoi remeber rubashkin he refused to help he is full of toavu let him roast in hell together with his concubine pelosi
I hope to vote for Simcha despite the endorsement he has from this two-faced cheat. I anticipate that Simcha will represent our value system, something this Schumer fool has never done. Although they will not be working for the same level of government, one federal, the other state, I do hope their approaches to our community and the precious moral values that are at our core remain distinct. I am confident that Simcha will behave appropriately. My prediction for Schumer is based on his track record, and can’t wait to see him out of politics, however it happens.
@czyrankevic – Ok. Go vote for his opponent.
Oh wait a minute. He doesn’t have one….. #IdiotAlert
Stop being such a hater.
He needs a new suit, looks so big on him.
So another reason not to vote for him.
How tonedeaf is this Abramowitz guy to the needs to our community that he actually touts an endorsement from Schumer>
He’s running around getting endorsements
Shouldn’t he be running around instead explaining substance Of his positions ??
reb simche , my family has 9 votes and rest assured you aint getting them …this oycher yisroel shouldnt be associated with heimishe politicians….
Schumer’s endorsement is an endorsement to vote for his Republican challenger. Shame on anyone who would wish to be seen/aligned with this repugnant creature Schumer.
Ferd, if he had no opponent then there would be no election in that district, nobody could vote for him, nobody would be endorsing him, and he would not be campaigning. All of these things prove that he does have an opponent, so why should we not vote for that person, whoever s/he is?
I am no fan of chuckinu schumer, but reading all these comments truly puzzles me. Mr Eichenstein is running to represent our community in government. Whether we like it or not chuckinu is unfortunately the senator of this state and also in leadership in Washington and we’re attacking him for accepting his endorsement??? While I am very disappointed with chuckinu, there was times (on occasion) that he was there for our community for example for Mr Jacob Ostreicher when he was lock up in Bolivia. Our representatives must be able to work with everyone and have relationships with everyone. I am actually very impressed with Mr Eichenstein, who I never met (although he did knock on my door during campaigning on my block, but my wife was home not me). It’s impressive that the same person that can have a warm relationship and receive the endorsement of Joe Lieberman can also have a warm relationship and receive the endorsement of chuckinu schumer, despite these 2 senators probably agree on nothing.
Check up their voting records
Joe Lieberman and chuck schumer actually agree almost on Everything politically with some minor exceptions such as Iran