WATCH: Fox News’ Cavuto Blasts Trump For Blaming Everyone But Himself

11 Responses

  1. Are you randomly tuning into fox and saying “oh wow this segmant is breaking!” Neil Cavuto is always criticizing the president (and he is fair)

  2. hes probably the only the stupid guy on fox. what do i care if trump blames everyone else??? is that the biggest threat facing america today? besides if i would start lecturing trump on his ethics, that wouldn’t be were i would start from.

  3. charidyamiti, cavuto has been broadcasting against trump for quite some time, dont mix up conservative networks with liberal ones.

  4. Cavuto speaks emess….the Trumpkopf is unable to accept responsibility for ANYTHING, even when the cause/effect is obvious. Each of the items cited by Cavuto is clearly a transparent and direct result of what the Trumpkopf has done. Even when his own appointees take actions, he denies responsibility. There are obviously about 30 millions Americans who believe his nonsense and accept his claim “don’t believe what you are seeing”.

  5. Trump personifies every deplorable mida that Torah Jews should strive to avoid like airborne ebola.
    Daas Torah must have missed the first eighteen years of cheider.
    Or perhaps his cheder glorified such midos.

  6. Chareidi, the values of upholding traditional marriage, against abortions, moving the embassy to Jerusalem and increasing funding for Israel while decreasing for Palestinians, freeing Rubashkin are just some of the many values I admire about President Trump. I don’t know if you are personally losing out on welfare benefits or food stamps, but in my household we value traditional marriage (in other words a marriage between a man and woman and/or not changing your gender) and we are in favor of supporting the Holy land. I disagree with you but won’t insult you if you want a president who pushes for abortions. I’m sorry that you want a president who wants to give more to Palestinians. Let me know which cheder you attended, so that my kids can avoid it.

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