Growing Your Business With WhatsApp

The following article is part of a new series presented by Jewish Content Network which will discuss business ideas, marketing advice, and feature new business technologies, in an effort to help small business and organizations thrive and succeed.  WhatsApp is rapidly becoming a powerful marketing tool for business. For a while now, it’s been possible to place sponsored posts on popular WhatsApp groups through the Jewish Content Network. But recently WhatsApp also launched a separate business API, allowing companies to establish broadcast channels where they send dedicated messages to individual subscribers. Whereas in the past you’d  be maxed out at 250ish members of a group before you had to start a new one, now you can have unlimited subscribers as long as they manually opt-in by sending you the first message. Speaking of sending the first message, WhatsApp recently revealed a widget which allows users to quickly send you a pre-written message via the app, even if you aren’t saved to their contacts. The applications of this is huge.  You may be familiar with the ability to click on an email link to send an email, or on a number to bring up a dialer. But for many people, WhatsApp is more convenient and versatile than texting, and allowing them to begin a WhatsApp conversation with the click of a button is revolutionary. And once you have it in link form, there are several ways to quickly broadcast it. This includes in the contact area of your site, in a WhatsApp message you ask people to forward or promote for you, in email blasts, and in Instastories. Click here to see a live example of this click-to-message capability. Chaim Chernoff is the Chief Marketing Officer at the Jewish Content Network. Always on the lookout for latest digital marketing trends, Chaim aims to help businesses expand their presence and grow their business in the digital world.  Do you have marketing questions? Send an email to: [email protected]

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