Rabbi Metzger Approves Of Saudi Kings Proposal For Inter-Faith Talks

saudi king.jpg(Dov Gordon – YWN) A recent proposal made by Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah to organize a conference of Jews, Christians and Muslims – has the backing of Israel’s Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger. “We are in favour of any dialogue that could put an end to terrorism and violence “, Rabbi Metzger told AFP.

According to the official Saudi Arabian news agency, top Saudi clerics have given their blessings on the idea, but Muslim leaders from other countries would now be consulted.

“We have lost sincerity, morals, fidelity and attachment to our religions and to humanity,” the king said. “The disintegration of the family and the rise of atheism in the world — a frightening phenomenon that all religions must confront and vanquish.”
It is unknown where the proposed conference would take place.

4 Responses


    Israel had Toeva parades in Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv, while Saudi Arabia calls for a return to morality.

    Israel’s atheist leaders never mention HaShem, while Saudi Arabia calls for a return to emuna–What a disgrace!

  2. TO ILLINI07 (2):

    Actually, the Pope is sending a representative to this meeting also.

    By the way, why don’t Olmert and Barak make the same clever ruse.–Because they can’t even bring themselves to pretend that they care about morality and emuna–their atheist colleagues would laugh them out of the party.

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