Heartbreaking: Letter That Nachman Glauber Z”L Wrote His Parents Before His Wedding

glThe young Chosson took some moments on his wedding day to write a letter thanking his parents for never sparing time or money if he needed, say, a tutor or an eye doctor, and for sending him to yeshiva “to learn your values, religious and worldly, until I reached to this current lucky moment.”

Children, Nachman Glauber wrote, often do not understand what parents do for them until they mature and have their own children, so he asked them to forgive him for any pain he may have caused them.

Nathan and Raizy Glauber, both 21, were married roughly a year ago, before their lives were snuffed out in a horrific crash this past Motzei Shabbos. The expectant parents were on their way to the hospital because the mother-to-be felt ill.

Doctors performed an emergency C-section to deliver the premature infant after the crash, but he R”L died a day later.

Here is the text of a translation of the letter provided by a reader [CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE]:

To my dear parents:

L1 In these imminent joyous and highly spiritual moments of my life, when I’m heading to my chupa to begin my own family, I feel a sting in my heart that I’m already leaving your warm home.

I feel an obligation to thank you for everything you did for me since I was a small child. You did not spare time, energy and money, whether it was when I needed a private tutor to learn or an eye doctor or general encouragement. Also, later on, you helped me to succeed in my Torah studies, you sent me to yeshiva to learn your values, religious and worldly, until I reached to this current lucky moment.

Even though I’m leaving your home (actually I’m not leaving, I’m bringing in an additional family member) I want to tell you that all the education and values you taught me I’ll – with God’s help — take along with me in my new home, and continue to plant the same education in my home and kids that God will grant me.

But since kids do not grasp what parents are, and how much they do for them, and only when he matures and – with God’s help — have their own kids, they could realize it. And unfortunately I may have caused you a lot of pain; I am asking you to please forgive me.

I’m asking you, I’m dependent on your prayers, pray for me and my bride, and I will pray for you.


I pray to God that Daddy and Mommy should see lots of pride and delight from me and my special bride, until the final redemption of the Messiah.

From your son who admires and thanks you and will always love you.


(Source: NY Times / YWN Desk – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. This is so heartbreaking. Two young Neshomos, 21 years of age.
    I cant understand, why we don’t start taking seriously, those harsh words of Moshe Rabbeinu, “Your brothers will go to battle and you’re just going to sit here?”. We clearly see how Moshe Rabbeinu would get so enraged, on the prospect of having somebody else’s 21 year old child go to battle, instead of our child.
    Why do we just close the Chumash with Moishe Rabbeinu’s words, and look for other things, like Shteiging, longer skirts, thicker hosiery.
    Lets hope, that, Hashivenu Hashem Eilecho.

  2. I cried reading the letter. He was an emmesa ben Torah. A baal midos tovos. It makes the tragedy all the more, heart breaking. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

  3. To Yira,

    That was a milchoma shel Mitzvah! Not very many Gedolim agree with your thought process so I think it may be YOU who should start taking things more seriously. I happen to be a working professional but to make away with the need to “shteig” and the ned for tznius, that makes YOU the ones stepping on the words of the Torah. You can’t choose just the words you like. It may be true that priorities are a bit skewed today but yours are REALLY messed up.

  4. #1 havent foggiest idea what you want. if your reffering to yourself dont publicize it. I have no problem on this side. Are you trying to say someone else children should also C’V be taken…please clarify.Also dont describe our teacher Moshe Rabbeinu as being ‘ENRAGED’.he said benachas not ‘bechari af’!!

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