PHOTOS: Ivanka Walks to Shul With Her Children on Shemini Atzeres; Jared Heads to The White House

Ivanka Trump walked to Shul on Shemini Atzeres with her three children, 7-year-old Arabella, 4-year-old Joseph and 2-year-old Theodore.

The kids all rode scooters for the trip to American Friends of Lubavitch synagogue, and were accompanied by Secret Service agents.

Ivanka’s husband, Jared Kushner, was seen leaving their home with a briefcase earlier in the morning.

The senior adviser was on hand for President Donald Trump’s speech about the new United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) later in the day.


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PHOTOS: Ivanka Trump walked to Shul on Shemini Atzeres with her three children, 7-year-old Arabella, 4-year-old Joseph and 2-year-old Theodore. The kids all rode scooters for the trip to American Friends of Lubavitch synagogue, and were accompanied by Secret Service agents. Ivanka's husband, Jared Kushner, was seen leaving their home with a briefcase earlier in the morning. The senior adviser was on hand for President Donald #Trump's speech about the new United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) later in the day. Later Monday, the family received a visit from Ivanka's sister Tiffany, 24, a law student at nearby Georgetown University. Photographers captured some of the #Halloween decorations adorning the Kushner/Trump home. @ivankatrump #ivankatrump #jaredkushner #judaism #jewsinthewhitehouse #chagsameach

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23 Responses

  1. @Talmidchochom : Guess you are not what you call yourself after all. I guess you understand EVERYTHING that goes on in the highest office of government. And yet you question his orthodoxy?? Physician, heal thyself.

  2. How sad! Missed opportunity to make a Kiddish Hashem to publicly go to shul with his wife and children. Perhaps we should judge him favorably that he was carrying his talis in his “briefcase” and going to a non Chabad minyon.

  3. Boyswork!
    Thank you for saying it the way it is! Fact is it should be none of anybody’s business! Your last line is great! Like RINOs are Republican in name only, this Talmidchochom is likewise!

  4. To Talmidchochom:

    Actually, Kushner was a key factor in getting Treudeau to back down in the early hours of Sunday morning on his refusal to relax Canadian dairy market restrictions. He also convinced the Canadians to agree on a Sunset provision which they had previously opposed. These are issues which the USTR had not been entirely successful but he used his personal relationships to smooth over the last few issues. Did that mean he was critical to the Rose Garden photo op on Shmini Atzeres? Not any more so than his driving to the Inaugural Ball on Shabbos or any other event he drives to on Yom Tov But this was one case where he really did make a substantive difference in policy outcomes.

  5. BoysWork, no one needs Jared in the administration, there are plenty of people who can do the “essential” work that he does so that he doesn’t desecrate halacha which is the ultimate priority of a religious Jew. And the world would not collapse if he would be in shul. He can do what he wants but the family is not frum as they and the media would like us to believe.

  6. @philosopher: regarding your comment about his frumkeit: I have davened in many shuls in my life. Recently, I have had the displeasure of davening in a shul that has attracted many young men in shtreimels and bekitches and I can tell you that I guarantee that the Kushners are more frum than these guys. I have never ever seen such disrespect for davening and kriyas hatorah. Most of these guys barely know ivra. There is no doubt in my mind that the example that Jared and Ivanka are setting for their kids is much better than what these “frummies” are teaching their kids.
    Lastly, you say Jared is not needed. Well, my high and mighty, maybe he is one of the reasons our president is so good to our homeland. As I told the other dude, “physician, heal thyself”. When you are perfect, you can preach. Until then, zip it.

  7. BoysWork, I say the same to you. What gives you the right to criticize others “with shteimels and bekishes” when you disregard basic halacha? At least these men are in shul while Jared Kushner is not. As I said, Mr. Kushner and family may do what they want, and they may be very nice too, but frum they are not. Regardless what what you say, halacha is halacha, and chillul Shabbos is chillul Shabbos, period.

  8. BoysWork… it does not take a Nobel prize physicist to know what goes on or does not go on in the highest office in the Govt. would you like examples? Inquire within.

  9. boyswork
    to guys like you its the shtreimel that bothers not the’not davening’ the way kushners are oiver plenty d’oireise…What did this streimel guys oiver?

  10. @boyswork
    I have no idea what shul you davened in and it doesn’t matter yeddin in shtrimels give a lot of respect to daven and they daven with more kavanah then any other group so keep your motzi Shem ra to yourself

  11. note the manner of dress of ivanka kushner. when she davens in deal, she is also among the most appropriately dressed.

    those who comment on jared, please first review the halakhot of those karov le’malkhut.

  12. Yaapchik,Boyswork,
    Chazal exhort us over and over
    (Shabbos 54a, ) Whoever can protest, and fails
    to do so, is held culpable for sins committed
    When in public especially

    It is YWN who are however at fault for publishing

  13. Boyswork; Your comment “When you are perfect, you can preach. Until then, zip it.” is not a Jewish value perhaps it is a Christian one. The Torah only requires one to not be guilty of the particular “mum” that he reproves another about.
    Secondly, your sad experience with a group of spiritual delinquents dressed in the clothing of their parents for social reasons, is no excuse for the public chilul Shabbos & Yom Tov of Mr. Kushner.

  14. I will try to respond to all of you who took offense:
    @shimen: what you said is totally false. Its’ NOT the shtreimel at all, but this is the crowd that happens to be here, and I can tell you, as today is Thursday, that they do not so much as open as siddur. I know this is not the case everywhere.
    However, when you come to shul only to socialize and you make enough noise so that others cannot hear the davening, then that is a problem. And in my case, its the younger generation of chasidim who behave this way.
    @philosopher: First of all, how do you know that Jared was mechalel shabbos? After all, this was shmini atzeres. Is attending a meeting considered chilul yom tov? As I mentioned above, if the only reason you come to shul is to socialize and disturb others, stay home. And, by the way, you said that I “disregard basic halacha”. Exactly what basic halacha did I disregard?
    @Yossii: I saved the best for last. Yes, you are 100% right that yidden in shtreimels daven with much kavana. But IT IS A FACT that many of the younger generation, the ones who cut off their payos and trim their beards and wear the uniform just to please their parents, have very little to zero respect for a shul or for davening. You can argue all you want, but it is painfully obvious.
    A git yur to all of you.

  15. You coment how bad that he did not go. Please remember he did go on yom kipur and they all wore the appropriate yom kipur shoes which is one of the 5 inuim. As far as which talis under dichenen i can guess under her shawl, under secret service jacket LOL, if he is in the ladies section there is no need to go under taleisim. By the way let me use the opportunity to ask you please tell your family members 2 things: please have in mind the children of divorced parents during dichenen and during ovois ubonim etc. Try to “adopt for shul ” one ofbthese families. 2) please tell your families that ladies are not supposed to turn with the back to the cohanim. You can look down but your back to the bentching cohen??? My teacher said its super wrong

  16. BoysWork, “first of all how do you know Jared was mechallel Shabbos”… Oh wow, it was “only Yom Tov” that he was mechallel…(In any case, he was mechallel Shabbos at different times ) and here he transgressed the halachas of Yom Tov. Stop fardreing ah kup defending his actions. I’m sure he’s a wonderful person but that doesn’t make him frum, whether you agree with that reality or not.

    And just because there were bums wearing shtreimels and bekeshes who were acting disrespectful in shul and didn’t daven doesn’t make Jared Kushner frum. Two wrongs don’t make one right. And bekeshes and shtreimels are not what makes people frum. People can be mechallel Shabbos while wearing shtreimels and bekeshes, unfortunately. Their actions are irrelevant to the news we are discussing, however.

    Now tell me what exactly makes you think that you can tell people what they can and can’t say. Halacha dictates us to express our pain at the chillul Hashem. Because the Kushners try to present themselves as frum Jews we have not only a right, but also an obligation to point out that they are not frum, especially because they are transgressing halacha openly. It’s VERY CLEAR that they are not frum, regardless of how wonderful they are ( which I’m saying not saying sarcastically btw, they do seem to be a nice family). Sorry if this clashes with your political sensibilities.

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