New Al Qaida Tape Calls For Attacks On Jewish Targets

zawahiri5.jpgIn a new audiotape released on Monday, Al Qaida No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahiri encouraged Muslims to attack Jewish and American targets in response to Israeli strikes in the Gaza Strip. Zawahiri’s statement followed a message from Osama bin Laden, who called for holy war to liberate the Palestinian territories.

The Associated Press reports that the two messages have raised concerns in the intelligence community that Al Qaida could be planning new attacks in the West. Additionally, the increased focus on the Palestinian issue also reflects the terror network’s desire to show it is up to date on the latest events in the region – even though the leadership is ‘on-the-run’.

(YWN Staff)

32 Responses

  1. So maybe is the NK right, by publicly announcing that Jews are not Zionists, therefore, WE are not responsible for whatever the Israelis do in Gaza?

    do we really have to suffer everywhere around the globe for the Zionist’s acts in Israel?

    please don’t kill me for using my privilege – my freedom of expression.

  2. I won’t kill you for usung your First Amendment right, but remember when the Germans and their allies came for us they didn’t ask what shul you attended, your political leanings or if you were a Zionist or not. We all died together!

  3. Right.
    but from this terrorists message it’s obvious that he has total misconception, he holds all Jews responsible for the Zionist’s aggression. while all Jews are NOT responsible for any acts of the Israeli forces.
    maybe if the message that “JEWS ARE NOT ZIONISTS” will be announced loud enough, it may change the focus of the terrorists.
    B T W, I’m not a NK member, I’m referring to this particular phrase, in light of the call from Al-Zawahiri to take revenge in ALL Jewish people worldwide. ה”י.

  4. dear loyalyid – “Kol Yisrael Aravim Ze L’Ze”. Like it or not, yes, we ARE resposible for each other. That is why we all need to increase our kiruv efforts, even if it’s only a smile, to teach our fellow yidden what’s really true. Furthermore, I don’t really understand your comment to this article. Do you think the Israelis should NOT respond to attacks, or try to protect the innocent people being attacked every day?
    Do you really feel the message of this meshuganeh is something new? The Arabs have always looked to destroy us, they just look for new excuses.

  5. LOYALYID you really DO MAKE me sick to depth of my stomach – whatever happened to MI KE’AMCHA YISRAEL?????? so you are not a jew you want to isolate yourself – let them blow up the rest just leave ME alone? is that what you are stating – Our brothers sisters – family – are all living in Eretz Yisrael – WHAT DO YOU WANT??? CLOSE DOWN all the heilige MOSDOS in Eretz Yisrael and relocate them to Siberia?? or maybe GERMANY OR POLAND? Is that what YOU want?? you think YOU are so safe because you are in Chutz La’aretz??? Did the germans persecute Israel – NO THEY PERSECUTED YIDDEN – did the spanish persecute Israel – NO the JEWS!!!! so do you finally get it????? Yidden like YOU changed their identity in the holocaust believing that if we act more like them we will be saved – and we all know the outcome – it is SINAS CHINAM!! it is when Yidden go against each other – it is because of people like NK that we are in Galus Rachmona Litzlon there is so much tzurus in the world – just look at the tradgedies in our own communities the last few days…. at least the yidden should keep the Sholem between themselves….. is that TOO MUCH TO ASK!!!!!!

    NK have a specific reserved place in Gehenim for every handshake with the arab terrorists, and lets not even mention the existence of these roaches!!!

  6. #2, the theoretical difference between the Arabs and the Germans is that the Germans hated Jews. Period. Whereas the Arabs hate Zionists and anyone they think is associated with them.

    Unfortunately, from a practical point of view, the Arabs likely believe that most Jews support Zionism, though, in reality, educated and informed Jews really only care about the safety of their brethren in Eretz Yisrael and have no interest in the “Jewish” State there other than protecting their Jewish brothers and sisters.

    However, if you go back in history before the Zionists did their dastardly deeds, you would see some interesting things in the relationship between Jews and Arabs that clearly differentiate Arabs from Germans vis-vis the Jews.

    There is, for example, the cordial relationship between Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld Zatza”l and, lihavdil, Arafat’s mentor, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin Al Husseini (not a Jew-lover by any means).

    The Mufti, incidentally, told Rav Yosef Chaim that “we have no problem with you living here; if you (meaning Zionists, not the holy Rav Yosef Chaim) try to take over, however, it will be a big problem”.

    There is also the entire sefardi world that lived in Arab lands, free of pogroms, inquisitions and other “gifts” from their Christian hosts that their ashkenazi counterparts suffered so much from.

    That is not to say that the Arabs treated the Jews particularly well or that one didn’t have to watch one’s back, but the Jews were able to keep their faith unchecked and were allowed to operate their businesses.

    It’s interesting how the Yemenites have their mesorah from zman bayis sheini (which no ashkenaz community has), yet it was only when the Zionists got to the Yemenite children to teach them to be good commie Zionists, did the Yemenites lose those traditions that their parents and those before them had continued for 2,000 years!

    Before someone bothers to mention it, the Chevron Massacre ocurred after a Zionist Rabbi decided to trumpet “Shema Yisrael haKotel shelanu haKotel echad”. The Arabs heard (incorrectly) that the Zionists were threatening Al Aqsa mosque so they rioted to stop it. Unfortunately, the savages mistakenly associated the ashkenazi students of Yeshivas Chevron with the Zionists, and so they murdered them. Very worthwhile to understand, they did not, however, go near the sefardim living in/near chevron, because the Arabs knew that the sefardim were not Zionists.

  7. #6 “…difference between the Arabs and the Germans is that the Germans hated Jews. Period. Whereas the Arabs hate Zionists”

    and do you know how the arabs define a zionist? to them the definition of a zionist is a Jew. to all the anti-zionists, zion=Jew. this is something that NK dies not understand, nor does the first poster in this thread.

  8. #8, I wrote in my second paragraph of my comment “Unfortunately, from a practical point of view, the Arabs likely believe that most Jews support Zionism…”; but it’s importnat to understand that these are not nazis who hate Jews for being Jews, rather Arabs who hate Jews for Zionism, and if they could be taught otherwise, that Jews are not Zionists, the world might be a more peaceful place.

  9. frumcouple, not to defend NK’s methods or anything, but gedolim have stated that Zionism and Israel push off the geulah; do you really think that NK extremists do more harm or less harm than Zionists did and continue to do to our people?

  10. I agree with #1- Jews and Zionists ARE NOT the same. If you take a look at history, the Arabs only started to hate us once the Zionists set up their country and provoked them.

    #5- Being pro or con Zionists has nothing to do with living in or out of Eretz Yisroel.

  11. HaKatan , I read your post – the arabs are NOT going to reprint their dictionary to accommodate truth at this stage in the game. to them Jew and zionist are one and the same – no different than any other of those who hate us.


    “Yehudi, Lo Tzioni”–Jews, not Zionists, comes from the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum, ZT”L, who used the phrase primarily, to placate the anger of Heaven, not the Arabs.

    The Arabs are merely the instrument of HaShem’s wrath. If we make ShoLem among all Yidden and do genuine TeShuva, all of these threats will diappear into thin air.

  13. What I find interesting is that Daniel Pearl, a Jew by birth, who intermarried, never was observant of Halacha, and was not in any meaningful way an involved Jew, understood the meaning of Jewish identity. At the last moment of his life, he cast his lot with Am Yisrael, and never flinched. On this blog there are people who, ostensibly, observe Halacha, or aspire to do so, or respect its primary place in Jewish life. But yet, many of them fail to grasp the most basic notions of Jewish identity, fraternity and choseness. R. Aron Teiltlebaum, made it a point to identify with those slain at Mercaz Harav, his tradition of fierce anti-Zionism notwithstanding. He well understands that when push come to shove, Jews are Jews and we are all interconnected by Divine plan. His gesture demonstrates that Jewish solidarity transcends internicine battles, even battles about the very nature of Judaism. Seems others here don’t get it. But quite honestly, those of you who don’t get that most basic idea of what it is to be a Jew, please feel free to completely dissacociate yourselves from us. Become Muslim or Christian or whatever and save yourselves that way. If you opt to join an Amish of Menonite community, you can even continue with the heimishe levush.

  14. Deep Thinker, that may be true, but achdus and shalom are not means to their own end. We must have achdus among ourselves but, and at the same time, one must not stop even for a moment, from recognizing how anti-Torah and dangerous the various “-isms”, including Zionism, are.

    MDLevine, that may or may not be 100% true (for now), but it’s still important for us to understand that the root of this terrible Arab hatred toward Jews is a direct consequence of the barbarity of Zionism (and NOT the simply evil hatred the nazis had of Jews). It is, on many levels, instructive and practically significant.

  15. When the Arab terrorist murdered 8 innocent Yeshiva Bochurim, he did not inquire into each one’s political affiliation.

    When Kassam rockets hit Sderot and other areas of Eretz Yisroel, it is not aimed at a particular person X because of their political leanings.

    The holy bochurim of Mercaz were Jews, the people in Sderot are Jews, and we are Jews. The Germans, yimach shemam ve’zichrom hated us because we are the Am HaNivchar. Eisav’s descendants have hated us ever since our forefather Yaakov got the brachos from Yitzchok instead of Eisav.

    To fool yourself that this one ‘hates you less’, or ‘I don’t associate with this group, and sholom alay nafshi’ is living in a glass menagerie. Sooner or later,it will break.


    The Merkaz HaRav tragedy demonstrated that even there, in the very center of the Zionist movement, disillusion with Zionism has set in.

    Rav Shapir, the Rosh Yeshiva there, told Olmert to stay away when he asked to come to be MeNaChem Avel. Such an insult to the head of the Zionist MeDinA would have been unthinkable years ago.

    Zionism is bankrupt, and now all Yidden who follow the Torah are prepared to accept a new leadership, based on Torah.

    The time is ripe for MoShiAch!

  17. cantoresq, so you’re saying, if someone thinks or says different than you, he should simply “convert” out of Judaism. right?
    I think your words speak for themselves, no need to answer anything.

    “Mi Keamcha Yisrael……. at least the yidden should keep the Sholem between themselves…..”..

    preaching over Achdus and ahavas yisroel – only when talking about Zionists (non observant, and sonei hadas).
    But the tone changes abruptly when talking about NK members (fully observant, shomrei taryag mitzvos)

    Frumcouple then says:
    …”NK have a specific reserved place in Gehenim for every handshake with the Arab terrorists, and lets not even mention the existence of these roaches!!….”

    So in other words, ahavas yisroel is reserved only for the chilony Zionists??????

  19. to #6 hakatan..see ramban breishis 16 posik 6, rashi breishis 21 posik 17 ..brings down what barbarians they are , also oher hachaim kodosh vayikra 6 posik 2 in middle of long piece describes what barbarians they are ,plus more this “zionst” is just excuse ..what about what they are doing all over the globe and against each other has nothing to do with zionits,indoneseia,philipines etc,etc it has do with “v’hu yiyah perah adom..” remember the talmid of chofetz chaim that made aliyah and before going the holy chofetz said ‘remember yismael no matter what he is dr. lawyer, etc beneath he is peyrah adom…(remember the 2 doctors 1/2 year ago that were caught, wanted to carry put terroist act. I think hakatan you living in hole ,you know whats going on with CAIR, MSA..who are working to undermine democracies to instal islamic rule,,has nothing to do with zionists…but of course the zionists shita was to obliterate torah and k’chol hagoim huyine thats besides the point..also, hakatan, other godolim said otherwise and of course you’ll say they were not gedolim (like the saying “eich red nisht oif rebbes ,eich mach im kiodem ois rebbe”)

  20. I can’t believe the cowardice of my brethren!!

    So was it in the beginning of WWII, when the German Jews said that Hitler meant the “Oust Yuden” Jews from outside of Germany, the Polish and Galician Jews, but never the refined and assimilated German Jews. But we all know now exactly whom Hitler meant. He meant ALL Jews.

    So too, you think that you will be able to hide from these murderers in the pretense that you are a non-Zionist Jew.

    Oh, what a mistake. The Islamic sword is aimed at all of us.

    Wake up!

  21. Not at all #19. You are the one who seems not to want to stand with the rest of Am Yisrael. Most of us stand with Israel, in one way or another. Whether we are actice zionists, passive supporters, Jews who have grave problems with the Zionist enterprise, at some point, we all stand together. When an arab terrorist says that all Jews should be killed due to the situation in Gaza, or when a muderous swine shoots up a yeshiva killing eight students, Jews stand together. You, “loyalyid” in your pathetic cowardly attempt to save your skin suggest that Am Yisrael slough off and abandon a huge portion of its people and disavow them from the Jewish people. I simply suggested that it go the other way. We, Jews will stick together. The rest of you can leave. Oh and don’t let the door hit your backside on the way out.

  22. LOYAL YID!!! first of all change your profile name FAST cause you do not seem to be too “loyal” to every yid – second of all you call NK shomrei torah umitzvos take a look at this

    “the following statement on the eve of the group’s meeting with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

    “It is always our pleasure to visit with President Ahmadinejad. This will be the third such meeting, in addition to our many visits to Iran in the past. We have each time emphasized to the Iranian leadership that, despite media hysteria and the statements of some misinformed Jews, we have found the Iranian people and their leaders to be friendly and respectful.” ?

    In conclusion says Rabbi Weiss, “Out of great respect to the Iranian Nation and their leadership we proudly welcome the Honorable President Ahmadinejad to New York, WELCOME!”

    THESE are people that fire rockets into eretz yisroel that injure our bretheren and I mean everyone including chassidus etc. who are affected alike… they supply rockets to hizbolla to reach far into Eretz Yisrael and yet NK glorify them and support their cause – the cause to KILL YIDDEN!!!!!!!

    Ahavas yisroel is for Yidden sanctify life – EVEN the belzer rebbe, the Satmar Rebbe joined in the beareavement of the Merkaz Harav students, where were the NK then huh?????????

    I will not even waste my time to prolong this discussion with someone who is obviously just another member of the NK

    so goodbye

  23. Yishmael hated Yitzchok way before Zionism came into being. There was never a good relationship between us and them. To them a Jew is a Jew. They don’t care if we live in the Gush or in the Bronx. We’re all “infidels” and it’s their “holy mission” to rid the world of the enemies of Islam through Jihad.
    I’ve seen many posts on this site criticizing gedolim, rabbanim, and anyone else we find fault with. At times, names have been mentioned in posts because someone disagreed with a certain person or didn’t like him. This is pure lashon hara. It’s also sinas chinam.
    Some of us need to realize that only Hashem is perfect and we’re not. We should stop judging and MISJUDGING others and start practicing a little more ahavas Yisrael.
    The only way to defeat our enemies is with achdus. (Mi ke’amcha Yisrael goy ECHAD ba’aretz. Echad, one, a single cohesive unit, k’ish echad b’laiv echad.) When we have complete achdus our enemies will finally get what’s coming to them and Moshiach will be here. G’d willing it should be soon!

  24. mktmom: You don’t know what Yishmael’s hatred to Yitzchak was before Zionism (at least before the 1930s) if you haven’t spoken to people who lived then; to assume that it is analogous to the attitude of Esav to Yaakov is to be very mistaken.

    What is known, and is the salient point here, is that one of the MINOR tragedies of Zionism is the immense hatred they engendered in Arabs toward Jews.

  25. Halacha le’Moshe Me’Sinai:
    Aisav Sonei Le’Yaakov

    It does not quantify what sorts of Aisav are our enemy, whether they are German Nazis, Arab (Palestinian, Jordanian etc), evil Romans, cruel Greeks, Spaniards from the Inquisition, English from the Crusades, or any of the the European countries (Poland, Czech, Hungary, Romania) who willingly gave up Jews to die and stole their $$.

    It also does not quantify whether Yaakov refers to Aschkenazi, Sephardi, Daati, Chiloni, Zionist, Anti-Zionist, Litvish, Chareidi, Chassidish, Misnagdish.

    It’s a simple. They hate US. Every single one of the bloggers included, regardless of your political/ religious/ affiliation. You’re a Jew? They hate YOU.

    In the Purim story, what was the chiddush about Haman’s gezeira? Because in the past, all the anti-Semites were quiet about their hatred. Once the gezeira was made public, then it was out in the open. The reshaim were vocal about whose home they would plunder after they would kill the Jews. The Yidden then knew exactly who their enemies were, when it came time for them to kill the goyim. And look how many they killed! That’s a whole lot of anti-semites!

    Let’s learn from our history, and not delude ourselves that we are safe in our 4 amos because we don’t like

  26. #28 and #29. I am not disputing that Esav Sonei LiYaakov applies universally.

    The point is, however, that Yishmael was, at least, minimally tolerant (if not better than that), of Yitzchak for the centuries of galus Yitzchak spent in Yishmael’s lands. That tolerance turned to hatred with the advent of Zionism and that increased to unbelievably intense hatred with the furtherance of Zionism and its terrible acts.

    To quote isolated incidents is to prove the point; again, Yemenites lived there since bayis sheini and the ones who escaped the Zionists’ evil clutches still have their mesora from then. Jews did OK in other Arab countries, too.

    In the final analysis, Zionism caused tremendous damage to the Jews, in part by needlessly inflaming the Arab world against Jews. Esav Sonei LiYaakov is above all that and cannot be blamed for the attitude the Arabs have toward Zionists (and Jews) today; the Zionists did that.

  27. If I may add my two cents here. Before Zionism was formed lets take a look at history and see when terrible pogroms and decrees were instituted against Jews. Major ones that is. The Holocaust, Germany= Edom ( Eisov). Russian pogroms and persecution. The Spanish Inquisition = Christian intolerance. Great Britain expelled Jews in the 10th Century.
    The point is that all major atrocities against Jews before Zionism was thought about were carried out by Christian nations. So therefore if Zionism would not have been formed chances are Moshiach would have arrived already. Probably right after the Holocaust as all major Gedolim at that time agreed that Zionism has been a deterant to the coming of Moshiach.

  28. blame the victim. either nk is posting under the monkiers of “rav” mechel and hakatan or these two have been reading and believing the arab press.

    were Mrs. Taubenfeld (from New Square) and her 3 month old baby zionists or just “collateral” damage in this “brand new post zionism arab war on zionism”?

    what about the other 1,152 people that have been killed by Palestinian violence and terrorism since September 2000. Were they all zionists or just “collateral” damage in this “brand new post zionism arab war on zionism”.

    #29 VERY WELL said.

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