UPDATED 11:59AM EST: Petira Of Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum Z”L

candle67.gif(UPDATES BELOW) We regret to inform you of the sudden Petira of Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum Z”L – who was a Rebbe for many years at Yeshiva Torah Temimah. Rabbi Teitelbaum was taken to the hospital on Shabbos for an unknown reason, and was suddenly Niftar a few minutes ago. As soon as there is any confirmed Levaya information, YWN will post it.

Rabbi Eli Teitelbaum was a Rebbe at the Yeshiva and Mesivta Torah Temimah for many years, Director of Camp S’dei Chemed International. and Executive Director of the Torah Communications Network, producers of Dial-A-Daf, Dial-A-Shiur, Shiur Yomi and Mishnah-On-The-Phone.

UPDATED 10:20AM EST: Misaskim has confirmed to YWN that he Levaya is scheduled for 2:15PM EST at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park. The Kevura will take place at Beth Israel Cemetery in Woodbridge, NJ.

UPDATED 11:59AM EST: To listen to the Levaya via telephone, please call 712-432-1001 Access Number 414087311#.

Boruch Dayan HuEmmes…

90 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Emes. May his Neshama be a Meilitz Yoisher.

    He was also a community activist in realms where others were intimidated to enter. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

  2. Boruch Dayan Ho’emmes
    What a shock! He will be missed! He was also in Camp Agudah in the 1960’s,if I remember correctly. He wrote a lot about kids-at-risk problems and about today’s Jewish music scene.

  3. This is sudden and so shocking! We lost a true gadol. Someone who was dedicated to helping boys find true Simcha in Avodas Hashem and someone who wasnt afraid to say it like it is. This is a shocking and very sad day for Klal Yisrael.

  4. Boruch Dayin Ha’emes… He was a great man who will be missed by the many lives he touched and by the many lives he had not reached yet…. May he be a Mailitz Yoshor…

  5. Burich Dayen HuEmes…
    Its too much already…
    Rabbi Eli z”l was a major askin & did alot for klall yisroel, he also composed many jewish songs, he had heart problems, its a shock for the whole Yeshiva World, he has 2 children 1 of them from out of town, possibale that the leviah wont be today, Bsiros Tovos.

  6. My condolences to the family. I attended S’dei Chemed in the early 1990s and R Teitelbaum was a beautifully influential figure in my life. I kept up with his writings over the years and was always wistful that the ‘mainstream’ wasn’t more in line with his practical shitas on raising and being mechanech Jewish children.

    May your neshama have an aliya, Rav Eli. You were one of the good ones.

  7. R’ Eli was the Menatzeach of the Pirchai in Toras Emes,
    started the first Mishnayos on the air broadcast
    was tremendously concerned about chinuch, and menschlichkeit
    yehai zichro borch, al batuach


  9. A giant amoung men. Headed Camp S’dei Chemed.

    3 giants in 24 hours.

    Reboine shel oilom. Voez tetzech doe?

    1) Reb Bentzi Dunner
    2) Reb Refuel Moishe Fuller
    3) Reb Eli Teitelbaum

    Gevald in geshriggen…………

  10. A real Ish Ashkolos with so many Zechusim. He really acomplished so much. We need such people like him. His p’terah is very sad news for K’lal Yisroel. He will be sorely missed. Yehai Zichro Boruch.

  11. Reb Eli z”l was a gaon and a revolutionary! Unlike so many, he had no fear of technological advancement. Rather, he thought of ways to harness it for chinuch and give all of us a greater geshmack in Torah. He was a musician (he played the clarinet, produced the Pirchei Albums and had a studio in his basement), a photographer, a martial arts expert, a writer, and he used all these talents for the KLAL. He recognized that new phone technology could be used for spreading Torah so he developed dial a daf and dial a shiur and more. He directed Camp Sdei Chemed for 40 years and was mekarev thousands in his lifetime. A true Oheiv Yisroel who will be sorely missed. What a loss for all of us.

  12. To # 13 and to everyone else. It would seem that we have not only lost three giants in 24 hours, but three pillars; Torah, Avodah, and Gemilus Chasadim. Just read the notices and see. We are all being told something. Perhaps each of us something different. But something is being said.


  14. I am sorry to hear this shocking news.
    I remember him in Yeshiva Torah Temimah (then Yeshiva Torah Vodas of Flatbush) in the early 70’s telling stories to his class and showing his Eretz Yisroel movies.
    The yeshiva was misameach with him when he got married in the ’71 – ’72 school year.
    We also bought the Camp Sdei Chemed records.
    Boruch dayan emes.

  15. Rabbi Teitelbaum zt”l-or more fondly known as “Rebbe” to his thousands of talmidim and admirers- was one of a kind & will be sorely missed. He had to have been one of the biggest Marbitzei torah EVER! Where others just dreamed or talked….HE DID! From Mishnayos on the Air to shortwave radio to the thousands of shiurim on the telephone to the pioneer of real Jewish Music, he was a one man powerhouse. He had a love for all yidden. Whether you were Chassidish, Litvish, Chabad, Israeli, European, etc., “Rebbe” loved and understood you. As we all know, he had an amazingly keen ability to cut and see through so much chazerai and just say it the way it really was. The truth and no fluff or false frumkeit. Those out there who were actually too young to grow up when he was involved with everything would do themselves a great service to hear and learn all about him. I can’t wait for the book. It will be quite a thick one. He now goes to a better place accompanied by tens of thousands blatt Gemorah and hours of learning. Truly one of a kind. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

  16. Barych dayan emes. I still remember my Sdei Chemed experience; he created a very happy environment.

    He was a mechaneich’s mechaneich.

  17. We have lost in one day 2 great pilers.
    Amud Ha chesed and amud hatorah.
    Amud Ha chesed Rav Ben Tziyon Donner.
    Amud Hatorah Rav Eli Teitelbaum.
    His Torah comunications net work is the biggest Beis hamidrash 24/6.

    Bechesed vemes ychupar avon yaakov
    Chesed = Rav Ben Tziyon Donner
    Emes = Rav Eli Teitelbaum.


  18. I remember he had a recording studio in his basement.He was always involved in producing records,like miami boys choir.

  19. baruch dayan emes he was my rebbi 8 yrs ago his son was my teacher 2 yrs ago i’ll never forget his great stories and his uplifting divrei torah this is truly a great loss for klal yisroel

  20. baruch dayan emes he was my rebbi 8 yrs ago i’ll never forget his uplifting stories and divrei torah this is truly a great loss to klal yisroel

  21. My good friend Eli Teitlbaum is gone, what devestating news. He was loved by all who knew him for his massim tovim and for his devotion to klal yisroel.This was a great loss for yidden throughout the world.We will not be able to replace a man like him in our generation.

  22. What a shock!
    All us S’dei Chemed boys are sadly singing Vzoycher Chasdei Avos or Shafchu Dum. Which staff member didn’t spend a Shabbos with Dovid in his house?
    He was a great man. Every S’dei Chemed alumni should be by the livya.
    Baruch Dyin haemes

  23. Saar Gadol Nafal B’Yisroel. He was from the biggest marbitzei torah of our generation thru his dial a daf & other projects.He definitly is from the few individuals,that made the Daf-Hayomi so popular in our times. He was the son of Harav Hagoan R’ Yaakov Teitelbaum Z’L. The 1st manhig ruchni for many years of Camp Agudah.He was also the well known leader of frum jewish youth in vienna, pre WW11,with great mesiras nefesh. He was also the Rav of Kew Gardens. His pe’tirah has definitly created a great void for Klal Yisroel. Yhi Zichro Boruch. renrewy

  24. Rebbi, Rebbi, Rechev Yisroel Uporoshov.
    He was my rebbi in the second grade in 1966. He’s been my rebbi ever since!
    He was one of the biggest marbitzei Torah of the world since probably the times of the Amoraim! Just think, in 1982 there were app. 6,000 at the Siyum HaShas in the Felt Forum of Madison Square Gardens. Since then Dial a Daf surfaced and tens of thousands joined! This was all Reb Eli’s doing! At the last Siyum, here in NY there were 60,000+ who attended the 2 big venues. Many more lomdei hadaf who weren’t physically there. That little 5’2″ man was a giant! His love to develop harbotzas Torah projects was ingenious!
    He started with Pirchei learning programs, followed by Mishnayos on the Air (with Eli Kahan’s picture featured on the ads). When he began Dial a Daf, he demanded of the phone company that they install many lines into his house. (In those early days, each caller occupied a phone line. He even had the phone company work out a system where they would charge the customer for just one ‘message unit’ although the call lasted an hour – the duration of the shiur!) Even after the initial shiurim were set up, he continued to search far and wide for the absolute best maggidei shiur! He had the daf done in Yiddish by Rav Mechel Zilber and in English by various top experts in delivery. If he didn’t like how a daf was presented, he had it redone! There were no seconds in Reb Eli’s book when it came to quality and clarity of Torah! Once digital technology came to surface, he had it all transferred over to digitized format! He sold CD’s and made ipod programming available! Anything, so long as people learned Torah! He began a shiur program for Yeshiva kids to come home to chaazer their shiur over the phone since not every child was privy to a good chazzorh session at home. Webster would translate the word ‘indefatigable’ as in Eli Teitelbaum.
    Personally he did not live a lavish life! Just pass by his house – it’s probably in the most disrepair condition of the entire block, yet when it came to installing equipment for Harbotzas Torah, his far surpassed any house or studio! Reb Eli spared no dollar for Harbotzas Torah equipment! If you saw his coat, it looked as though it came from a hand-me-down box. For him, it was perfect! Oy, mi Yiten Temuraso! I don’t expect to attend the levaya so that I can my Tashbar the Heilige Torah, as Reb Eli would have instructed me, had I asked him this question this past Friday afternoon when we met and shmoozed! Rebbi, you accomplished so, so much during your short life! Nothing stood in your way when you set your mind to accomplish a goal! Now that you’re coming to the Pamalya shel Maaloh, beg HaShem to send us Moshiach! How much mor ecan we endure! You have you convincing ways to get things accomplished! Do it!

  25. The Rav in Kew Gardens, Yibadel liChaim, is, I believe, Rabbi Shlomo Teitelbaum, shlit”a, though I do not know if the families are related.

    You taught us all “DERECH ERETZ KODMAH LATORAH”

  27. Boruch Dayan Emes.

    Let’s remember the CHAZAL, Kol hamoirid demaos al odom kosher moichlin loi al kol avoinoisov ( I hope I’m quoting correctly ).

    You were a good man. A role model in so many ways, so many interesting ways. The way you brought your ideas to fruition. Wow! You were definitely “talent on loan from Shomayim”. And you were still so “unassuming”.

  28. To Hakatan in 41., What 39 meant was R’ Yaakov Teitelbaum, the father, was the Rav in Kew Gardens. Now his son, R’ Shlomo, is the Rav in Kew Gardens which makes them brothers.

  29. I used to live across the street from the family in Kew Gardens when they first moved in. I remember Reb Eli’s father ZT”L and all the kinderlach. His father was the sweetest mench I ever knew. He always got up and ran over to hug my father when we visited. Although we are Yekkes, they never showed anything but love for another Yid. Eli ZT”L was Yoresh his father’s Middos.

  30. “..im royah adam s’yesirin boim ulov yefashpes b’mzasof” broches 5a the problem of “pishpes vlo motzoh” we dont have… tznius ,maseh umatem bemunah too lavish lifestyles remember medrish eisov took olom hazeh..and we are too much indulgent in it..since kol yisrael “gif achod”and the midas hadin took yechudim that affected all of us…

  31. Reb Eli Zt”l was “Ish Ha’eshkoilois” a person of many qualities. His Petira is a shock. We can all learn from him how to be a real marbitz toirah & have tremendous Anovoh. Never saught for Kovod. His flavour that he added to Real Yiddisheh Niggunim will be remembered Lanetzach. Tehai Nishmaso Tzerurah Betzroir Hachayim

  32. WOW WHAT A SHOCK! I can’t believe this man is no longer with us. I once had the zechus of spending a Shabbos at this great personality’s home. In short he was a DOER. Many people talk; he was a man of deeds and what he accomplished during his short life time, few achieve during a life of one hundred years. A master mecahnech, talmid chochom, prolific writer, innovator, composer of beautiful nigunim and the list of talent and accomplishments just goes on and on. Klal Yisroel will surely miss this great person and may he continue to serve us from his lictiga Gan Eden. Yihi zicro baruch.

  33. I remember attending Camp Sdei Chemed after 8th grade many years ago. It was through R” Teitelbaums love of the land of Israel that made me who I am today. He introduced all of us to a love of Torah and Eretz Yisrael. I remember he had a program that he introduced to all the campers – if you throw out your tv he will give you a whole set of shas ( or something along those lines, cant remember exactly)

  34. As many others have already said, Reb Eli z”l was unique in many ways: Marbitz torah, innovator, and perhaps most important not afraid to speak out when it was needed. We have oh so few of those today.

    For me he was also a beloved Rebbe. He understood that second graders can’t be expected to keep their finger on the place all day. He would bring out his guitar, dim the classroom lights and completely mesmorize the children with a beautiful niggun or story.

    They don’t make ’em like that anynmore.

    Yehi Zichro Boruch.

  35. Rav Eli Ztl was a unique soul….I remember as a young bochur davening in his Father’s ZTL Shul how he drew many of us closer to Yidishkiet….In fact he and I would sometimes walk from Queens to Crown Hights on a Shabos mivorchin…he to go to Lubavitch and I to Bobov….it took us hours but we were young and he made it seem like the thing to do….He had his fathers warmth and charm and faced the modern world with a Torah insight that helped spread learning without borders….his loss is a tragidy for us all……

  36. Baruch Dayan HaEemes. Rav Eli Teitelbaum ZT”L should be a Meilitz Yosher for Klal Yisrael.

    LeIluy Nishmasho, we should continue to benefit from his legacy: Dial-A-Daf, Dial-A-Shiur, Shiur Yomi, Mishna-On-The-Phone…and his Web site….

    In his Zechus may we be Zoche to the Geulah Shleimah and the Binyan Bais HaMikdash, BB”A.

  37. Oy! What a terrible loss.

    I’ve had many meetings with him about using technology for Kiruv Rechokim.
    He had the fire of Emunah, with the talant to bring its wormth to ALL levels of Yiddishkeit.

  38. I remember him in my class @ United Lubavitcher Yeshiva @ Bedford and Dean 50 years ago…

    He was always unique and special and will be missed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. please post what time kvura is supposed to be in woodbridge and where in woodbridge, many lakewood people would b able to go

  40. What a tremendous loss for KLAL YISROEL.
    His insightful articles in Country Yossie, his love & admiration for the bochurim at Sdei Chemed (my son loved the camp), his ahavas yisroel and ahavas eretz yisroel.
    OHVEY, please hashem do not take all our madrichim who are so close and understanding of the youth of today.

  41. Dial-a-daf, dial-a-shiur, dial-a-shmuz, etc…
    This was Torah pioneer, a Torah entrepenuer. He benefited the world…marbim sholom baolam.

  42. Thank you so much for the Comment by Pashuteh Yid — March 24, 2008 @ 9:47 am.

    I have kids that went to BY of BP- not a fanatic school at all, and they are reminded constantly with negative feelings, about teachers there giving them serious nightmares by saying- if you don’t do this or that…. you’ll burn in Gehenom…for things like brushing hair on Shabbos, etc. IMO-These teachers did more damage with causing nightmares! If only all teachers could be like R’ Eli Teitelbaum A”H. Fortunately , some are like him and unfortunately some are the other kind, turning kids off.

    Yehi Zichro Boruch.

  43. A true ” Torah Im Derech Eretz” ben-Torah;using modern technology to spread Torah,Yiddishe music which the boys loved to sing and all Torah-Jews loved to listen to and be inspired by. A real role model for young and old alike. This is certainly a serious eys tzoroh for K’lal Yisroel. May Hashem send us better events in this month of simcha and the coming month of ge’ulah.

  44. can someone pse send me the proper access code # to hear the hepidim the # on the announcement is incorrect
    may we only hear simchos going forward.

    Editors Note: The number is correct and working.

  45. aguda forgot to mention his contribution to our community by the siyum hashas, but the borei oilam forgets nothing. its people like him that hold up the world not the noisemaker but the quiet ones that do hashems will without fanfare. hatznia leches. the gemoro says that if you put a small rock in a bottle and shake it up it makes noise but when the bottle is full its quiet. lets all try to become eli teitelbaums…

  46. He was my Rebbe in the 4th grade in Torah V’Das before it became Torah Temimah during the 73’74’ school year. I remember to this day countless times watching him protect all the kids who used to have walk on Ocean Parkway at that time. Knowing that it was not a safe neighborhood, he used to stand guard outside making sure that noone got hurt. The stories he told, and just his overall “chush” for teaching Torah to us young children was unheard of in those days. I am listening live to the Levayah and crying. Yehi Zichro Baruch.

  47. Hi, if someone here can indicate approximatley when the levaya migth reach the bais hachayim in NJ , it would be helpfull for many in NJ who want to join there

  48. FYI
    Levaya is now concluding.Leaving to NJ in a few minutes.

    What a great loss for Klal Yisroel.I listened to Dial a Daf and Dial a Shiur for many years.

  49. i know that r’yaakov z’t’l the niftars father is buried in the viner chaluka , first shura , of the viner chelek, in beth israel woodbridge , n.j.. if they are going to nj it probably is beth israel cemetary in woodbridge, n.j.

  50. Does anyone know a # to call & listen to the levayeh on the phone, now that it is already finished? I would be grateful for any info. He was truly unique. It is a big loss for Klal Yisroel. I hope that all of his projects will be continued. Mir zol heren nohr besuros tovos.

  51. Bchol Drachecha Daehu
    A true oved Hashem uses all Hashem’s blessings to continuosly be Mkadesh Shem Shamayim. Reb Eli it is hard to believe after close to 50 years of dear friendship you have suddenly left to the Olam Haemes. I learned many things from you including Water safety instruction, judo, clarinet, recording records, running a camp, teaching and telling stories etc. The most important thing I tried to learn from you was to always find ways to use your gifts to benifit Klal Yisroel. You did an amazing job! I will miss you. You were creative and unconventional and always determined to help the youth of Klal Yisroel with new ideas, all ages and all backgrounds. You loved life, Torah, chinuch,and Eretz Yisroel. B’ahava, Baruch

  52. Boruch Dayan Ha’emes

    It’s so hard to accept the fact that this wonderful person is no longer with us. Just a little over a week ago I was in from Israel and I stopped by twice to visit him. He was as energetic as ever showing me the various projects he was putting together. Late into the night he sat there assisting other people who were trying to put together projects for the sake of spreading torah in K’lal Yisroel. Regardless of the late hour he later accompanied a person in need, to one of the Gedolim and intervene on his behalf.

    As mentioned, he took upon himself and accomplished projects which others could barely dream of. He fought successfully against scammers who threatened his life. When help was needed everyone knew where to turn to. Rav Eli feared nobody but the Ribbono Shel Olam, and spearheaded campaigns but had no ulterior motives. He never looked for the publicity, but his mark was always there.

    I once brought him an article which questioned the halachic status of “Mezonos rolls”. Within a matter of days he put together a text against them and had the Gedolei Posskim sign it. Shortly afterwards almost all Kasherus organizations removed the word “Mezonos” from these rolls. It was amazing to see him work so efficiently in record time. This is one example of many.

    This is a tremendous loss for k’lal Yisroel.

  53. he was my rebbi in torah temima great man,he at 1 time set up a progam 2 trade ur tv’s set 4 sets of seforim, just 1 of the meny things that he did in his lifetime. is thear a way 4 teshiva world 2 get all of these comment 2 his family

  54. i spent three amazing summers in camp sedi chemed with eli. He convinced me to go into chinuch. He was one of the innovaters of the perchi siyum mishnaos and is responsible for millions of mishnios learned by thousands of children. this is not including his dial a shuir and dial a daf. it is a tremendous personal loss and a tremendous personal loss for clal yisrael.

  55. גדולים צדיקים במתתם יותר מבחייהם
    Rabenu Eliyahu Zachur Latov (was Named by his father a”h After Eliyahu Hanavi, as said in the hespedim)He really has lightened us the course we should take.

    Many many projects Rabbi eli Teitelbaum had started to be continued.

    ילכו מחיל אל חיל

  56. It takes someone like R’ Eli Z”TL to make 90 comments on YW all be positive. What a great man, and an even greater loss

  57. I too remember Rabbi Teitelbaum from YTV of Flatbush circa 1970. I loved his stories. Especially his stories and pictures of Eretz Yisrael.

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