4 Lubavitchers From Israel Robbed at Gunpoint in Crown Heights

The following is via CHI:

Four Israeli tourists visiting New York for the month of Tishrei were the victims of a robbery at gunpoint while sitting inside the Hamilton Metz (Lefferts) Park on Lefferts Avenue and Albany Avenue in Crown Heights.

The victims, two boys and two girls all of whom are 18-years-old, were sitting together a table near the bathrooms when at around 2:00am on Saturday night two black males wearing black hoodies approached them from behind and displayed a black firearm.

The perpetrators took the victims Samsung Galaxy cellphones, a portable speaker and $600 in cash from one of the victims pockets. They then fled the park through the soccer field.

The victims did not speak English and a translator was required in order to help them file a police report.

Thankfully there were no reported injuries to any of the victims.

Police sources said that there were two additional reported robberies that same night. The victims in both those cases were black males and one perpetrator was arrested. Police believe that there is a strong chance that he was one of the two involved in the earlier robbery of the four Jewish victims.

(Source: CHI)

4 Responses

  1. 2am in crown heights. maybe someone should tell them that crown heights is NOT geulah.
    What do u think is gonna happen in a park in crown heights, or for that matter, a/w in Brooklyn at 2 am???

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