UPDATED 9:00PM EST: Tragic Petira Of R’ Bentzion Dunner Z”L

candle64.gif(Photo And Levaya Recap In Extended Article) YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of R’ Bentzion Dunner Z”L from London. R’ Bentzion was driving his car with three of his children from Golders Green to Bournemouth – with his wife following directly behind in a second vehicle. For reasons unknown, his car suddenly veered off the road, and into a ditch, and was R”L killed instantly. The three children who were traveling with him, are reported to be in stable condition.

R’ Bentzion, who was 40-years-old, was one of the biggest Baalei Tzedakah in this generation – and from the biggest supporters of Skver & Bobov Chassidus. He spent the last Purim of his life, giving out tens of thousands of dollars to Tzedakah.

YWN has been told that the Bobover Rebbe, Rav Mordche Dovid Unger Shlita is expected to be travelling to the Levaya, as well as the children of the Skver Rebbe Shlita.

bentzion dunner.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE photo of R’ Bentzion Dunner Z”L with the Bobover Rebbe, Rav Mordche Duvid Unger Shlita. Photo Credit: Shuli Smus)

UPDATE 9:00PM EST (Sunday evening): Click HERE for photos taken by Shuli Smus at the Levaya.

Close to two thousand people from of all walks of life attended the Levaya of R’ Bentzion Z”L. It was apparent from the diversity of the olam, that Reb Benzion z”l had in some way touched the lives of each and everyone standing there. Hespedim were given By Reb Sholmo Freshwater Shlita, Rov of Sassov’s where the niftar davened. Other maspidim were the Bobbover Rebbe Rav Mordechai Dovid Ungar Shlita , The Niftar’s uncle Dayan Aron Dovid Dunner Shlita, The Niftar’s father Aba Dunner n”y, Rabbi Shimon Weingarten Shlita and the niftar’s brother-in-law Rabbi Dovid Stern Shlita.

After the levaya, a large crowd went to the Enfield Beis Olam accompanied attended by the Skverer Rebbe Shlita – where the Niftar was buried before night. All the maspidim commented on the niftar’s midos tovos, his love of torah, and his unique clear sight when it came to giving tzedakah.

He was arguably the most influential philanthropist of his generation who supported mosdos, families and individuals across the world. The Bobover Rebbe said that the same way that the niftar helped so many people in his lifetime, so too, in the Olam Haemmes he should continue to help Yidden and be a meilitz yosher for his family, his parents and all of klal yisroel.

(Shuli Smus – YWN UK)

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YW-90 / YW-782 / YW-112)

48 Responses

  1. Boruch Dayan Emes.
    Terrible tragedy a big loss to klall Yisroel will be missed by the Londondon community.
    This was a person who was always there for the Klall.

  2. Burich Deayn Huemes…
    He is taking with him loads of zechusim, he was from the biggest bally tzedukah worldwide in our times.
    Hamukom Yenachem es Mishpachtoi Vchol Bais Yisroel, Bsiros Tovos.

  3. Reb Bentzi Dunner didnt give tens of thousands – he gave hundreds of thousands of dollars in the last 48 hours of his life. He actually redefined the meaning of giving tzdoko in London and it will take the Jewish World a long time to recover from this.

    He was the unquestionably Londons biggest baal tzedoko.

    Yehi zichro boruch

  4. Benzi was a prince among Yiddin. He took the time to care about everyone who came through his door, and was the very model of hospitality and consideration – leading many of us to emulate him as best we can. I, and many many others, were uplifted by his erlichkeit and even his sense of style.

    Truly, Benzi embodied much more than just tzeddakah — he took the time and energy to glorify Hashem in every way imaginable.

    Baruch Dayan Emes.

  5. major loss to klal yisroel my heart goes out to his father, wife, children sisters brothers and all of klal yisroel we lost an amazing man boruch dayan haemes

  6. His kids are ok. His car was badly written off and people that saw cant believe how they came out alive – his zechusim saved his family

  7. its a terrible terrible story that has shocked the whole london and no doubt the whole world!!! story so far……R’ Benzi was Nebech killed after losing control and hitting a tree 10 miles out of bournemouth where he was going with his fam to carry on simchas purim! All the rest of his passengers (3 kids and an eldrery woman) are boruch hashem ok and safe!!
    For those that dont know, Benzi was an unbelievable baal tzedokke….he was open on thursday night from half hour after motzia tannis till 4am giving out money to thousands of yidden who were queing up by him. he listened to every single persons case and helped each one out with a smile…….he was unreal.
    he is succeded by his wonderful wife and choshuver children as well as a father and brothers and sister!!!! may they all get through this nisoyen easily.

  8. He was niftar exactly 12 months after the petiroh of his illustrious grandfather, Harav Yosef Tzvi Dunner ztsl. May he be a meilitz yosher for his choshuva mishpocho and specially for his father, the askan hachoshuv Reb Abba who is in need of a great yeshuoh and refuoh himself. May we only hear besuros tovos

  9. there are simply no words for such a man and such a trajic loss. Benzi gave out £1m on purim night in london to hundreds of people waiting outside his house. Not only will his family suffer this major loss but the whole london community and every school in this town will suffer his loss. He is survived by 9 children a wife, 3 brothers, 1 sister and a father. Every person who stepped through his doors were uplifted and walked out smiling.
    May he be a melitz yosher for his lovely family and the whole london community at large.

  10. What A Shock!! What a terrible tragedy!! It’s just unreal!!
    Hanistoros laShem Elokeinu and only he understands why this has happened. Benzy Ztl was an unbelievable and exceptional Baal Zedokoh who really showed the world a whole new idea of what it means to really give. Can you imagine giving insitutions millions of dollars, this is something totally unheard of. His house was open to everyone and he was an extremely Erlichey person.
    The sense of grief by the communities in London and Manchester and throughout the world shows what a person he was and what we have lost.

    May the Reboonah Shel Olom, the Av Harachamim and father of all Yesomim send the heartbroken family all the strength they need to cope with the tremendous loss and by comforted that although Benzi Ztl was young in years he achieved more than a lot could do in a life time.
    Hamokem yenachem eschem b’soch availai tzion v’yerushalayim.

  11. I was one of the many people who were ZOICHE to to be with him on thursday night (Liel Tanis Esther)and it was a very uplifting experiance to see some give all that Tzedoka with a smile that increased with each cheque that he signed. May we all learn from him and continue in the path of chessed he has so gracefully laid out for us.
    But at this time may i also remind all those people whom are unfortunate enough to have to go and collect or even those who give up their time to collect for others, that they have to be pleased with what ever they are given and have to leave with a brocha on their lips for the donor.(be it a donation of 50p or £50 remember its been given out of love for a fellow jew.
    We will all miss him, and at this time should have in mind his dear family left in sorrow whom were his pillar of support.
    ברוך דיין האמת, מי שאמר לעולמו די יאמר לצרתינו די

  12. Levayoh of Reb Benzion Halevi Dunner zl is today (Sun) at 4.15pm from his house at 8 West Heath Avenue NW11 to Enfield.

  13. Benzi was 45 or maybe 46 not 40 as reported, he is not the oldest son he has an older brother yitzhok. his His Bentley Arnage was in collision with a Toyota Celica and both vehicles ended up in a wooded roadside verge.

  14. There will be a live hook up in the Bobove Beis Medresh on 49th St & 14th Ave at 12:30 (4:30pm UK Time).

    The Bobove Rebbe asked everyone to give Tzedaka Lili Nishmas R’ Benzion Ben R’ Avrum Moishe A”H Dunner before the Levaya.

    For further updates call 212-990-6444

  15. Yes he was 45; many of the hespedim said so and they were close family. I was just at the levayo although I didn’t stay right to the end; my husband had to leave and it was very delayed. The hespedim didn’t start until 4.45 by which time a huge oylam had been standing in the freezing cold for more than half an hour. The sun did come out for a while and warmed us a little as we listened to the heartbreaking sobs of the Freshwaters, Dayan Dunner, and Benzi’s brother-in-law Dovid Stern as they recounted Benzi’s many amazing deeds. Aba, Benzi’s father, (with whom we are very close) just started speaking about his “Benzelle” when my husband texted me that we had to leave. Several streets in the vicinity were closed off by the police. The Hakoras HaTov shown by so many people whom Benzi had helped was evident by the huge and respectful crowd.

  16. Levaya update.

    Maspidim were

    1: R’ Shlomo Freshwater, Rov of Sassov (Benzi’s shul), Rosh hayeshiva of Chayei Oilom (Golders green), and uncle of Benzi.

    2: R’ Modche Dovid Ungar (Bobover Rebbe)

    3: Dayan Aharon Dovid Dunner, Rov if Tottenham Addas, Dayan of thr UOHC & Uncle of Benzi.

    4: Abba Dunner, Benzi’s father.

    5: R’ Dovid Stern, Rov of Ohel Moshe, (Golders green) and Brother in law of Benzi.

    6: R’ Shimon Weingarten, Rov of Brisgre Lane Beis Hamedrash and Vaad Hachinuch of Torah Temima, where Benzi sent his children and was a big supporter of.

    The Skverer Rebbe and two of sons were at the Levaya as well.

  17. R’ Aharon Dovid Dunner said in his Hesped that on Thursday night, he was sitting with Benzi at the Seuda,, Benzi turned to him and told him that the cheque he was then writing out for tzedakah was taking over £1m ($2m) for that evening. he said that this was quite early on in the evening!

  18. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
    #20, you said: “Can you imagine giving insitutions millions of dollars, this is something totally unheard of”
    Unheard of, where? Not among the ranks of Klal Yisrael’s Gevirim Machzikei Torah, where -Ashreinu Ma Tov Chelkeinu- this is almost common. Indeed, let us reflect on the incredible Ma’asim of a Yachid; however, let us not forget the profound Chesed of the Klal.

  19. its a tragedy where we all could say ‘ boruch dayan emes’. the likes of the niftar r’ben zion dunner z’t’l’ was unique. such a loss is hard to replace . we are m’nachem the aveilim with the traditional brocho of’ hamokom yanechem eschem b’toch aveilei tzion v’yerusalayim’and we wonder where the likes of the niftar will comme from .we have to strengthen ourselves and try to emulate this niftar so that klal yisroel should be able to accomplish what this niftar did by himself.
    hashem y’rachem.

  20. it is so sad to see people discuss how it happened. if you realy feel you need to help daven for the the family and go and give Tzedoka with joy for his neshoma as this was his way of life. love and joy for mitzvos

  21. I heard from a family member that Bentzi was quoted as having told someone that he had no need for all his money. Said he, “I have a house and a car. The money I’m making is for me to distribute to others.” He was excited to be the shaliach HaShem to give it ALL to others. The Amud Hachessed in our Dor where our kids need to see Chessed in order to learn to live their lives doing Chessed. Remember, kids learn what they see, not what they’re told or taught! Bentzi’s petira, is described in the Parshe of this week, “Bikrovai Ekadesh”! There is no other explanation! He was a Korban Olah for us all! Yehi Zichro Boruch!

  22. #41, it was said by either Abba Dunner (his father) or R Aaron dovid Dunner (his uncle) at the levaya (I forget which one). Benzi had said that he was just a “Gabbei tzedokah.

    Abba dunner also said that it is time now to stop the machlokes going on in NW London, which has escalated over the last 2 weeks!

  23. i hear that on purim night just a day before he passed away, he gave over 1 million punds (2 million usa) for tzeduka…

  24. For the record, he was niftar as a result of cardiac arrest which caused the car to crash. B”H the other occupants are all okay.

  25. The Mirrer Rosh Yeshiva, Reb Nosson Tzvi Finkel Shlita arrived in London Monday afternoon with Reb Aharon Chodosh to visit the shiva.

  26. he gave 38 million to bobov 45th in the last 3 years, & 8 million to skver this summer & over 50 million in tzedackah in the year 2007

  27. Besides for being such a baal tzedaka which has already been spoken about, he was also a tremendous baal middos and it can truly be said that he had a heart of gold. Everyone he came into contact with him loved him as did I. Yehei zichro baruch

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