WATCH THIS: Double Parked Trucks Cause Mayhem on Ave M in Flatbush; Car Drives on Sidewalk

9 Responses

  1. Trucks have to deliver their stuff, But there should be a law with Zero Tolerance that double parking only on 1 side of the street , u could work it out 1day odd side 1 day even side
    But only on 1 side of the street will omit a lot of traffic

  2. Usually it is the local residents who double park and cause mayhem. Today it was delivery trucks, so what’s the big deal?Guys and gals just have a little patience. The trucks are only delivering things for us after all!

  3. Anyone with union connections would be likely to send a hit man after me for saying this. We have a colossal problem with trucks blocking traffic due to deliveries. This destroys many blocks in Boro Park and Flatbush. Bus traffic does not help either. Our stores must work out a plan to either stagger deliveries, so that there are never more than one at a time, or to have many of these deliveries made at odd hours. Stores can easily have deliveries late at night or early morning. (Here come the hit men.) The double parkers can do so for a limited amount of time, and should get ticketed for anything longer.

  4. Little I know actually knows something here. The double parking has gotten out of control and the rules have to be changed to require deliveries overnight during off-peak hours. Yes, it will cost more and be an inconvenience but the risk to life from the insane parallel double parkers is even more disturbing.

  5. The NYC DOT has a program where a merchants association can request “freight loading windows” which means that certain parking spaces are restricted to trucks unloading during a window of several hours during the day. This is most appropriate for stores that have a high volume of deliveries such as supermarkets. An example that comes to mind is the Flatbush Food Coop on Cortelyou road where spaces in front are reserved for trucks during early morning hours.

  6. The traffic along Coney Island Avenue and Avenues J,K,L,M etc… is made worse by the Yidden who DOUBLE PARK to fress themselves on the bagels, cholent, pizza, sushi, and other “healthy” foods sold in shops on those streets. EVERY ticket they receive for parking in bus stops, double park, parked by fire pumps is justified and deserved.

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