German Court Convicts Chemnitz Protester For Hitler Salute

A German court has convicted a 33-year-old man who gave the stiff-armed Hitler salute during far-right protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz, sentencing him to eight months’ probation and a fine of 2,000 euros ($2,325).

The Chemnitz district court verdict Thursday comes some two weeks after the killing of a German man, for which an Iraqi and a Syrian have been arrested, prompted days of anti-migrant protests in Chemnitz that at times turned violent.

The largest demonstration was the day after the Aug. 26 killing, when some 6,000 people took to the streets and photos of participants giving the Hitler salute were widely published.

German laws prohibit displays of the salute, the swastika and other Nazi symbols, and authorities have said they’re investigating dozens of cases.


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