MALE? FEMALE? X? NYC To Add ‘Nonbinary’ Designation To Birth Certificates

People born in New York City who don’t identify as male or female will have the option of changing their birth certificates to “X″ under legislation passed Wednesday by the City Council.

The bill adopted by a 41-6 vote will also allow parents to choose the “X″ designation for their newborns, and it will permit adults to change the gender on their birth certificates without an affidavit from a doctor or mental health professional.

“Today is a historic day for New York in its role as a worldwide champion for inclusivity and equality,” said City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, a Democrat. “New Yorkers will no longer need a doctor’s note to change their gender on their birth certificates, and will no longer be treated as if their identity was a medical issue.”

Johnson said it’s important “to show our constituents that we see them, we have their backs and we respect them for who they are.”

Carrie Davis, a transgender advocate who chaired an advisory board on the gender marker change, called the legislation “exceptionally critical during this time of danger and uncertainty regarding health care and human rights for transgender Americans at the national level.”

Some states including California, Oregon and Montana allow individuals to change the gender on their birth certificates without a note from a doctor, but it’s unclear how many jurisdictions allow parents to select a nonbinary option for their newborns. The option could be used by parents of intersex children or by parents who want their child to be able to choose a gender at a later date.

Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio is expected to sign the bill, which will go into effect Jan. 1.

Prior to 2014, New Yorkers seeking to change the gender on their birth certificates had to have undergone gender confirmation surgery first.

Legislation Johnson introduced then allowed people to change their birth certificates without surgery but left the requirement for a doctor’s note in place. The new law eliminates it.


12 Responses

  1. So, as long as ones gender is “X” are they neither? Can someone play girls varsity sports one year, and boys the next? Can they flip flop back and forth? What if someone decides as an adult they identify as a canary? “Progressive” is another word for lunacy.

  2. I’m wondering that if it so easy to change gender can I change my date of birth. I’d like to change it to 70 so I could collect social aecurity

  3. After succos I’m going down to city hall to change my birthplace from Brooklyn to an Indian reservation. I want to get o to the casino business.

    Then, I’ll show up at city hall, when o decide to identify as a politician.

  4. jdb, really?! It’s aseres yimay teshuva?! Do you know what that even means?! Precisely because it’s aseres yemay teshuva do we have to protest against this disgusting abonimation and revolting against the Creator of all of creation!!! He created every single thing in creation as He SAW FIT and to deny this and think one can change reality is kefira!

  5. Amil Zola , Jews should be a “light to the nations” . It is our duty to state openly to the whole world what is Right and what is Wrong. Only stupid leftists Bolsheviks like you would refer to Torah observant jews as Taliban.

  6. Chevra, what someone else chooses to do is not for you to judge. It’s the aseres yimay teshuva.
    ?????????????????????????????? what’s the connection? Pretty sure this is as anti Torah as one can get by deciding that H-Shem doesn’t designate what we are, the person gets to choose.

  7. so we are equating people who have a issue in there brain with normal people? i dont think im ok with that and i think America is nuts!!

  8. This will solve all sorts of problems! You know that problem with gender inequality for computer programmers, engineers, or executives? Just get half of them to change genders, and bingo, problem solved!

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