WATCH: Mega Concert in Uman on Motzei Rosh Hashanah 5779

The concert in Uman on Motzei Rosh Hashana 5779 featured performances by Beri weber, Chaim Yisrael, Nissim Black, DJ Matt Dubb and more, with music by the Pumpidisa band and Yossi Shtentig. It follows a similar show on Motzei Shabbos, the last night of 5778.



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VIDEOS: Scenes from #Uman on Motzei Rosh Hashana #5779 🎥 @picturemacher #rabinachman #nanach #shanatova

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WATCH: Taslich in #Uman on Rosh Hashana #5779

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WATCH: Getting Ready For The Yom Hadin – UMAN STYLE With a Major Concert

WATCH: Thousands Saying Selichos On Erev Rosh Hashanah In Uman

WATCH: Tens of Thousands at Tikkun HaKlali & Dancing on the Streets of Uman on Erev Rosh Hashana

WATCH THIS: Mussaf at Scheiner’s Minyan in Uman, Rosh Hashana 5779


6 Responses

  1. Just like the ole time kumzitz my zeidah told me they used to have every year motzi Rosh Hashanah in the Alte Heim…..guaranteed to get these yungerleit in the mood for aseres y’mei Tshuvah and some serious shteiging

  2. The question is whether it’s better these people should, at least, participate in a Glastonbury-style Rosh Hashanah than be lost to Yiddishkeit altogether. Personally – as a “shemen zayis zoch” man – I say, let them go.

  3. Wow, in awe of those who really understand what “Ivdu es Hashem BeSimcha, Bo’U Lefanav Birnana” means!! And who Have such faith that they understand the Joy pure Joy in KNOWING that Hashem is King of the World and Runs the World and All is His and From Him!

  4. And not only are they
    1. “ Ivdu es Hashem Besimcha Bo’U Lefanav Birnana” with all the Joy, Happiness and Musical Instruments LISTED IN THE TORAH to be used when Crowning Hashem King, they are Also
    2. showing EXTREME ACHDUS!! Rabbonim Look Closely: Chassidim, Yeshivish, Modern Orthodox, And Others ALL GETTING ALONG, Like a FATHER LOVES TO SEE, our Father In Heaven- don’t you think this is what He wants to see?

  5. We used to be able to see the difference between our Rosh Hashanah-Yom Hadin and the Jan 1st New Year celebrations. Those lines are becoming increasingly blurred. No Yirah even by Mussaf?? Celebratory dancing by Nesaneh Tokef and Mi Yichyeh?? I hope there are other mores serious minyanim with true focus.

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