Hikind Calls on Obama to Visit Sderot to See Why He Must Sever Ties With Rev. Wright & Trinity United Church

hikind22.jpgAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) is in Sderot for three days and nights over the Purim holiday on a solidarity mission with the residents in the battered city. He has raised $50,000, purchasing and distributing Mishloach Manos to all the residents of Sderot.

“The 20,000 residents have been left defenseless by the terrifying salvos of 7,800 Kassams, rockets, and mortars. This is a war against mothers and children, a war to put terror into the hearts and minds of toddlers. The siren goes off, and parents have less than nine seconds to pull as many of their children as they can to safety,” said Hikind.
“Senator Barack Obama’s spiritual mentor, Reverend Jeremiah A. Wright, has outrageously questioned Israel’s right to exist, placing ‘state’ of Israel in parenthetical quotes. Furthermore, Wright supported and endorsed Hamas terrorist views by reprinting Mousa Abu Marzook’s op-ed from the Los Angeles Times in the July 22, 2007 issue of the church magazine. And Wright favorably changed Marzook’s title to ‘A Fresh View of the Palestinian Struggle,’ from ‘Hamas’ Stand.’ Wright should have titled it, ‘A Fresh View of Terrorists Who Want to Murder and Maim Jewish Children.’
“I urge Senator Obama to come to Sderot to see what support for Hamas terror looks like, and he will see why he must sever his ties to Wright and his church. Obama should come to Sderot, where ten-year-olds have to pull their toddler siblings to safety when the red alert siren goes off, warning of incoming rockets, and mortars. Obama can no longer brush off Reverend Wright’s comments as the peculiar rantings of a man from a different time and place. It is a problem if Reverend Wright is still Obama’s spiritual mentor and Trinity Church is still his sanctuary.  Not at this level. Not at this point in history. Barack Obama must do the right thing and totally sever his ties with Reverend Wright and Trinity Church.”

5 Responses

  1. Mr Hikind,

    I’ve never read anything on Rev. Wright and his views on Israel or Hamas. Am I uninformed by the US press, TV and radio deliberately so ? I’ve heard and seen Wright using very vile language aganist the US and whites in general. Language unbecoming any adult let alone a minister, let alone a minster in a public forum. Obama has decried the reverend’s remarks but not his continued friendship with nor association with Wright !!

    A goy,
    Gerry Mullen

  2. O tempora o mores !!
    Mamesh a gevalt !!

    Obama, Wright, and then Hikind, add Shel Silver, Hillary Clinton and possible veep candidate Tom Pawlenty. Heavens, where are we going ??

    Now forsooth and forsake, these elections will surely be costly and acerbic, spanning the spectrum and crossing yet dividing the partitions of the nation.

    As LBJ said to the America of old we bid farewell, is a new world coming ? We welcome it.. But in truth, do we… Limoshol, cooking up a great cholent can be for naught if at the end your [or mine] Aunt Betsy walks by and drops in half a kilo of Broccoli into it And SHEMITTA !!!

    Speaking of which I am looking for a shemitta compatible recipe for my one of a kind Israeli Feta-turnip BBQ guacamole dip. If ayone out there can help Id be most grateful,,,

  3. #2 your comment is interesting but after much thought I still do not fully comprehend your ngle. Could you elaborate?

    Wright or wrong, he’s not right !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As far as the recipe my Uncle Tully from Netivot heard from a Druze farmer that ne can substitute Raw Rutabaga Leaf. Try that and let me know…

  4. Mr. Mullen, I hate sending anyone this way but you might want to check out the church’s website. Recently, don’t remember where, I saw a link to an article supporting Hamas, IIRC.

    Obama finessed his relationship with Bullfrog Wright, kind of calling him the eccentric uncle and reminding people of the “truism” (at least he claims it is) that the most polarized hour of the week in America is on Sunday in churches across the nation. To defend the reverend, he threw his grandmother to the wolves and made some illogical moral equivalencies.

    Hope this clarifies things.

  5. I just wanted to clarify something: Obama’s comments re his grandmother were odious, but not enough for me not to have voted for him were I inclined to do so. I’m sure anyone can dredge up unfortunate remarks all the candidates have said through their lives (and I’ve said some things I regret too). On the whole, Obama has a reputation for being a mentsch, which I can believe, and if he does win the presidency, he will have the respect I give anyone occupying this office.

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