France Bans Cell Phones At School

French children who are going back to school after summer vacation will have to do so without their mobile phones.

The government passed a law banning phone use in all primary and middle schools for the entire day, including during breaks —with exceptions in cases of emergency and for disabled children.

Pupils are requested to shut down their mobiles or put them in a locker.

High schools can also voluntarily implement the measure. Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer said it aims to help children focus on lessons, better socialize and reduce social media use. The ban is also designed to fight online bullying, and prevent thefts and violence in school.

The law allows teachers to confiscate phones until the end of the day in cases of non-compliance.


4 Responses

  1. Oh no, even secular France, the country know for “freedom of religion” has been taken over hareidim (and perhaps other religious fanatics) – banning the most one piece of MODERN technology that best defines our era.

    OR PERHAPS, maybe it isn’t only our own teachers and rabbanim who realize that this technology is a problem, and while in our community we discuss it from a halachic perspective, as we do all things, the “bottom line” is that it is a problem that transcends religious and cultures and has to do with a technology that undermines students learning what they need to learn.

  2. You forgot one thing they also do, they actually teach you secular studies so you can function as a normal human being without relying on government handouts.
    One more thing over charedim. They dont throw victims of molestation under the bus and actually turn in molesters.

  3. Takes2-2tango: As you say, the reason for banning cell phones in a school environment is just as valid in secular studies as to Torah studies. Only our (meaning the frum community, which you seem not to be part of) teachers and principles figured it out first. Score one for our team.

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