WATCH: Joe Lieberman Praises John McCain’s Respect Of His Jewish Religious Observance

Sens. John McCain and Joe Lieberman visit the Kosel in Jerusalem's Old City on March 19, 2008

Among the speakers at John McCain’s funeral in Washington on Saturday, Joe Lieberman recalled McCain’s accommodation of his Jewish observance.

Lieberman, a former Democratic senator from Connecticut, recalled traveling around the world with McCain, the late Republican senator from Arizona.

Lieberman said McCain suffered through Shabbat elevators in Israel, walking long distances with him on Shabbat, and forgoing Friday night festivities overseas to share a quiet meal with him — what McCain called a “Shalom Shabbat.”

Lieberman joked that McCain was “deriving pleasure from the fact that his funeral is on a Saturday and I had to walk here,” prompting laughter.

McCain, the Republican nominee for president in 2008, strongly considered making Lieberman his pick for vice president. He ultimately chose former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.

Lieberman also recalled how much he and McCain enjoyed talking about faith whenever they visited Jerusalem, a city McCain loved. They would sit in a hotel balcony looking over the city, and when Lieberman entered the private sector, McCain urged him to buy an apartment in Jerusalem with a view, and to reserve a room for him.

[RELATED – FLASHBACK: That Time Sen. John McCain Joked About Converting to Judaism]

7 Responses

  1. I really don’t care about Lieberman’s hashkafah and how he rationalizes his appearance at the funeral any more than I really care about Kushner’s so called “heter” to ride in a limo on Shabbos to get where he needs to go with security. However, I do care about Lieberman’s willingness to speak truth to the vulgarity and obscenity in the WH which Kushner seems to be silent about. Yes, the U.S. policies regarding EY has improved but just about every other metric reveals the depths to which we have gone under the mindless narcissism that McCain and Lieberman have been willing to speak out against. Kushner never seems to have had a voice so really can’t say he has lost his voice

  2. The impression is that you are reporting Lieberman’s presentation in a positive light;
    What is positive about an orthodox jew speaking to the microphones on shabes?

  3. But it seems holy Joes has lost his voice. What other possible explanation can there be for his using electric microphones in a church on Shabbos? Guess he got a heter from Kushner’s Rebbe. McCain would probably be more impressed now with his old buddy if Joe had issued a statement extolling his friendship but explaining why he could not speak in a church on Shabbos using electronic media. That would have been a principled stand to take.

  4. McCain was surprised and considered that Joe stabbed him in the back
    with his push for overturning
    “Don’tAsk,Don’t Tell
    in 2010
    the beginning of the rapid cascade
    of recent years

  5. What about Joe “walking” on Shabbos to sign the gay marriage bill into law. Mistameh he signed his name with a shinui.

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