TRUMP-BASHING FUNERAL: Obama & Bush Eulogize McCain; Trump Doesn’t Attend, Ivanka & Jared Kushner Do [VIDEOS]

John McCain’s daughter and two former presidents led a public rebuke of President Donald Trump’s divisive politics at the late senator’s memorial service Saturday in a call for a return to civility among the nation’s leaders.

The nearly three-hour service at the Washington National Cathedral was a remarkable show of defiance against a president McCain openly defied in life as the antithesis of the American spirit of service to something greater than any individual.

Standing near McCain’s flag-draped casket and with Trump’s daughter in the audience, Meghan McCain delivered a broadside against the uninvited president without mentioning his name.

“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served,” she said, her voice first choking back tears. Then, it rose in anger.

“The America of John McCain,” she added, with a reference to Trump’s trademark phrase, “has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”

The audience of Washington power players erupted in applause.

Trump has dismissed the idea that McCain, a prisoner of war in Vietnam, was a hero. The president made clear he resented McCain’s thumbs-down vote last year that sank the Republican attempt to repeal national health care. And he only marked McCain’s passing on Aug. 25 with traditional presidential actions after he came under fire from the American Legion.

Trump chose to head to his Virginia golf course during Saturday’s service and tweeted his grievances against the FBI and NAFTA throughout the day. In one missive, he misspelled former President Barack Obama’s first name. He sent Ivanka Trump, her husband Jared Kushner, Defense Secretary James Mattis and others to the service to represent the administration.

McCain asked Obama, a Democrat, and George W. Bush, a Republican, to speak at his memorial service and they gave personal testimony that overcoming rivalries and partisan politics was not only possible but good for the country. Both men had denied McCain’s presidential aspirations. But they spoke of reconciling with him during personal moments afterward, and, as Bush said, “the rivalry melted away.”

In separate eulogies, Obama and Bush also delivered pushback to Trump that was more subtle than Meghan McCain’s but unmistakable nonetheless.

Obama spoke of the long talks he and McCain had almost weekly in the Oval Office and the senator’s understanding that America’s security and influence came not from “our ability to bend others to our will” but universal values of rule of law and human rights.

“So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, trafficking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage,” Obama said in a not-so-veiled nod to Trump. “It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born in fear. John called on us to be bigger than that. He called on us to be better than that.”

Bush said one of the great gifts in his life was becoming friends with his former White House rival. He said they would in later years recall their political battles like former football players remembering the big game.

But mostly Bush recalled a champion for the “forgotten people” at home and abroad whose legacy will serve as a reminder, even in times of doubt, of the power of America as more than a physical place but a “carrier of human aspirations.”

“John’s voice will always come as a whisper over our shoulder — we are better than this, America is better than this,” Bush said.

Washington’s past and present political elite bore witness. Among those in the front row at the cathedral were Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Dick Cheney and Al Gore.

President Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner both attended the funeral.

McCain’s motorcade arrived from the Capitol, where he laid in state overnight, and the procession made a stop at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, where McCain’s wife, Cindy , placed a wreath.

At the cathedral, Mrs. McCain broke down as opera singer Renee Fleming sang “Danny Boy,” at the request of the music-loving late senator.

The service was the last public event in Washington, where McCain lived and worked over four decades, and part of McCain’s five-day, cross-country funeral procession. He died Aug. 25 at age 81.

“This week’s celebration of the life and values and patriotism of this hero, I think have taken our country above all that,” said former Sen. Joe Lieberman, considered by McCain as a running mate in 2008. McCain instead chose former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. But she, a populist firebrand with similarities to Trump, was not invited to any of the services.

The events, a sort of rolling metaphor for the contrast between the nation under Trump and McCain’s hopes for the country was, in a way, “the last great gift that John McCain gave America,” Lieberman said.

McCain had long urged the Senate and the polarized nation to recognize the humanity even in bitter political opponents. McCain’s request for speeches by the former presidents, to some, represents that ideal.

“We weaken our greatness when we confuse our patriotism with tribal rivalries that have sown resentment and hatred and violence in all the corners of the globe,” McCain wrote in his farewell letter to the nation, read posthumously by a longtime aide. “We weaken it when we hide behind walls, rather than tear them down, when we doubt the power of our ideals, rather than trust them to be the great force for change they have always been.”

McCain is to be buried Sunday at his alma mater, the U.S. Naval Academy, next to his best friend from the Class of 1958, Adm. Chuck Larson.

“Back,” McCain wrote on the last page of his recent memoir, “where it began.”


30 Responses

  1. americas was great until carter then …obama also kneeled to forein leaders…yes trunp had to make it great again. allthier fanct speeches wont change facts

  2. That’s a pretty biased headline. I heard all of the eulogies. They spoke to civility, cooperation and service to ones country and reaching across the aisle for the common good. As Bubbie would say, ‘If the shoe fit’s, wear it’.

    I’m sure that when Trumps time comes Putin will deliver a fitting eulogy.

  3. Actually, Joe Lieberman’s hesped was to me, the most cogent of all. He spoke with humor and candor about his old friend but was balanced in his criticism of BOTH parties for having allowed extremists on the right and left hijack civility in political discourse and make it impossible to achieve compromise on critical public policy issues. In dealing with McCain’s dark sense of humor, he dryly observed that McCain has arranged for his funeral to be on Shabbos so Lieberman would have to hike up about 2 miles Wisconsin Avenue from his apartment in Georgetown to the National Cathedral for the service. R’ Kushner and Rebbitzen Ivanka were also their but presumably had a heter from their Rav (and the secret service) to take the limo over from the Kalorama home.

  4. Pathetic headline. It is sad that when past presidents of all parties come together to eulogize a political opponent and call upon us all to rise to the occasion, and condemn pettiness and hate mongering, it is taken to be Trump bashing. Says a whole lot about what Trump is all about. McCain was a great American. May our country may be blessed to have great leaders at its helm once again.

  5. Shimen….Yup, America was “great” when white men controlled our society, blacks and Hispanics stayed in their places and didn’t demand equality, women were in the home and the U.S. supported every tinhorn dictator around the world suppressing their citizens. The Trumpkopf has truly brought us back to the “good ole days” when mindless and illiterate comments weren’t given instant and global circulation because Al Gore had not yet invented the internet.

  6. Gadolhadorah, I agree with you about Joe’s eulogy. It was spot on. I was thinking about his walk on such a hot day in DC after the cold day’s he’d have to walk for a vote. He is a mensch.

  7. I want to make a comment regarding the ‘candy’ passing. I wasn’t there but many a time at events where the audience should stay quiet and respectful I’ve taken a candy from my pocket and passed it to someone with an itchy throat. I didn’t carry candy for that purpose for many years until after another was kind enough to rescue me from a scratchy throat. Now I’m never without it. Just something to think about.

  8. McCain was no tzadik and he played politics with Trump as well. He enjoyed every second of planning and coming to destroy Trump’s anti Obamacare bill. No wonder the President was out playing golf.

  9. It’s late so let me try to arrange my thoughts
    ”I have a pen and a phone ” Barry is giving lectures about civility and working with the opposition,
    And we find out that the heroism of Mr civil, work with the other team, —I’ll vote against anything trump wants without paying any heed to its merit or the fact that my vote impacts 300+ million people—-,
    Which said heroism consists of being a prisoner of war,
    Was voluntary????
    So he willingly surrendered to the enemy?
    Isn’t that usually called a coward or traitor?
    Lest you think I’m making this up, here is the stove from his daughter, pulled from this article so you can look back for full context
    “We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, ”

    ”the sacrifice he gave so willingly, ”

    Most pow’s don’t exactly have a choice so it can hardly be called willingly, but I guess Mr— I’ll hold onto my seat even though I’m too sick to function, just so long as none else gets it — mccain walked right into the prison cell. Willingly.

    Tell them all to stuff it

  10. If mccain was as wonderful as everyone is claiming, they wouldnt have had to turn the event into a #nevertrump event and similar to the Wellstone ‘memorial’. While you quiet socialists (useful idiots) ponder this, and as you say ‘each side’ has dug in and gotten more polarized, think to yourself wgich side moved the goalposts of science to REDEFINE GENDER, and which party moved the goalposts of tradition to REDEFINE MARRIAGE, and which party launched a war on the police. The Right would enjoy some laws to be followed. Thanks for the Obamacare, everyone.

    And as for Jared and senator Observant, vhamayveen yaven.

  11. Shimen – “americas was great until carter then …obama also kneeled to forein leaders…yes trunp had to make it great again”

    You left out the part about Trump saluting a North Korean General and acting like Putin’s little poodle in Helsinki. Making America Great Again? What a joke!

  12. The lefties commenting here are just like the fake msm. Hypocrites. Total hypocrites. This has nothing to do with their “love” of McCain. Is has everything to do with their blinding HATE of President Trump. McCain was very outspoken in his position of PRO-LIFE and anti abortion! Ugh, so intolerant! That doesn’t seem to bother you lefties. Mr. McCain was also a very strong supporter of TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE. He was AGAINST gay marriage! Ugh, so intolerant! So evil! That doesn’t bother you lefties, though. We know McCain hated President Trump. That’s all we need to know. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  13. So called “Not getting involved”, many of your lefties here are only left because they left the Republicans after Trump was elected. They’re still pretty conservative.

  14. Not Getting Involoved – McCain was a true conservitive and it is why true conservatives abhor the current occupant of the oval office who has hijacked and corrupted the conservative movement in America. It is why the National Review devoted an entire issue to oppose Trump. It is why George Will left the Republican party. It is why Senators like Ben Sasse and Jeff Flake have condrmned the arrogant pettiness of Trump. It is why the true conservatives on this site – not “the lefties” – choose to honor McCain and express their disdain for the current corrupt imposter who occupies the oval office.

  15. Crazykanoiy:
    True Conservatives? Seriously?
    You lefties were all googly excited during the last 8 years of his royal highness. You guys were hard left way before President Trump entered the political arena. Your example of Sasse & Flake are laughable. 2 true Rino’s. They’re as conservative as Susan Collins and Lincoln Chaffee. Come on, you can do better than that. Even the President is not a Conservative. He’s a classic Manhattan liberal like you guys. Truthfully, if he gets impeached it won’t be so bad. Mike Pence IS a true Conservative in every sense of the word.

  16. crazykanoiy @ 1:32,
    Your analysis is way, way, off the mark.
    First of all your “imposter” is arguably more conservative than Reagan.
    Second.. The people you cite are examples of the croc-infested swamp.
    They consider themselves elitists who are above the hoi polloi and thumb their respective noses at the rest of us.
    IOW… They know what’s best for us.
    They’re also spokespeople for the corporations, lobbyists, established and entrenched office & job holders in the federal government… The useless bureaucrats who our tax dollars, globalists for the most part, not caring a darn for the ordinary Americans.
    And so, millions & millions finally threw the bums out…
    So , George Will, who thought he once had influence with average 9-5 zhlubb is totally and forever irrelevant.
    He hasn”t yet got the message, so he types his venom from his den in pajamas.. Jeff Flake is a little smarter, that’s why he ain’t running again…

  17. klugeryid, John McCain had an opportunity to get out of the POW camp early. He refused because he realized it could be turned into propaganda by his jailers. He was aware that it was granted to him only because of his fathers military rank and command. Instead a prisoner who was in longer than he got their release. So yes, he voluntarily accepted imprisonment so that another could go free. At the time of his capture he had two broken arms and was in enemy territory. There was little he could do. Anytime a soldier goes to war for his country he is aware that he may have to make the ultimate sacrifice. McCain was ‘lucky’ inasmuch as he survived his years in captivity, torture and minimal medical care. Many were not so lucky.

  18. Not getting involved and Zion Gate – please spare us the rush/hannity rino nonsense. Stick to votes and issues instead of name calling. Flake and Sasse have a near perfect conservative voting record. Flake chaired the Barry Goldwater institute. Opposing Trump on tariffs IS conservative. Opposing Trump cuddling up to dictators IS conservativr. Opposing Trumps abuse of executive power IS conservative. Opposing Trumps attacks on private enterprise IS conservative. Opposing Trumps record breaking deficit IS conservative. Mindlessly defending the abhorent tweets and acts of Trump and labeling his detractors rino’s is is intellectual dishonesty and profoundly unconservative.

  19. DID ANYONE notice that katenhador , crayzykanoy etc , the ones who always mock ehrlicher yidden , separate busses, supporters of koifrim like WOW, are haters of trump .GAOES HAND IN HAnd

  20. DID ANYONE notice that katenhador , crayzykanoy etc , the ones who always mock ehrlicher yidden , separate busses, supporters of koifrim like WOW, are haters of trump .GOES HAND IN HAnd

  21. Shimen – when did Crazy Kanoiy ever mock ehriliche yidden, seperate busses or support koifrim? Amazing how you have no problem lying and slandering one week before rosh hashanah. The fact that you resort to baseless slander and are motzei laz on others just proves that you have a hard time making a coherent argument to back up your claims. Just because you support a president who lies and slanders on a daily basis does not mean that you should do the same. Honesty make a cheshbon hanefesh as to where your support for the menuval in the oval office has lead you.

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