10 Stone Throwings Attacks and 8 Fire Bombs on Thursday in Israel

Fire Bombs on the Jerusalem to Maale Adumim Highway, and in the Shuafat area, as well as stone throwings near Ras Karkar on Highway 443, were just some of the security that took place on Thursday afternoon.

In the first incident, terrorists threw 3 Molotov Cocktails at Israeli cars driving on the highway. Police responded to the incident and arrested two individuals who are suspected of being those responsible for throwing the bombs.

Near Shuafat, terrorists threw the bomb at security personnel stationed in a watchtower. Security forces that responded to the call were met with additiona stone throwing and gunshots.

In an unrelated incident, stones were thrown at Jewish cars on Highway 443 near Ras Karkar. The Highway managing uthority said that no one was injured, but some damage was caused to the car by the attack.

Over the course of the evening, more than ten stone throwing incidents took place across Israel.


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