INCREDIBLE! See How HaRav Yaakov Bender Welcomes Darchei Torah Talmidim On First Day Of Yeshiva

Rabbi Yaakov Bender is the rosh yeshivah of Yeshivah Darchei Torah in Far Rockaway, New York, and the author of Chinuch with Chessed (Mesorah Publications)

10 Responses

  1. What’s extra special is that when a talmid arrives alone we see him spending extra time chatting with them, instead of doing a quick greet and taking a break.

  2. You have no idea. He is so much more than a mere video can demonstrate. Students and Parents in Ydt are privileged to have a Rosh that directs guides and created a staff in his image. The rest of the chinuch world should be jealous. Kinas Sofrim.

  3. Only a litvack acts with such care for each talmid. So beautiful. May all Rebbeim learn from his ways.

    Reb chaim zev Levitan is exactly the same way. Giving love and care to each talmid

  4. LITVOCK what are you talking about? While I’m no chasid your comment is so wrong and misguided. Do your homework first before you take such a broad swipe at non-Litvak’s.

  5. All I’ve ever heard about Rav Bender is that he knows everyone and everything that goes in in his Yeshiva. Random talmidim will come up to him and he will discuss things that happened with them years ago, as if they were his only talmidim and all he ever thinks about.

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