OUTRAGEOUS: Elizabeth Warren More Concerned About Treatment of Illegal Immigrants Than an American Who Was Killed

Sen Elizabeth Warren laments the treatment of illegal immigrants crossing the border when CNN’s John Berman asks about Mollie Tibbetts, a young woman allegedly murdered by an illegal immigrant in Iowa.

3 Responses

  1. Nothing she said supports the title of this piece, just the opposite, that immigration laws should focus on dangerous people like this murderer. That’s what is outrageous.

  2. > rt

    Seems to me that she is diverting from the topic so as not to face the incident mentioned. So she diverts to other incidents like a mantra (`real`problems she gives as example is the alleged children allegedly separated from family, implying just let them be and there would be no problem). Trump has been castigated by these people to no end for a lot less.

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