Report: Millions Are Buying ‘Kosher’ Phones to Kick Their Social Media Addiction

Sales of “dumb” phones are growing as people get sick of being constantly buzzed by social media.

That’s the name given to feature phones, retro-style handsets that lack the “smart” tech in modern-day smartphones. In Orthodox-Jewish communities they are reffered to as “Kosher” phones.

Data shows that the average American spends nearly three hours per day on their smartphone.

According to Counterpoint Research, the global smartphone market shrank 5 percent in the last quarter of 2017, and only grew by 2 percent last year – to 1.6 billion devices shipped.

Meanwhile, sales of feature phones rose to 450 million devices in 2017, which is a promising 5 percent jump.

Tech companies are becoming more aware of the fact that their customers are worried about their phone usage. Earlier this year, Apple introduced a range of features designed to help users monitor their time spent on their phones.



5 Responses

  1. The amount of kosher phone holders that have a 2nd regular phone in the other pocket is unbelievable .it’s a lost battle just making people be double faced

  2. Oshriv:
    I myself am (as you call me) doublefaced,
    i have a Kosher DUMB phone + a “FILTERED” SMART PHONE, which i need acces to for business purposes,

  3. There’s a handy solution for those who don’t want to be tyrannized by their smartphones – turn the buzzer/ringtone off. You don’t have to have it on for social media, just actual phone calls. Make yourself a stated interval to check the phone – maybe once an hour. Let your friends and family know, so they don’t worry about not getting instant feedback. It’s a simple solution – all it takes is a simple decision to change the settings, and then not to change them back.

  4. Absoloutley true it’s become a necessity.
    It’s like food , food is essential as are so many other material things ,and that’s our responsibility to learn how not to indulge.
    And God saw that everything he made is good .
    Internet is a gift from God , to many to enumerate we must stop being so negative

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