Media Outraged After Trump Notes Hispanic Border Agent’s ‘Perfect English’ [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump invited a U.S. Border Patrol agent to the podium during a White House event to pay tribute to federal immigration officials and joked that the agent could speak “perfect English.”

Trump asked the agent, Adrian Anzaldua who is hispanic, to discuss his apprehension of a smuggler accused of locking 78 migrants inside a truck near Laredo, Texas, about a week ago.

Trump also appeared to refer to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, or CBP, as CBC during Monday’s event. CBC stands for Congressional Black Caucus, among other things.

Trump says immigration agents are doing important, necessary work. He lambasted Democrats who have called for the abolishment of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

He said: “Most importantly let me extend my gratitude to every law enforcement professional representing ICE and CBC.”


6 Responses

  1. Most likely he speaks better English than Mr. Trump does. If Mr. Trump’s mother’s original country hadn’t been English-speaking (she’s from Scotland) , who knows what kind of accent he himself might have? For someone all of whose grandparents were foreign-born, he sure doesn’t have any insight into the immigrant experience. Could it be that his extreme dislike of immigrants is due to the fact that he himself doesn’t feel quite “American” enough, or is it just political opportunism?

  2. I suppose it is too much to ask of the AP to have more respect for the President and note that CBC could, in theory, also stand for Customs and Border Control, even if that is not its actual name. He obviously was not inadvertently referring to Congressional Black Caucus.

  3. It looks to me that Adrian was reluctant to come up and speak, and this was (in context) the short way for Trump to simply state to the audience that Adrian’s reluctance was not because he spoke bad English, but on the contrary, he spoke perfect English.

  4. Great headline!
    The MEDIA is outraged! But not the people. Manufactured outrage ! But Then again it’s been like that since Nov 2016

  5. rt, you seem so frustrated and depressed over most Trump articles here on YWN. You constantly use the word “dumb”, but “dumb” is defined in the dictionary as “temporarily unable or unwilling to speak”– is that what you mean each and every time? Is it that you are jealous of his job or dislike such progress for this country? I’ll respect you even if you clean toilets.

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