ATTENTION ANTI-VAAXERS: 107 Measles Cases Confirmed Across 21 States; 1,200 Infected in Brazil, 6 Dead

More than 100 cases of measles have been diagnosed this year in 21 states and the District of Columbia, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday.

Most of the people who got measles had not been vaccinated, the CDC said.

In Brazil, public health officials say more than 1,200 people have been infected in a growing measles outbreak linked to cases imported from neighboring Venezuela.

The ministry said Tuesday that six people have died.

To combat the measles outbreak, Brazil launched a campaign this month to vaccinate all children between ages 1 and 5. So far, the campaign has reached only around 16 percent of the target population.

Measles is a contagious virus that spreads through the air via coughing and sneezing. Symptoms such as high fever, rash all over the body, stuffy nose and reddened eyes typically disappear without treatment within two or three weeks. Yet one or two out of every 1,000 children who get measles will die from complications, according to the CDC.

From January 1 through July 14, the CDC recorded 107 measles patients living in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and the District of Columbia.

The CDC’s 2018 midyear measles report appears high in comparison with recent years. In all of 2017, for example, 118 people from 15 states and DC had measles. In 2016, 86 people from 19 states had measles.

The measles vaccine — known as the MMR or measles, mumps and rubella vaccine — is very effective. One dose is about 93% effective at preventing the contagious disease if you come into contact with the virus. Two doses are about 97% effective. It is recommended that children receive the vaccine in two doses: the first between the ages of 12 months and 15 months and the second between the ages of 4 and 6 years old.

In Brazil, the infected people are concentrated in two states on Brazil’s border with Venezuela. Health services have collapsed in the neighboring country amid economic and political turmoil, and Venezuelan officials have been dealing with a measles outbreak since last year.

More than 1 million people have fled Venezuela’s chaos, often carrying disease with them.

(YWN / AP)

12 Responses

  1. BTW, they have proved one thing that causes Autisim, & it’s Not Vaccines. There might be other triggers, but they just proved DDT causes Autisim.

  2. Anti Vaxers are a religion it has nothing to do with facts their own children could be dying of a Disease and they wouldnt vaccinate

  3. > Drmom

    “But how do u know its not vaccines?”

    And how do you know its is not the perfumes and colognes and makeups that have become ubiquitous and continuously evolving into ever more potent forms? As someone suffering from these tortuers that other people bring into my space, I can tell you from first-hand experience the pain, headaches and breathing difficulties these cause (and as a point, breathing difficulties means less oxygen to the brain, so a susceptible baby could be pushed over the edge from these useless and dangerous chemicals).

  4. I didn’t give my kids the MMR – they had separate shots, because I firmly believe there is a correlation between MMR vax & autism.

    But… all my kids were vaccinated. So not vaxing is pure selfishness for children who medically can’t be vaccinated.

    I ask all the non-vaxers out there – would you rather your child died from measles, or lived years as a vegetable after the virus attacks his/her brain? Which is better?

    Or you can give separate injections – at the same appointment!- & save your own children & others from catastrophic repercussions. 3 tiny pricks & some crying is a small price to pay for immunity.

  5. DrMom -“But how do u know its not vaccines? Many say it is vaccines so how can we be sure its not?”

    Please STOP Promoting Junk science! Unfortunely, many believe this – Look at the news (See Above).
    From Wikipedia: MMR and Autisim:
    “Following the initial claims in 1998, multiple large epidemiological studies were undertaken. Reviews of the evidence by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,[5] the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences,[6] the UK National Health Service,[7] and the Cochrane Library[8] all found no link between the MMR vaccine and autism.”

  6. George
    I believe u are correct abt chemicals. However, that still doesnt answer the question. How do we know its NOT vaccines? I didnt say ONLY vaccines, but how do all those who emphatically state, “but we know its not the vaccines causing autism”, i ask, HOW do u know?

  7. Eric55
    Antivax is a religion? Well, let’s see… A religion is where u BELIEVE something even though I may not have concrete proof. Its based on belief. Those who vaccinate BELIEVE their children will be protected (no science backing that up), they BELIEVE that vaccines don’t cause autism, sids, autoimmune, asthma, epilepsy… (No science there), they BELIEVE that unvaccinated kids put their kids at risk, they BELIEVE the CDC is an honest government agency that doesnt profit from vaccines…
    Anti vaxxers don’t believe a thing that isnt backed by real science.
    So which group is a religion?

  8. To Health and Drmom, DDT has been banned for use in American since the EPA banned it in 1972. Ironically, DDT is still manufactured in the states but can only be exported to foreign nations. So how could it be that children with autim were exposed to DDT when it was banned years ago?

    To hml, I chose to stop vaccinating my children not out of selfishness but out of pikuach nefesh, ie, to save them from being injected with dangerous toxins that have a strong correlation to autism, other neurological disorders, allergies, asthma, etc. To call mothers who are against vaccinations as being selfish is ignorant and self-righteous. I suggest you do some research before making judgments against us anti-vaxx mothers.

    About the article, it appears to me that the immigrants are getting the disease from children who were recently vaccinated. The proof to this is the CDC does admit that children vaccinated with the MMR can still get the disease. In addition, the CDC warns hospitals not to allow visitors who have recently been vaccinated to visit loved ones who are immuno compromised.

  9. I imagine this is too long for you to post…. but just in case: from a yeshiva newsletter several yrs ago:

    It seems the time has come again to give some information
    to baffled and bewildered members of our population
    about a topic that’s been such a source of aggravation:
    Not shidduchim… Politics… .Uh uh: IMMUNIZATION.
    For decades, still a topic of continued con-tro-ver-sy
    From Tel Aviv to Tokyo, California to New Jer-see!

    Medicine’s come far in getting rid of bugs that threaten us:
    Rubella, hepatitis, meningitis, mumps and tetanus….
    ‘Til recently, kids hardly heard of polio or measles
    Because vaccines, Boruch Hash-m, had killed off those diseas’les!
    The needles might cause pain, but you must think of all their plusses:
    Diphtheria, Rubeola, Smallpox, — gone! For years, Pertussis!
    Now wait! Don’t think “If all those are extinct, who needs the shot?”
    But see, in Third World countries, that don’t immunize, guess what?
    The bugs ain’t gone. Just ONE sick native on a US flight
    can bring in germs unvaccinated folks now cannot fight.
    Crankiness and fever… Redness….pain are sometimes seen
    Rarely, other brief reactions follow a vaccine.
    But research linking AUTISM to vaccines?!That was phony.
    Too bad that it took years to realize it was all baloney.
    You’re still afraid of risk? You feel you shouldn’t ‘shoot’ your kid?
    Count your blessings all do not agree– ‘cuz if they did
    Today we’d still be fighting things like smallpox and diphtheria!
    (Although we aren’t—actually, we ARE!—trying to scare ya.)
    Compared to what they’re aiming to prevent, though, think hard, PLEASE!
    ‘Possible slight risk?’ Or Lo Aleinu, a disease
    that wouldn’t just affect a Yachid- but the Rabbim too
    We’re all Areivim Zeh LaZeh. And we depend on you.
    “U’Shmartem Me’od L’Nafshoseichem:” We’re all well aware–
    We must ‘protect’ and ‘guard’ our bodies; treat them with great care.
    And those who say ‘That phrase tells us -AVOID immunization!’
    –are wrong! That is a very serious misinterpretation.
    Insisting “I won’t put such ‘dangerous’ stuff inside my kid–
    I keep halacha! Yes Sir- I’m a true, G-d fearing Yid!”
    That would be like saying “I’ll be healthy—I’ll stop smoking.
    Instead I’ll take up………. Race car driving.” Come on- who’ ‘ya joking?
    ONE small risk’s avoided—but exchanged, then for another—
    a greater one, and one that puts at risk the lives of OTHERS!
    ‘Cuz Reuven doesn’t want to risk the complications rare
    Shimon’s, Levi’s families are at risk now? That’s not fair!
    ‘Dina L’Malchusa Dina’—we must always be
    Law-abiding citizens in our society.
    And WHY, of course, does government enforce immunization?
    To “guard and to protect” the health of its entire nation!!
    Whenever vaccination rates, for some reason, go down
    Guess what? Surprise. The dread diseases come back into town.
    It’s ‘HERD IMMUNITY’ that will protect a population:
    We’re only safe if HIGH PROPORTIONS get immunization.
    Thus, parents put COMMUNITIES at risk if they do not
    allow their kids to get all of their recommended shots.
    It puts in danger all those who cannot get immunized
    for some medical reason, like immunocompromised.
    Babies, seniors, anyone with weakened immune systems
    are at great risk from bugs like those. Their bodies can’t resist ‘em.
    Think of teachers, school staff who’re Boruch Hashem expecting:
    Don’t forget the unborn children THEY are all protecting.
    And mumps- it’s not just ‘swollen glands.’ It also can affect
    some crucial future matters. To be blunt and quite direct:
    If one day, some sweet couple learns they likely might not bear
    a child, ‘cuz back then, the husband had the mumps one year…..
    If he’s YOUR son—-or caught it from your son —UNIMMUNIZED-
    Think carefully: It’s on YOUR head that that achrayus lies.
    You still want “frum?” OK- let’s not forget Chilul Hashem.
    If Jews get known as ‘folks who do not immunize,’ what then?
    For any outbreak, Lo Aleinu, we’d get blamed, of course.
    And we’d deserve it, for this law that we did not enforce.
    Hashem has, k’vyochol, “done His part” ridding these bugs
    Thru doctors who’ve discovered all these most amazing drugs
    The government has done ITS part, with rules that try to spare ya
    from tetanus, meningitis, measles, polio, diphtheria…..
    The only ones who’ve yet to do their part are us– the plain
    and simple Humans! Parents! (Thus, their kids.) Just WE remain!
    Protect those who cannot protect themselves— and your own crew
    “Shoot” your kids- on schedule-
    and make sure your friends do too!

  10. Nobody dies in the us from measles especially children who get it when they are naturally meant to. There are many proven immune boosting health benefits when acquiring measles as a child. People who die from measles live outside us, usually in 3rd world countries where there is poverty and lack of sanitation. The whole “measles outbreak” is pure fear mongering to endorse a vaccine that has proven deaths and disabilities as a result. Wake up people.

  11. To hml: You did not give your children the MMR vaccine because of your belief? Are you a frum Xian Scientist? Health care is not a matter of belief.

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