French Government Recognizes Shavuos As Holiday In Calendar

frenchflag1.jpgFrance’s Chief Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sitruk has announced that the Yom Tov of Shavuos is now recognized in the official bulletin of the French Republic along with Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the EJP reports.

Rabbi Sitruk explained that because Shavuos usually falls out in in May or June, it coincides with school and university exams – and can be problematic for many students who don’t want to give up their Jewish identity despite sometimes grave consequences such as a failed school or university year. 

After much lobbying and hard work, the government agreed to recognize Shavuos as a holiday in the calendar. Rabbi Sitruk told the EJP: “Last week, the French Minister in charge of public offices, Eric Woerth, told me that the Jewish festival is now in the Journal Official.”

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. Good. A french friend of mine repeated two years of university, and evetually started from scratch in England. This will save people time, anduish and mitzvot

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