FULL VIDEO: Satmar Children Protest Israel in Lakewood

YWN reported on the Anti-Zionist protest, which may have been the first of it’s kind in Lakewood, when it took place last month. Full video of the event was posted online on Monday.

The protest was held at the new Satmar Williamsburg Community on Cross Street, just west of Route 9 (River Avenue).

32 Responses

  1. I don’t c’v, wish anything bad for these poor children who are being mentally abused and manipulated by those “adults” who treat them like some props for their sick political agenda. However, I am not precluded from having exactly the opposite thoughts about those “adults” (e.g. the grown up guy in the black hat and bekeshe shown in the photo leading this march). With all the anti-semitism around the world today, EY still provides a safety net for yidden escaping from those who would attack them and their families. If some biker riding down Cross Sreet just happened to not see this guy and knocked him on his keister, I would be benching gomel for the biker.

  2. these kids have a very promising future
    what can i tell you
    riding bikes-asur
    playing baseball-asur
    this is the only activity they can come up with thats grea

  3. Do these kids even know what they are protesting for? Do they even know why they are Jewish? Do they even want to be Jewish, or only because their parents tell them to? My point is, no one should have to go through life doing or practicing something that they really don’t want to do, including (sadly) being frum altogether. IY’H I want my own children to love shabbos, sitting in the Sukkah, lighting Channuka candles because THEY love it and OWN the mitzvah, not because that’s what everyone else is doing. Standing on Yom Kippur , the yom haDin with the feelings that you only want to be or do XYZ because you have no choice,or thats the only way you know because thats what your parents/community taught/told you, is unfortunately going to have a rough time and purpose in life. Without these children’s parents, Rebbeim, or community speaking for them- I want to know how THEY feel about Israel. Even with all the shortcomings of the governance of Israel, would they rather the millions of Jews living in E’Y live in Germany, Poland, Venezuela, maybe Cuba? Would they like all the yeshivos, shuls, and kollelim in E’Y’ given away to the Arabs to make more mosques? Maybe those children can develop their own thinking, identity, and ideas in North Korea- all of the ‘historical’ punishments by Sanhedrin can come to life for them there in N. Korea. They can see the choice between learning by the Kosel or being burned alive in the center of Pyongyang for talking out of turn, or punched in the fact for wearing a Yarmulka in the streets of Paris.

  4. I would hazard a guess that those children cannot read the signs that are written in English. It is a pity that they are being used as unwitting tools.

  5. The Satmar Rov Ztz’kl was definitely a godol BeTorah -no question about it and his opinion is well known. However so was the Chazon Ish Ztzl and a multitude (rov) of other gedolim who disagreed with the Satmar Rov. So we’ll continue to listen to the shitah of rov gedolim concerning how we delicately navigate the issue of living in Eretz Yisroel that’s run by the medinah and try and save whatever yidishkeit we can from those who try to drive secular Jews even further from the Torah.

  6. It’s disgusting that they use children as pawns for things they know noth8ng about. Someone should call child care services.

  7. The Satmar nutjobs I get – they’re a lost cause. But who is the litvishe moron speaking in the middle? The organizers of these protests have the blood of these pure yiddishe kinderlach on their hands. Oy Lanu!

  8. Isn’t this so cute? Little chasidishe kinder being brainwashed by their teachers. When they grow up they can protest in Yerushalayim. Such nachas. The RS”O is smiling down at them. NOT.

  9. what a kiddish hashem ….yoy have to infuse in those kids from birth that zionizm is avoydeh zureh and the tumene medina was built on Anti Torah and mines veapikorses.

  10. To TIGShabbos: we read in kris shema you have to Fear and Love hashem…mitzvehs are supposed to be practiced with love but be remembered with fear. The krishma goes on with punishment if you wont fear hashem and not listen to him.
    your kids will do all mitzvehs because they see their parents fearing and loving hashem and they will follow your path.
    Yidden had mesires nefesh since avrum uvinis days and thats what keeps jews together till Moshiach will come.

  11. Meyerfruend….

    I would speculate you were Joseph the Trolll using another posting name except that he at least exhibits a fairly high level of intellect in his comments. You use the same kiddush hashem line every time some mindless nitwits engage in this kind of behavior and abuse of their children. If you get run over by a speeding minivan with a bunch of kollel guys heading for the beis medrash who are late for davening, should I say it was a kidush hashem that the yungerleit were so focused on davening within the zman?

  12. No wonder all the goyim are running away from the Enclave! And the Heimishe yidden who are moving in did not count on seeing Liliputian protesters maching up and down Cross Street blasting anti-Israel propoganda . What Satmar really wants is the heimishe Yidden should move out of the Enclave in disgust, and Satmar can take over their homes.

  13. @DrYidd, the zionists have no right not to let them into israel. israel deos not belong to the zionist, and not allowing people who speak out (rightfully so) against them into eretz yisrael is not like a group of people annexing, say, lakewood and putting a road block in front of lakewood, and only allowing people to come in if they agree to them taking over. the zionists have no right to be there and they have nothing to do with holy land.

  14. @gadolharah, your parable doesnt make sense. who are these kids running over???its deffinitely true the point they are making, (even though @Reb Dons said the chazon ish argued on the satmer rov, fact is, – he didnt)

  15. although i agree to the point they are making i think it does look a bit strange and it really does hamper the ability to get their message out. they should do better planning. maybe like the kinnus klali.

  16. moshe1983, the satmer rebbe said that after the Holocaust, from all the suffering klal yisroel went through moshiach would have came if not for the zionist state founded a few years later. you could take the stae of israel i`ll take moshiach (unfortunately due to some unwanted zera amalek the other choice was forced upon us)

  17. lakwood welcomes them (at least their shita with regard to dealing with israel) (if anyone is familiar with r malkiel kotlers stance)

  18. best buy, i think you make some very heavy accusations here. please bring any substantial proof (which i doubt exists) to this conspiratory claim.

  19. @DrYidd, tinokos shenishba as paskened by the rambam are adults that were forced a completely non observant on them at a young age. please explain the connection betweeen the two, because if you think its a real example, you just dont know what a tinok shenishba is. a real example of tinokos shenishba would probably be like a bachur who against his will is drafted and can’t continue keeping yiddishkeit in the IDF (for whoever thinks one could remain religious in the IDF, see YWN article about the soldier who was sentenced to solitary confinement for keeping shabbos,tipah shebayam of such incidents)

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