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Community Alert For Purim From Boro Park Shomrim

bp shomrim.jpgShomrim of Boro Park has the following community alert for Yidden everywhere – not just in Boro Park:

Many people might be planning on spending this coming Shabbos/Purim away from home. What they might not realize is that after they leave their homes for Shabbos, people might leave Mishloach Manos outside their doors from them. Please be aware that the last time Purim was on a Friday, many homes were burglarized because of this.

Shomrim are urging all people the following:

a) If you are delivering Mishloach Manos to a home close to Shabbos, and they residents are not home – perhaps it would be safer not to leave it, and leave them a voice-mail that you tried their home and they were not there. (It’s the thought that counts!)

b) Arrange with a neighbor to ensure that the front of your doors are cleared out of all packages prior to the start of Shabbos.

Boro Park Shomrim would like to wish everyone a SAFE and a Freilichen Purim.

5 Responses

  1. what about being careful that goyim dont dres up and go into hopuses and steal. in eretz yisroel you have to be careful of people dressing like jews and arabs!

  2. I had it with a Expensive Moshloach Munos a few years ago, i left it by mistake for 2 minutes on the street, i went in to a house & when i came back 2 minutes later there was nothing left, they are all on the lookout on Purim.

  3. #2: The last thing you want to do is hang a notice on your door that you are away!!!!!!!!
    The worry is not so much the missing shlach monos as #3 understood, it is the danger of the house being burglarized

  4. My neighbour went away afor Purim one year and I went over at regular intervals to bring anything over to my house for them – and yes, I agree fully, leaving them on the doorstep is an open invitation to burglars!

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