WATCH: Herd of Cows Help Florida Police Arrest Women on the Run

A herd of cows were in pursuit of a suspected car thief who was trying to ditch cops.

The crazy cow chase started when three suspects allegedly stole a car in Seminole County, Florida, Tuesday. A police helicopter with a heat-seeking camera followed the car until it crashed into a ditch. One female suspect, identified as 46-year-old Jennifer Anne Kaufman, fled on foot, and found herself in the middle of a herd of cattle. Suddenly, 16 cows chased after her.

2 Responses

  1. Can we eat cows who chase thieves or do we need a mesora for that?
    Or maybe we should csll it the mesira cow for showing the cops where the suspects are. I bet these cows dont chew thier cud., Because kosher cows dont get involved in mesira.

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