4 Yeshiva Bochrim On Project SEED Thwart Burglary In California

The following was submitted to YWN:

My parents house got broken into a few nights ago (in Tarzana, California… a suburb of Los Angeles). It was a professional [burglary] crew that waited for my mom to leave… then they went through the backyard and broke a window and back door to gain access to the home.

Thankfully, and actually quite miraculously, my parents have been hosting 4 young men for a few weeks, as part of a SEED Torah learning program at a local shul. If not for them being in the house and surprising the thieves, my parents would have gotten “cleaned out”.

I just got off the phone with my mom and there’s nothing missing B”H……except for all the food in her pantry, and I think it was these 4 young guys 🙂

Jokes aside, it doesn’t surprise me that someone was looking out for my parents from above, as they have always supported learning, kiruv, and opening one’s home to strangers.

No guns needed… all it took was a couple of yarmulkes, gemaras, and some peach fuzz to spare my folks some major heartache.

PROJECT SEED for decades has been igniting the Torah spark among the unaffiliated. Yeshiva students, girls and Kollel couples spend their summers instilling Torah values within the hearts and minds of adults and children in communities throughout North America, and beyond, through Torah study, recreational events and day camps.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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