WATCH: Trump Mocks, Imitates ‘Crazy Bernie’ Sanders

At a rally in Pennsylvania on Thursday, President Trump interrupted himself while listing off possible Democrat rivals he could face in the 2020 presidential election to launch into an impersonation of 76 -year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“Let’s say I’m running against Pocahontas or crazy Bernie,” President Trump began. “I’ll tell you, I gotta hand it to Bernie.”

“I saw him up there the other day, hair getting white and white and he’s getting crazier and crazier. I saw him: ‘We’ll stop Donald Trump — We’re stopping him — We’re gonna stop—.”

“I looked at my wife and I said, ‘You know what, you got to hand it to that guy,” the president continued. “Man, that guy he doesn’t quit. And that’s okay. Crazy Bernie. He is one crazy dude.”

5 Responses

  1. to all who suffer from Tramp Derangement Syndrome on this forum: Trump may appear to you as “less Presidential” than his predecessors (including Reagan whom i am sure you all hate) but he has achieved a lot more in 2 years than no other past presidents ever achieved combined.

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