Petition Seeks More Land From Monroe To Build 2nd Hasidic Village

The following is via News12:

A bitter turf war between residents in an Orange County town is heating up again, a little more than a year after both sides reached an agreement to end it.

Tensions between Monroe residents and their Hasidic Jewish neighbors in Kiryas Joel had calmed after an agreement to split off the village into its own town, Palm Tree.

But a new petition is requesting more land from Monroe to form a second — and much larger — Hasidic community that would be called the Village of Seven Springs.

The proposed new village would span about 2 miles and more than a thousand acres.

“It’s another attempt to skirt the present zoning laws, and it’s not in the spirit of anything all the people of Monroe have accomplished,” says John Allegro, a member of the community group United Monroe.

In the Palm Tree agreement, leaders in Kiryas Joel had pledged not to request any land annexations for 10 years. Allegro says he doesn’t think they’re behind the push.

He blames developers who want to alter zoning in the area.

An attorney for those developers released a vague statement Friday.

“The people who petitioned to form the Village of Seven Springs did so to control their own destiny and create the type of community they desire,” it read.

Town officials say the plan needs review before they can hold a public hearing or eventual vote.

But even then, parts of the land are already the focus of several lawsuits that would need to be resolved first.

(Source: News12)

11 Responses

  1. hasidic village??? is this like CNN reporting?? last i checked in jewish circles (and therefor befitting a website which claims to be frum) its called chasidish

  2. like most cults, they believe that they will grow forever; they are are best off in a more remote part of NY well past Albany on the way to Montreal. nobody to bother them. they can purchase enough land with enough growth until they recognize the Holy land

  3. The Satmar hypocrisy screams to the heavens,you see if Jews want to build their homes in Yehuda and Shomron their God given land of Israel,then the Satmar haters are busy screaming their heads off “HISGARUS BEUMOS” don’t instigate the GOYIM,but here in America were we realy are in GALUS ,these Satmar savages are busy fighting with their neighbors day and night and causing vicious anti-semitism and massive CHILLUL HASHEM

  4. dont try to compare the chillull hashem of the zionist violating the 3 shevuos, creating a state thats supposed to be jewish but then starts attempting to eradicate anything thats jewish, and picking fights with the arabs, to the stamer chassidim who are trying to have a community without violating the 3 shavuos and with upholding yiddishkeit. as for picking fights with the goyim, in lakewood theres a similar issue. yidden want to move into the towns surounding lakewood (legaly, as with this case) and over there also are met with ferocious opposition. But soon after all these fights start it becomes very clear that its all antisemitism, and they slip up in social media discovered emails etc. so theres nothing to deny. the chassidim are doing it legaly, just a few neighbors just dont like jews and you dont have to move away just becouse your neighbor hates you and its not instigating the goyim and not a chillull hashem.
    also BTW here in america were are not anymore in galus than eretz yisrael. in fact i think in eretz yisroel is more in galus than america with the zionist goverment and gzeiros shmad coming out against the jews almost on a daily basis.

  5. marbehshalom
    But you had no problem when Yeshiva World covered both Satmar’s ugly and criminaly hatefull anti-Israel rally at continental arena in N.J and at Nassau colisium ,where over 20,000 jews declared to the world ,that the six and a half million Jews who have returned to their God promised land have no right to their land and it belongs to the Palestinian murderous jew hating terrorist’s .
    This my friend is ugly unadultirated hate

  6. Santa Maria chasidim act in a way that brings shame upon the human race.
    Any devient sect that focuses all importance in Judaism on an obscure machlokes, to the detriment of the True fundamentals of Torah Faith is not worth the air freshner it takes to enter a confined space after them.

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