ATTENTION ANTI-VAAXERS: Measles Infects More Than 1,000 In Brazil; 5 Reported Deaths

Brazil’s Health Ministry says more than 1,000 people have been infected and five have died in a measles outbreak linked to cases imported from neighboring Venezuela.

The ministry says on its website that 1,053 cases of the disease have been reported so far this year.

All but 31 of these cases have been registered in the northern jungle states of Amazonas and Roraima that share borders with Venezuela, where health services have collapsed amid political and economic turmoil. Four died in Roraima and one in Amazonas.

Hardships in Venezuela have sent more than 1 million people fleeing to neighboring countries, sometimes bringing diseases with them.

Measles spreads through the air and is highly contagious, though a vaccine against it is very effective. Brazil is ramping up vaccination efforts.


7 Responses

  1. Measles is NOT a deadly disease in healthy children. It’s a harmless illness that all children used to get before the vaccine came along. Google “measles vitamin A” and you will find a plethora of information on the efficacy of using vitamin A to treat measles virus- all from pub med! Illnesses can become deadly when the living conditions isn’t viable for optimal healing. Refuges from a war torn country do not have optimal functioning immune systems. When the immune system is low, even catching a cold can be deadly. This is incomparable to anyone living in a developed country.

  2. The screaming and taunting headline that you posted for this story is helpful in pushing the misleading and false narrative that measles is a dangerous disease in the developed world. Once again a frum website is giving unscientific information in order to promote a severely flawed public mandatory vaccine policy in the USA. To quote a crucial paragraph from the story – “All but 31 of these cases have been registered in the northern jungle states of Amazonas and Roraima that share borders with Venezuela, where health services have collapsed amid political and economic turmoil. Four died in Roraima and one in Amazonas.” The proper way of interpreting this is that yes Measles as well as many other illnesses can be a big problem in the third world especially in war zones, areas with poor nutrition and poverty, poor medical care and so on, like in these jungle areas. However in the developed world such as in the US, measles was historically considered to be a mild childhood disease that was a rite of passage and it was not something to get excited about. In fact catching measles in childhood may offer protection against cardio vascular disease and cancer later in life. It would be nice if the frum websites would reveal their financial conflicts of interest so that the public could see what is behind the push to denigrate anti vaccine activists and promote the interests of the vaccine industry.

  3. Stop with the hype. Measles is not a dangerous disease unless you live in a third world country where there is a lack of good health care, poor nutrition and poor sanitation.

  4. FYI Key facts from the World Health Organization, Feb 2018:
    -Measles is a highly contagious, serious disease caused by a virus. Before the introduction of measles vaccine in 1963 and widespread vaccination, major epidemics occurred approximately every 2–3 years and measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year.
    -Measles remains one of the leading causes of death among young children globally, despite the availability of a safe and effective vaccine. Approximately 89,780 people died from measles in 2016 – mostly children under 5.
    -Measles is one of the leading causes of death among young children, even though a safe and cost-effective vaccine is available.
    -Measles vaccination resulted in a 84% drop in measles deaths between 2000 and 2016 worldwide.
    -During 2000-2016, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 20.4 million deaths, making measles vaccine one of the best buys in public health.
    -In 2016, there were 89 780 measles deaths globally – marking the first year measles deaths have fallen below 100 000 per year.

  5. And unfortunately, residents of those Third World Countries travel on the same airplanes WE do. They can bring- and HAVE BROUGHT- diseases like measles- to our modernized countries, because unvaccinated children aren’t protected.

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