“MOVE JIM!” Watch White House Aides Yell at CNN’s Jim Acosta to Leave Oval Office

3 Responses

  1. Rudy. is actually more fun to watch than the Trumpkopf…..most days lately he seems clueless but that doesn’t seem to stop him from spinning excuses about meetings that never happened (but he denies the president would have been there), claims that Cohen is a congenital liar (which of course he would know about given his client0 after saying last month that Cohen was a reputable and honest lawyer….and finally, of course, issuing the 107th denial that there was any “collusion” with Russia but then adds that even if there was, “collusion is not illegal”. Well, with regard to the latter her finally go something right but of course neglected to note that conspiracy is a crime and everything we are now seeing points in the direction of conspiracy

  2. CNN likes to mock Trump for being “obsessed” with “saying there was no collusion”…”he says it almost every day!” They really don’t see that he is only saying there is no collusion because the media is obsessed with accusing him of collusion almost every day-!? CNN is leading the warpath against the enemy, whose name is “Trump”….and their only real evidence of guilt of any of the supposed crimes they accuse him of is the fact that he denies the charges. My Gemara Rebbe used to call this kind of circular logic: “Assuming what you are trying to prove.”

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