WATCH: House Democrat Predicts Mueller Will Indict Trump Jr. & Jared Kushner

Rep. Steve Cohen (D- TN) thinks special counsel Robert Mueller may indictment both President Donald Trump’s eldest son and son-in-law.

Speaking with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Cohen said:

“There was activities with the Trump campaign and Russia and releasing those hacks and guiding them to the states and the localities where they came from. Some of that was Jared Kushner‘s responsibilities. Some of it was Donald Jr. I think you’re probably going to see indictments of both of those people.”

“Actual indictments from Mueller specifically against who?” Blitzer asked, visibly taken aback.

“Against Donald Jr. and against Jared Kushner,” Cohen confirmed.

“You think both of them are going to be indicted by Mueller?” Blitzer asked again, seemingly trying to coax Cohen into walking back his incendiary comments.

But he didn’t. “I think that’s entirely possible and I think the president is going to go totally off his rocker, not that he’s on it now, and then issue pardons,” Cohen said. “They were probably the people that were in connection with the Russians and in conspiracy to affect the elections.”

“But do you have specific evidence?” Blitzer asked. “It’s a very serious charge.”

“If it walks like a duck, if it swims like a duck and if it quacks like a duck, it’s a duck,” Cohen replied. “You can see where it’s going.”

Here’s a Fox News panel reacting to the comments:

3 Responses

  1. The Trumpkopf Jr. ….maybe……Jared, never…..BTW, did you notice the kleine Kushner (aka Josh) just announced that he will be marrying a goiyehse fashion model, Karlie Kloss, who reportedly was megayer and is now a frum yid. Sadly, she found a new Rav to handle the geyrus and she was not observed at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on East 85th Street or the nearby mikvah.

  2. > Gadolhadorah

    Just who, pray tell, could qualify as a kosher witness, when the same person would “observe” a female going to a mikvah, and further, talk about it? Even another female would be disqualified for acting with such pritzah. You remind of the person who complained to a friend of mine that this friend’s wife was not dressed modestly enough. To which my friend replied, quite rightly: Why are you looking at a my wife in the first place.

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