UPDATED: Large Protest of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver Scheduled For Sunday

shelly silver.jpgRabbi Yehuda Levin, founder of Jews for Morality and popular Jewish radio talk show host, will be leading dozens in a protest of NYS Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s support of “Toeiva” marriage on Sunday, March 16, 2008, at 10:30 AM in front of the home of the Chairman of the Board of Agudath Israel of America, at 1757 East 23rd Street in Brooklyn, New York.
Rabbi Levin’s statement:

“In the shadows of the scandal with Eliot Spitzer, we have learned that thoughts and deeds don’t amount to much, but ideas and actions do. Sheldon’s actions of being pro-Toeiva marriage and supportive of partial-birth abortion are absolutely repugnant. Despite many of the good things Sheldon Silver has done for the Orthodox community, especially financially supporting our social-service institutions, Sheldon’s support and promotion of Toeiva marriage is an affront to basic biblical morality. His vote for Toeiva marriage has offended people of all faiths. What’s more, by using smoke-filled back room Albany tactics and legislative bullying to waive the normal three day comment period and prevent any discussion, Silver did not allow for our community to speak out on this issue for the record. Now is our chance to make our voice heard. The Speaker’s actions are a betrayal of Judaism and we will be silent no more.

“Speaker Silver is being honored in the heart of Brooklyn’s Jewish community for the first time since he allowed the Toeiva marriage vote to the floor last year (reported HERE on YWN). He has worn out his welcome in the Orthodox community that he comes from. His actions are an affront to Orthodox Jews world-wide and he must be considered a persona-non-grata at all religious events. He should have stayed in Manhattan and spent time trying to reclaim some of the morals he has so clearly lost.”

It is interesting to note, that after Shelly Silver allowed the Toeiva vote last year, YWN reported that four Jewish organizations denounced those actions. One of those organizations was none other then the Agudah! Click HERE to read that statement.

Click HERE to see photos.

60 Responses

  1. Nothing causes more busha to the Jewish people that a self appointed spokesman who’s whole shtick is speaking loshon hara on the radio about Jews. Last week he stooped to making up songs to mock people. Somebody please stop this guy !

  2. rabbi levin represents noone from the frum cummunity. even if he means well,he doesnt know how to come across well in talking with people like lipa etc.. he has to do right things but the right way!!

  3. Some things never change.

    Some 25 years ago the well-meaning mechutzaf “rabbi” Levin openly denounced and attacked the decisions of HaGaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Kamenenetzky, who were then alive and well, becuase they did not jive with what his “Rebbi” supposedly told him. I know because I recall doing extensive research on the matter and then debating the issue with him over the air, until he hung up on me.

    In addition, his ad-hominem attacks against government officials flies in the face of the hadrachah of Gedolei Yiroel Manigei Ha’eidah throught galus.

    Rabbeinu Yonah in Shaarei Teshuvah clearly explains what is and what is not chanifah l’ovrei aveirah. I suggest that instead of shooting off his mouth, “rabbi” do some learning.

    By actually sometimes speaking the hashkafas haTorah he has misled people into thinking that he is the mouthpiece of the Roshei Yeshivah. In reality, he represents no one but himself and the fictitious or straw organizations he has created or subverted.

  4. Could be I’m wrong, but I wonder if protests in front of people’s private homes is a Yiddishe thing. If they want to protest – do so in front of the Agudah’s office.

  5. Rabbi Levin is a hero. It isn’t enough that Agudah denounced this horrible law AFTER Shelly voted for it – They should have used their powerful voice to stop it from happening in the first place !!! Now their Chairman has the Chutzpah to host Shelly ????

    I will be joining Rabbi Levin in the protest and I will be bringing my son as well to show that you should speak up for Yiddishkeit even though the “politically correct” people might have a problem with it.

  6. Rabosai, even Agudah can make mistakes. For them to honor Sheldon Silver who claims to be frum but supports these immoral things is simply wrong. Boruch Hashem we have leaders like HaRav Levin who aren’t afraid to take on the powerful. Yasher Koach!

  7. Rabbi Levin has consistently acted with Daas Torah. He was told to do what he has been doing by Rav Avigdor Miller ZTV’L. A good write-up regarding Rabbi Levin’s activities and Daas Torah is in this weeks Hamodia.

    Indeed, Rabbi Levin is the official representive of Reb Moshe Feinstein’s ZTV’L Rabbinic organization.

    Sheldon Silver has now long disgraced Orthodox Jewry. Congratulations to Rabbi Levin for making the Orthodox position heard across the spectrum. Keep up the good work.

  8. Any Yid who cannot take his “religion” into account, in government, should not be in government.

    Remember Yosef? He mentioned other reasons for not doing a prohibited action, and mentioned “vechotosi l”Ailokim” last.

    One does not have to be embarrassed by his “religion” if that is the only thing that is keeping civility alive at all in this world.

  9. I find that sometimes the best thing that one can do when imature people demand attention is to ignore them. I strongly suggest that the oilam not even dignify “Rabbi” Levin’s rants and raves with any response. Like all failures of his type, he will likely vanish from the scene sooner or later. And I challenge anyone to find anyone who represents mainstream Daas Torah who supports his irresponsible behavior.

  10. As much as I would like this great work to be doen by someone with a better personality, I’m happy that at least someone is doing it…

  11. Oncefrum – It will be taking place in Gehenom, along with Eliot Spitzer and all of the immoral Jews that give Yideshkeit a bad name.

  12. Yerachmiel, PbP, etc, so much Daas baal habayis here telling us what the Torah expects.

    Joseph, Rabbi Miller was the daas yochid “Rebbi” I was referring to.

    Rav Moshe passed away 22 years ago, and “his” organization that you refer to is not currently run by people recognized for their Daas Torah or Torahdik much else.

  13. I wonder about the repeated use of the pulral “we” in Rabbi Levin’s statement. Does he mean his family? Who else does he represent?

  14. What’s even more shocking is the fact that the chairman of the board of the Aguda is having this lowlife in his home!

    Read the following statement written above:

    “It is interesting to note, that after Shelly Silver allowed the Toeiva vote last year, YWN reported that four Jewish organizations denounced those actions. One of those organizations was none other then the Agudah! Click HERE to read that statement.”


    Pretty pathetic that everyone is jumping on Leving, when the Aguda are the ones who should be ripped to shreds here.

  15. 1)This person has one thing in mind, and that is getting attention, even if it means making a total fool out of himself and all frum people (like loosing a debate on public TV to Shmuly Boteach of all people!).

    2)This person waves the flag of Das Torah on the issues that he picks (ie. the ones that will get him attention) and totaly steps on what they have to say regarding other issues (ie. the ones that get in the way of him getting attention).

    3)This person feels that one of the biggest sakana’s facing frum people is the “toeva” issue. This is his primary focus. Most reasonable frum people realise that there are much bigger problems facing the frum community. Speak to any Rosh Yeshiva, Rav, or Gadol and they will tell you.

    3) This person was never appointed spokesman for the frum community. He is embarrassing us all.

  16. art,

    If you consider Maran Hagoen Harav Avigdor Miller ZTV’L a ”Daas Yachid”, count me in. Anything he stands for, I stand for.

    And yes, Rabbi Levin has Daas Torah from today’s Gedolim behind him in addition to Rav Miller. The Debreciner Rav is one of the other Rabbonim that have written supporting his efforts.

    Take a look at this weeks Hamodia for a write-up about Rav Miller.

  17. Dear Rabbi Levin

    I understand this is for morally correct behavior. Ubber a’vhu iz der seichal

    Please don’t lead people to believe that your comparable to the cat looking for the mouse (and excited with every opportunity to pounce) and not the storekeeper chasing the mice out.

    The problem is, once our motives seem questionable and suspect, so do our actions.

  18. It’s very interesting that the auther of the “Daas Yochid”, or “Yechidim”, happened to be the ones who do not benifit from the government…….

    Again, just becuase I don’t like Levines personality doesn’t mean he is wrong

  19. The fact is: vast majority of Gedolim are not aware of politics and political process on their own, and are usually fed through Baale Batim and Askonim/jewish politicians, if at all. Rabbi miller was a true Gadol who ON HIS OWN followed politics for the sake of Kavod Shomayim.

    If this demonstration was 10-15 years ago, Rabbi Miller would be there himself (I knew him personally), and other Gedolim would either be there as well, or be neutral, or would be asking their Baale Batim what’s involved. No one would be against it.

    You don’t have to like Rabbi Levines personality to agree with what he says

  20. Reb MDshweks,

    There was a specific Godol, who was indeed tremendously tremendously super-great, and was very upfront about his position and Judaism’s position on moral issues. He was quite vocal in regard to Government officials.

    However, he attended the levaye of a very controversial person (although he couldn’t even enter..). When prodded by his grandson to explain, i.e. did he agree with the nifter, he answered “the man was out of his mind for the past twenty years”. He did not publicize that, and it appeared TO SOME as if he was in agreement with him (I’m sure there is a very good reason).

    It appears to me to be the same Hanhagah, just different issues which coincide in furthering each Godol’s lifework
    …[vhameivin yovin]

  21. Pashuteh Yid [28],

    Besides the clear words of R’ Moshe you can also see that the Torah assured it, which means it’s overcomable.

    Think of it as a sickness, a problem that calls for help in form of rehab, theropy etc. but not recognition as a healthy way of life.

    Get it?

  22. MDS:
    Convince yourself of what you’d like. Rabbi Miller was a daas yochid on certian issues. That’s a fact. Maybe you have a right to side with him.

  23. MDS:

    You can believe whatever you’d like. Any time Gedolei Yisroel disagree with your position, they didn’t know the facts; when tehy agree with you, that’s when they were aware of the emes. As someone once said of people who choose what they listen to: “Daas Torah to them is those opinions of Gedolei Yisroel that mediocre minds agree with.”

    To say that the psak of Rav Moshe, Rav Yaakov and their conetemporaries is against Daas Torah is going out on limb. And I daresay a very weak one. Even if Rabbi Miller is on the limb with you.

    Levin is an arrogrant self-promoter of the lowest sort — as Jospeh suggested, read his Hamodiah interview, or watch the clips here on YWN to see for yourself.

  24. For all those who claim that “Rabbi” Levin is supported by Daas Torah, can you name a Godol that supports his actions today? He seems to be a self appointed “askan” that has tremendous enjoyment being “different” and going against everyone else. The rabbinical organization that he claims to represent is dead. Has anyone evey seen any other signatories on his proclamations? Why does he feel that the “issues” facing the nations of the world become our primary issues. Does he not realize that the only reason “abortion” and toeiva marriage is the issue of the day is because: “it does NOT affect MOST people”! I am glad that there are non jews that are against these activities but get real – they are mostly religious when it comes to activities that don’t affect their everyday life. Rabbi Levin however joins the media frenzy regarging these issues, to our communities detriment. Let Rabbi Levin do something productive for our community for a change – not this.

  25. This demonstrates a total naivite on the part of Levin on how politics works in the State of New York.
    Silver represents a “liberal” district. Bruno in the Senate Is from a “conservative” district. These two, together with the governor, basically run the state.
    Silver will allow things to pass that he would be against knowing that Bruno would stop it and vice versa.
    This way, each one keeps their respective constituents happy while, “bottom line” keeping things right.
    This would also apply with regard to “toeiva” laws.

  26. Chevra do you not study our Torah?

    Sheva Mitzvos Bnei Noach includes Arayos including Mishkav Zachor.

    Even a Goy is Metzuve on Arayos, al achas kama vkama a yid in poltical power, see Rambam et al.

    I understand we are not fully ‘in power’ but certainly when we can be poel we should be.

    How can people post that it doesn’t matter. What were 10 billion goyim created for? Yes to serve Hashem!! By keeping Noachide code… so if our nation – especially a medinah shel chessed like the USA – implements Toeiva marriage, you cannot simply call it a ‘civil’ recognition and argue church & state – we as Jews know that Torah covers every aspect of our lives, no separation!

    This is the line we should be taking – that it is osur according to any major religion and certainly any that recognise our bible. SO no our tax dollars and our government (we are also the people!!! We vote and pay taxes!!!) don’t have to agree.

    I bet most Americans DON’T agree – the liberals are in NY, FL, MA etc. but go to any rural area of America and nobody wants this (and they are pro-war/ support the troops a lot more…)

    As for those who talk about people parading aroiund NYC – do you think it will make any difference to what people do anyway in that regard? Plus plenty of Jews doing things in public… you must all live in a bubble.

    I remember a reform ‘rabbi’ was once on the radio saying how the bible doesn’t really prohibit Mishkav Zachor. An Irish catholic called in and said “yes it does, you don’t read yuour bible”
    “No,no, said the ‘Rabbi’, you don’t get it”
    “No YOU don’t get it”
    What a shanda!!! And Chevra, sorry to say, most of the time you see Jewish views/rabbis quoted in the media etc. it is liberal, non-orthodox, anything-goes, civil rights first, pluralist. I don’t know this Rabbi Levin but I do know it is high time we made more noise about what we really believe to the wider world.








  28. art,
    You didn’t read my posts carefuly, their is NO daas Torah that is APPOSED to Rabbi Levines actions.

    I agree his approach and personality is not the best for the job, a job that needs to be done.

  29. “Rabbi Levin has consistently acted with Daas Torah. He was told to do what he has been doing by Rav Avigdor Miller ZTV’L.”

    Last I checked, Rav Avigdor Miller is not alive. Are there any rabbonim that support him these days? I remember Rabbi Levin from 20+ years ago and he was considered a big joke then and had little to no support from the gedolim of that time. Perhaps the reason he is butting heads with Agudah is because the Agudah rabbonim didn’t support him when he was running for public office.

  30. why the double standard here?

    We have a frum politician and famous singer in the local community holding fundraisers for an avowed female toeivah Speaker of the CIty council.
    Go figure how this whole thing works!!!!!

  31. Schweks,
    I read what you wrote. Either you simply assert that any opposition to Levin is not Daas Torah, or that Daas Torah supports him.

    Both of those characterizations are complete and absolute baloney. And that’s what I responded to.

  32. “Silver can’t take in account daas torah while in his position, in voting for secular laws”. quote.

    unbelieveable how crooked daas baal habayis can sometimes be.

    if he can’t take the torah in account one split second of his life due to his career, he should step down!

    He is bound by his religion, and mechuyev to observe all of the 613 mitzvos, even while he is in office. hashem gave no exemptions for politicians to be “Machatie es horabim”.

    And what a chilul hashem is he bringing upon all of klal yisroel, when there are goyishe religious groups fighting against these “shmutz laws”, and here goes Silver, a religious jew, (with the support of the Agudah), and fights for it.


    BTW, for all people asking for the daas torah on Rabbi Levin. yes he has had all the years very big support from many gedolim, including – but not limited to – Rav Avigdor Miller zt”l, Debreciner rav zt”l, Kasho rav zt”l, Skulener rebbe shlita, and many more who choose to remain anonymous.

    Go ahead Rabbi Levin! Do your tafkid, keep it up!

  33. Rabbi Levin has had support from Gedolim in individual cases in the past. It’s unfortunate that most of those gedolim are not around today to tell us if they would support him here. There is no reason for Rabbi Levin or anyone else to assume that since they gave him support in certain cases that he is now a spokesman for Klal Yisroel.

  34. I have not a clue who this Rabbi Levin guy is, or what his motivations in making this rally is, but the man is right. Silver is a disgrace to the Jewish community. You can’t say I support anti sheva mitzvos bnei noiach legislation because I can get a fer more fans in San Francisco. That is a chillul hashem in the highest order.

  35. After seeing the pictures…

    It seems to have been a large protest, held by five Yidden and two police cruisers.

    Since there were more signs than people, no one had to keep the same sign the whole time. Definitely not dull.

  36. shweks,
    I’ll repeat what I started with:
    “Some 25 years ago the well-meaning mechutzaf “rabbi” Levin openly denounced and attacked the decisions of HaGaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein and HaGaon HaRav Yaakov Kamenenetzky, who were then alive and well, becuase they did not jive with what his “Rebbi” supposedly told him. I know because I recall doing extensive research on the matter and then debating the issue with him over the air, until he hung up on me.

    In addition, his ad-hominem attacks against government officials flies in the face of the hadrachah of Gedolei Yiroel Manigei Ha’eidah throught galus.”

  37. to #22 can you be a little more explicit on how “levine offends me and my faith” like which faith are you talking about ,also what pointer of your faith is offended? on this site the faith being presented is the jewish faith as handed down generation after generation all the way to har sinei when the riboni shel olom gave it to bnei yisroel which includes torah s’bal peh and torah s’becsaf among that is mtzvoh 209 regarding this subject (“achrai mos”) now if you dont believe this fact then you are not of the jewish faith(if you mother is jewish you are still physically jewish)on the other hand if you do believe this fact please explain what offends you…now if you are going to start with “this day and age blah, blah..then you are putting youself in the first catagory..the torah is nitzchious and by saying that, you are saying the riboni sel oilom didnt think of the future,which not shayich by him or doesnt understand his handtwork (humans)and thats kefirah of biggest(?) order..by the way regarding the ribni shel oilen there is no such thing as past present ,future

  38. I was really impressed with the fact that all the Rabbanim who support Levin attended the protest — NOT ONE!

    Joseph, Shweks, loyalyid, etc: If you aren’t Levin, wake up and smell teh truth: He’s full of hogwash.

  39. Hey Art!

    I just figured out who you are.

    I will save you the embarrassment, and lay off.

    Bottom line, your “close pals” at the Agudah are a bunch of two-faced lowlifes.

    They do not consult with Gedolim on 99% of the things that they do.

    As a matter of fact, Mr. Gedalia Weinberger spoke with Rabbi Levin on Thursday night for a few hours.

    And he told Rabbi Levin that HE NEVER ASKED IF HE’S ALLOWED TO BRING THIS MUSHCIS INTO HIS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go take your Agudah ‘pals’ and make dinner’s and conventions.
    You guys represent absolutly no one.
    You are irrelivent.

    And to all the jerks who think that Rav Dovid Feinstein supports Shelly Silver – SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!


    Rav Dovid Feinstein said the following to ME a few months ago “Shelly Silver does what he wants”.


  40. art, There is no need for the Gedolei Yisroel to interrupt their serving Klal Yisroel and Torah schedule when the Skulener Rebbe, Debriciner Rav, Rav Miller, etc. authorized Rabbi Levin as their spokesman on these issues.

  41. That Silver calls himself “Orthodox” is a slap at the Torah communities face.

    He should “pull a Lieberman”, and do what Joseph Lieberman did and redefine his so-called religion away from Orthodox and to some undefined “observant.”

  42. art,
    You mean that your whole case that Daas Torah is against him should be based on your word and your research of the story from years ago? your not neemon to pasel him.
    Did any one come out today against him???

    Again, I don’t particuly like the guy, but his message is important.

  43. Art,
    With all your disgust with R’ Levine, do you agree with the fact that he was the one who got the Toeiva march cancled in EY, when others were silant?

    If yes, do you view this as an accomplishment, or are you embarresed by it?

    If it’s a possitive accomplishment, why shouldn’t we give him a ‘Yasher Koach’ for that?

    Again, I don’t particuly like him, but I feel I owe him a ‘Yasher Koach’…

  44. For all of you who think that toeva marriage does not affect the Jewish community, think about all the secular Jews in America. Making this type of marriage legal will convince more and more of these lost souls that the toeva way is okay. Thus the number of Jews who will engage in this abomination will increase.

  45. Sorry people but Rabbi Levin has zero Roshei Yeshiva supporting him. Agudah however has a dais that is full of our greatest leaders. Nice Try but if your are looking for Mesorah don’t look to Rabbi Levin. As far as I remember Agudah functions were always attended by great leaders, from Reb Moshe, to Reb Yaakov, to Rav Gifter, to Rav Pam and yblch’t our greatest Roshei Yeshiva of today. Letters of support from Gedolei Eretz Yisroel are always there as well. Yes, we all know some misled people’s arguments that they are being forced etc. etc. but that is a rediculous accusation to our greated Gedolim.

  46. Shweks,
    I’m basing it on facts. Facts that began decades ago, when he went on the air denouncing the decisions of the Gedolei Yisroel because they did not agree with his position.

    For the record, the Debreciner Rav, whose name he threw around when he was running for office, never supported him, and made that very clear both privately (I was close to him and asked him), and publicly. Despite the fact that the Rav annonced from teh pulpit that his name and signature were being used without his authorization, Levin refused to take the Rav’s name off his posters.

  47. art,

    You’ve been requested multiple times to name one Godol who is on the record as opposing Rabbi Levin, and yet you fail to respond. Leaving the inescapable conclusion that you do not have even ONE Godol on the record as opposed.

    And yet even you admit to at least one on the record Godol Rabbi Levin has supporting him (although you implausibly deny his others.)

    And please do explain how your ”extensive research” purportedly uncovering something no one else is aware of, namely the false charge your hurtled that he attacked Reb Moshe, when the undeniable truth remains that Rabbi Levin follows the position of Reb Moshe in this area.

  48. Bshtei,

    He has! And that is just the point. If someone else argues on Rabbi Levin’s mesorah, that person needs to back himself up.

    Rabbi Levin has named the Gedolim behind him. Agree with those Gedolim or not, if you argue with them then name the Godol who is supposedly opposed to Rabbi Levin.

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