Florida Man Who Killed Unarmed Man Over A Parking Spot Won’t Be Arrested

A Florida sheriff says that he will not arrest a man who killed a man during an argument over a parking space.

The Tampa Bay Times reports that Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri made the announcement Friday about 47-year-old Michael Drejka. Drejka shot and killed 28-year-old Markeis McGlockton a day earlier in a convenience store parking lot.

Authorities say that Drejka confronted McGlockton’s girlfriend about parking in a handicapped space without a permit. Gualtieri said that McGlockton slammed Drejka to the ground, who then pulled out his gun and shot McGlockton in the chest.

Gualtieri said the incident falls under the state’s ‘stand your ground’ law that allows someone to use deadly force if they believe it necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm. He said his office will forward the case to prosecutors for a final decision.


6 Responses

  1. Gualtieri said the incident falls under the state’s ‘stand your ground’ law that allows someone to use deadly force if they believe it necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm. He said his office will forward the case to prosecutors for a final decision.
    Does “stand your ground”
    Also apply to s citizen stopped by a cop and throws driver or pedestrian to the ground for absolutely no reason.? Or are cops exempted from this law?

  2. So basically that tells other gun owners they can simply kill someone who punches them in the face stuff? I’d think the man could’ve simply pulled his weapon out without actually shooting the guy – in the chest! Most people who may resort to violence will quickly back off when facing a guns barrel. Why the need to shoot??

  3. UncleMo: That’s exactly so. There is no objective fact involved. The only consideration is whether the shooter “felt” threatened. It’s a license to commit murder. You can start a fight, taunt me and verbally threaten me until I get angry, then shoot me because you feel “threatened.” One of the Seven Mitzvos bnei Noach is not to fail to set up a justice system. Well, the US is in trouble on that score. Whatever system we’ve got, it doesn’t approach anywhere near the accepted definition of “justice.”

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